Humanitaar- ja majandusainete keskus
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Sirvides Humanitaar- ja majandusainete keskus Autor "Kuboškina, Galina" järgi
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Nimetus Avatud juurdepääs English for Mechanical Engineering: Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)(Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool, 2009) Kuboškina, Galina; Rodriquez, JohnAudience: Students of mechanical engineering, anyone else with an interest in welding technology who would like to improve their ability to read English-language texts in that field and increase their knowledge of related English-language terminology. Description: This module consists of four reading selections taken from a wikipedia article on gas metal arc welding (GMAW), exercises which test comprehension, a glossary, and flashcards for self-review of more difficult words appearing in the text selections. A large number of the words in the texts have been linked to their Estonian translations, which appear in small textboxes when the cursor moves over the terms in question. Objectives: This module is for the most part an exercise in reading comprehension. The large number of translations provided should enable students at a range of levels to make use of it. The flashcards have been provided to help students retain more important terminology.