Õppematerjal (humanitaar- ja majandusained)
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Sirvides Õppematerjal (humanitaar- ja majandusained) Autor "Rodriquez, John" järgi
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Nimetus Avatud juurdepääs English for Mechanical Engineering: Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)(Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool, 2009) Kuboškina, Galina; Rodriquez, JohnAudience: Students of mechanical engineering, anyone else with an interest in welding technology who would like to improve their ability to read English-language texts in that field and increase their knowledge of related English-language terminology. Description: This module consists of four reading selections taken from a wikipedia article on gas metal arc welding (GMAW), exercises which test comprehension, a glossary, and flashcards for self-review of more difficult words appearing in the text selections. A large number of the words in the texts have been linked to their Estonian translations, which appear in small textboxes when the cursor moves over the terms in question. Objectives: This module is for the most part an exercise in reading comprehension. The large number of translations provided should enable students at a range of levels to make use of it. The flashcards have been provided to help students retain more important terminology.Nimetus Avatud juurdepääs GMAW Circuit Diagram(2021) Rodriquez, JohnBasic GMAW circuit diagram with rollovers showing terms in English.Nimetus Avatud juurdepääs GMAW Torch Nozzle Cutaway(2021) Rodriquez, JohnCutaway of GMAW torch nozzle with rollovers to show the names in English of different elements.Nimetus Avatud juurdepääs GMAW Weld Area(2021) Rodriquez, JohnInteractive llustration of GMAW weld area which shows the names of elements in English.Nimetus Avatud juurdepääs Incoterms 2000: Transfer of risk from the seller to the buyer(Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool, 2009) Rodriquez, JohnInteractive exercise to test recall of incoterm abbreviations.Nimetus Avatud juurdepääs (Very) Simple Flashcards (English - Estonian): GMAW(2009) Rodriquez, JohnSimple (English-Estonian) flashcards for reviewing terms related to GMAW (44 word pairs).