Kärdla Põhikooli ehituse organiseerimine



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Käesoleva lõputöö käigus koostati Kärdla põhikooli ehituse organiseerimise projekt uuele koolihoonele. Hoone ehitustöid alustati 20. septembril 2021 välistrasside paigaldamisega ning tööd peaksid lõppema 26. augustil 2022 objekti üleandmisega. Maksimaalselt on objektil korraga 85 töölist. Hoone kogumaksumuseks on arvestatud 5 327 700 eurot+km, millest ehituse organiseerimiskulud on 6% ehk 309 074 eur+km. Objekti aiaga piiratud alale paigutati olme- ja sanitaarsoojakud, materjalide ladustamisala, armeerimistöödeks vajaminev painutusala, valgustustite ja valvekaamerate asukohad ning tehnosüsteemide kättesaamiskohad, mille asukohad on näidatud objekti üldplaanil. Ehituse organiseerimise käigus arvutati välja vajaminevate tehnosüsteemide võimekus ning maksumus, samuti arvestati välja soojakute ning piirdeaiaga seonduvad kulutused. Tehnoloogia osa juures kirjeldati täpsemalt vundamenditöödega seonduvaid tööprotsesse nii vaiamistööde kui rostvärgi rajamise kohta. Välja on toodud tööohutuseeskirjad ning kvaliteedinõuded. Graafilises osas on toodud mõlema tööetapi kohta alusplaanid, lõiked ning väljavõtted kalendergraafikust ning tööjõugraafikust. Kokku rammiti 243 vaia. Müüritööde tehnoloogiakaardis kirjeldatakse müüritise armeerimist ning betoneerimist. Lõputöö andis autorile suurema ülevaate ehituse organiseerimise kohta. Täpsemalt sai selgeks organiseerimisosa detailsus ning mida tuleb antud tööetapis silmas pidada. Tehnoloogilisest osast lähtudes sai autorile selgeks vaivundamentide rajamisel ja müüritöödel tehtavad tööprotsessid ning materjalide-, tööliste-, masinate vajadus.

A student of the Tallinn University of Applied Sciences, building construction curriculum, wrote his thesis on the topic Organizing the Construction of Kärdla Primary School. This thesis reflects the construction of a primary school building at 4 Uus Street, Kärdla, Hiiumaa Municipality. The building to be constructed is a 3261 m2 two-storey school building with 29 classrooms, gym, canteen, hall and other technical and ancillary facilities. In this project, the author has dealt in more detail with the technological process of foundation and masonry work. The annexes also include technology maps, a general plan of the building and a schedule of the construction work. The contracting authority of the site is the rural municipality of Hiiumaa and the main contractor is Ehitus5ECO OÜ. Construction of the building started on 20 September 2021 with the installation of the external routes and should be completed on 26 August 2022 with the handover of the site. The maximum number of workers simultaneously on site is 85. The total cost of the building has been estimated at € 5 327 700

  • VAT, of which the construction organisation costs are 6% or €309 074 + VAT. The explanatory statement of the thesis briefly describes the technical systems of the building, architectural and structural design, costs required to organise the construction work and the lifting mechanisms for carrying out the construction work. Estimation of organisational costs is based on the Eke Nora table, Ratu maps and information from Ehitus5ECO budgeters. In order to calculate the organisational costs, the costs of fencing, site accommodation, and water and energy needed during construction have been calculated. The layout of the construction site is described on the general site plan. The fenced area of the site was used for utility and sanitary facilities, a materials storage area, bending area for reinforcement work, lighting and CCTV camera locations, and access points for technical systems, the locations of which are shown on the general site plan. In the course of organising the construction work, the capacities and costs of the technical systems needed were calculated, as well as the costs of the site accommodation and fencing. In the technology part, the work processes related to the foundation work were described in more detail, both for the piling work and building pile caps. Occupational safety regulations and quality requirements have been set out. In the graphical part, there are base plans, sections, and extracts from the schedule and the workforce schedule for each of the two work stages. In addition to the needed 50 machinery, quality requirements and occupational safety standards, the masonry technology map also describes the masonry reinforcement and concreting technology.



TTK Subject Categories::Ehitus::Hoonete ehitus::Ehitamine::Ehituse organiseerimine
