Rotermanni tehase elevaatori ja kontrollkäigu hoonete lammutustööde ja monoliitsete vahelagede ehitustööde organiseerimisprojekt

dc.contributor.advisorAlt, Aivars
dc.contributor.authorLooskari, Anti
dc.description.abstractKOKKUVÕTE Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks oli lahendada Rotermanni tehase elevaatori ja kontrollkäigu hoonete lammutustööde ja monoliitsete vahelagede ehitustööde organiseerimisprojekt. Töö koostamisel on kasutatud hoone arhitektuurset põhiprojekti, konstruktiivset tööprojekti ja eriosade töö- ning põhiprojekte. Detaileelarve koostamisel on kasutatud AS Oma Ehitaja normtunde ja ühikhinde andmebaase. Töö annab ülevaate Rotermanni tehase hoonete ajaloost, arhitektuursest ülevaatest, ehitustingimustest ja hoone rekonstrueerimisega kaasnevatest kitsendustest ning piirangutest. Töös antakse ülevaade teostavatest töödest. Ehitusmahtude põhjal on leitud tööde tegemisele vajaminev aeg ja tööjõu vajadus. Tööde planeerimise tulemusena on saadud ehitusperioodi kestvuseks 238 tööpäeva. Töös on lahendatud ehitusplatsi töökorraldus, mis sisaldab tõstemehanismide töötsoone, liikumisteid, laoplatse, olmeruume valvet ja tööks vajalike kommunikatsioone. Lisaks on lahendatud katuslae lammutamise ja vahelagede betoneerimise tehnoloogilised töölahendused. Tööde läbiviimiseks on koostatud ehituseorganiseerimise kulude kalkulatsiooni ja detaileelarve. Välja toodud eri töövõttude kitsaskohad ja tööde läbiviimise ohud. Lõputööd saab kasutada Rotermanni kvartalis asuvate elevaatori ja kontrollkäigu hoonete rekonstrueerimistööde korraldamiseks ja lä
dc.description.abstractSUMMARY „ The Organising Project of the Construction Works of the Demolition and the Construction of the Monolithic Ceilings of the Elevator and Control Inspection Buildings of the Rotermann Factory“ The title of the present thesis is The Organising Project of the Construction Works of the Demolition and the Construction of the Monolithic Ceilings of the Elevator and Control Inspection Buildings of the Rotermann Factory. The subject of the current thesis is the reconstruction works of the elevator and control inspection buildings of the factory belonging to the historic industrial complex located in the centre of Tallinn in the Rotermann Quarter at Rotermann 4 and 2. The subject of the thesis was chosen due to the fact that the author of the thesis worked on the site as the construction manager and organiser before writing this thesis. The reconstruction of the building is performed by AS Oma Ehitaja and the estimated completion date is January 2016. The reconstructed buildings are the brightest example of the industrial buildings and industrial architecture from the beginning of the 20th century in Estonia. There are no other industrial buildings preserved from that period in Estonia. The elevator and control inspection buildings are the most important buildings of the 20th century grain export industry in Tallinn and Estonia in terms of the Estonian economic and cultural history. In addition, the elevator building is the most unique and expressive building in the historic Rotermann Quarter. In the course of compiling the organising project, architectural and constructive projects have been used which have been made in collaboration with KOKO arhitektid OÜ and Inseneribüroo Pike OÜ. In addition, the author of the thesis has used AS Oma Ehitaja experts to prepare the work resources plan and the budget of the project. The objective of the thesis is to give an overview of the brief history of the buildings, the architectural solutions, the demolition works involved in the reconstruction of the building, the constructive structure and the organising and conducting of the monolithic concrete works. The author has compiled an organising plan of the construction site and a time schedule in order to give a better overview of the project. In addition, technological cards have been made for the demolition works, concrete works and for the lifting equipment. The thesis includes the detailed budget of the construction project with total estimated cost and the construction organisation cost calculation that gives a good overview of the required expenditures. The current thesis can be used to organise and conduct the reconstruction works of the elevator and control inspection buildings of the Rotermann Quarter. This project includes the bottlenecks of different work processes and the specialities of working on high altitudes.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationConstruction--Building Construction--Constructionen
dc.subject.classificationConstruction--Building Constructionen
dc.subject.classificationConstruction--Building Construction--Construction--Organization of constructionen
dc.subject.classificationEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamineet
dc.subject.classificationEhitus--Hoonete ehituset
dc.subject.classificationEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamine--Ehituse organiseerimineet
dc.subject.otherHoonete ehituset
dc.subject.otherBuilding Constructionen
dc.titleRotermanni tehase elevaatori ja kontrollkäigu hoonete lammutustööde ja monoliitsete vahelagede ehitustööde organiseerimisprojekt
dc.title.alternative„ The Organising Project of the Construction Works of the Demolition and the Construction of the Monolithic Ceilings of the Elevator and Control Inspection Buildings of the Rotermann Factory“
