Kunda hüdroelektrijaama renoveerimine
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Hoone mõõtmisest saadud tulemustega on koostatud joonised, kasutades abivahendina säilinud pilte hüdroelektrijaama vanadest joonistest. Seejärel on objekti visuaalse vaatluse käigus kaardistatud hoone kahjustused ja tehtud nendest ka fotod. Kogutud andmete põhjal on lõputöös kirjeldatud hoone olemasolevat seisukorda. Põhilisteks kahjustusteks, mis halvendavad hoone seisukorda on soolkahjustused, külmakahjustused, karboniseerumine, armatuuri korrosioon ja puidu mädanikkahjustused. Vastavalt olemasoleva seisukorra kirjeldusele ja muinsuskaitse eritingimusele on töös välja pakutud renoveerimislahendused. Põhilised tööd mida tuleb teha katusega on kandekonstruktsiooni renoveerimine, katuselaudise asendamine roovidega, aluskatte paigaldus ja katusekatte vahetus. Katuse kandevkonstrutksiooni jaoks on kindlasti vaja teostada täiendavaid arvutusi dimensioneerimaks fermide ja pärlinite mõõtmed ning kinnitused. Ülejäänud hoone osades tuleb teha hüdroisolatsiooni töid, betooni remonti, tasandusvalu, avatäidete vahetus ja viimistluse parandamist/uuendamist. Järgnevalt on töös kirjeldatud tööde teostamise tehnoloogiat arvestades objekti asukoha keerukust. Välja pakutud lahenduse järgi saavad ehitusmaterjalid objektile kraanaga tõstes. Kaevetöödeks kasutatakse sammekskavaatorit. Fassaadi ja siseseinte krohvimiseks püstitatakse tellingud. Vajalikud on veel soojakud, ajutine elekter ja vesi, mis samuti tagatakse. Tööde teostamisele kulub 14 nädalat mis on saadud EKE NORA ajanorme kasutades. EKE NORA kataloogi kasutades on leitud ka ehitus ja projekteerimistööde ligikaudne maksumus, mis on lõputöö viimaseks peatükiks. Ligikaudne on see seepärast, et kõiki töid pole võimalik ette prognoosida praeguste andmete põhjal. Täpsema hinna saavutamiseks oleks vaja teha põhjalikumad uuringud kahjustuse ulatuse osas (näiteks betooni pH-taseme määramine), mille põhjal prognoosida tehtavate tööde mahtu täpsemalt. Arvestatud sai ka ehitushinna muutumist aastate lõikes kasutades ehitushinna indekseid. Käesoleva lõputöö autorile andis selle koostamine takistuste ületamise oskust ja palju teadmisi valdkondadest milledega töö koostamise käigus kokku puututi. Renoveerimist alustada selle lõputöö põhjal veel ei saa, kuid vähemasti annab see hüdroelektrijaama omanikule ülevaate sellest, et mida annaks hoones olevate kahjustuste kõrvaldamiseks teha. Lisaks saab siit teada missuguseid arvutusi või uuringuid on veel juurde vaja, et projekt oleks terviklik.
The purpose of this thesis was to compose a description of the current condition and offer the renovation solution for Kunda hydroelectric power plant. The load-bearing calculations and the renovation solution for the roof are also offered. The technology of performance of the works was described in this thesis and the costs of the work were calculated. The need for renovation of the hydroelectric power plant is caused by the fact that the owner of the power plant AS Generaator wishes to commission the object with the new equipment. Since Kunda hydroelectric power plant is under heritage protection it is the duty and responsibility of the owner under the law to conserve Kunda hydroelectric power plant in its current condition and scope. Considering the both aspects the need for renovation is clearly justified. Based on the results of measurements the drawings were made. Preserved pictures of old hydroelectric power plant drawings were used. After that during visual inspection of the object the damage inflicted to the building was mapped and respective photographs were made. On the basis of gathered information, the thesis describes the current condition of the building. The main types of damage that worsen the condition of the building include salt damage, frost damage, carbonation, reinforcement corrosion and rot of wood. According to the description of the current state of the building and special conditions with regard to heritage conservation the thesis proposes renovation solutions. The major works to be performed with the roof include renovation of load-bearing structures, replacement of roof decking with roof sheathing, installation of the liner and replacement of roof covering. With regard to the load-bearing structure of the roof, additional calculations for dimensioning of girders and rafters are required. In the remaining parts of the building the following works are to be performed: waterproofing, concrete repairs, leveling with concrete, replacement of doors/windows and repairs/renovation of the finishing. The technology of performance of the works is described considering complexity of location of the object. According to the proposed solution, building materials are to be lifted to the object with a crane. Excavation works are to be performed with a walking excavator. Scaffolding is to be erected for plastering works on the façade and the interior walls. Heaters, temporary electricity and water supply are also necessary and shall be provided. The work can be completed in 14 weeks: this period takes into account EKE NORA time standards. Use of EKE NORA catalogue also allowed establishing approximate cost of construction and design works, which is the topic of the last chapter of the thesis. The cost is approximate since based on the current information it is impossible to forecast all works that might be necessary. In order to get more accurate cost calculations, it is necessary to perform more in-depth studies (such as establishing the pH level of concrete), based on which is will be possible to predict the volume of work to be carried out in more detail. Change of the construction price per year was also calculated using the construction price indices. In the process of working on this thesis the author obtained a lot of skill and knowledge in the respective fields. Renovation still cannot be commenced on the basis of this thesis, but at the very least, the thesis provides the owner of the hydroelectric power plant with the overview of what is to be done to eliminate the damage to the building. In addition, here one can find what calculations or studies are still needed to complete the project.