Tigas, TaanielRoodi, Raimo2021-03-172021-03-172015https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/1094Selles töös on projekteeritud mootorrataste ja väikesõidukite vedamiseks mõeldud langetatav kerghaagis. Võrreldes olemasolevate haagistega, on projekteeritud haagisele võimalik mootorrattaga palju ohutumalt peale sõita kui olemasolevatele kallutavatele haagistele, kuna projekteeritud haagise kaldenurk on vaid 5 kraadi. Müüdavate alternatiivsete kallutavate haagiste nurk on umbes 15 kraadi. Peamiselt on lahendatud haagise silla ehitusega seonduvaid probleeme, sest arvestades kõiki selles töös väljapakutud lahendusvariante, osutus sillaehitus kõige olulisemaks kriteeriumiks haagise maadligi laskmisel. Lõplikus lahenduses on välja pakutud süsteem, kus mõlemal haagise rattal on oma õhksilinder, mis liigutab rattaõlga sõidu- ja laadimisasendi vahel. Selline lahendus on kõige sobivam, sest silindril on pikem liikumismaa kui õhkpadjal ja selle tõttu on haagise tõstmiseks vaja vähem jõudu. Ühtlasi täidab silinder ka vedrustuse ülesannet. Silindriga tõstmine on ka kõige mugavam ja kasutajasõbralikum, sest see toimub vaid ühe nupuvajutusega. Põhimõtteliselt on haagisel sild, mille rattaid saab haagise suhtes üles-alla liigutada. See tagabki haagise maadligi laskmise võimaluse. Haagise omahind 2310 eurot kujunes märgatavalt kallimaks olemasolevatest alternatiivtoodetest, kuid kuna tootel on veidi teistsugune sihtgrupp, siis on hind siiski vastuvõetav. Põhilised komponendid, mis maksumust tõstavad on seotud õhksüsteemiga, mida alternatiivtootjad ei kasuta, ja sellepärast on nende haagised ka odavamad. Kuna õhksüsteem lisab haagisele sõidukite laadimisel olulist mugavust ja turvalisust, siis on loota, et tarbijad selle ka omaks võtavad. Töö eesmärk ei olnud teha kõige odavamat haagist, kuid siiski on veel palju võimalusi hinda märgatavalt odavamaks muuta just töö ja valmistoodete maksumuse pealt. Projekteeritud kerghaagis vastab töö sissejuhatuses püstitatud ülesandele. Haagist on võimalik ühe nupulevajutusega mugavalt ja ohutult maadligi lasta ja mootorrataste või väikesõidukitega turvaliselt peale sõita. Haagise laadimisasendi kaldenurk on 5 kraadi, mis on olemasolevatest kallutavatest haagistest rohkem kui kolm korda parem tulemus. Õhksilindritega allalastavaid kerghaagiseid teadaolevalt praegu ei toodeta ja selline lahendus on seepärast üsna uudne. Võimalus selliseid haagiseid toota oleks küllaltki reaalne.In the present practical work a light trailer that can be brought close to the ground, for the purpose of transporting motorcycles and small vehicles, has been designed. It is possible to get access on the newly-designed trailer with a motorbike more safely than on existing tipping trailers because the load angle of the designed trailer is only five degrees, whereas the load angle of alternative tipping trailers is approximately 15 degrees. Mainly, problems associated with the construction of a trailer axle have been solved, as concerning all the proposed solution variants in this paper, the construction of an axle turned out to be the most important criterion in bringing the trailer close to the ground. The final solution is a system in which each trailer tire has an air cylinder which moves the tire shoulder between the drive and the load positions. This solution is the most appropriate, since the cylinder has a longer moving distance than an air cushion, and thanks to this, less power is needed to lift the trailer. Besides, the cylinder fulfils the function of suspension. Lifting with the cylinder is the most convenient and user-friendly, because it needs only a press of the control button. Basically, the trailer has an axle, the tires of which can be moved up and down in relation to the trailer. This ensures the ability to bring the trailer close to the ground. The cost price of this trailer, 2310 euros, is considerably higher than that of existing alternative products, but as it has a slightly different target group, the price is still acceptable. The main components that increase the cost are related to the air system that is not used by alternative manufacturers, and therefore their trailers are cheaper. The air system adds significant comfort and safety to the trailer when vehicles are being loaded, thus, hopefully, consumers approve it. The aim of the practical work was not to make the cheapest trailer, but there are still a lot of ways to reduce the price considerably at the expense of work and cost of end products. The designed light trailer meets the aims set up in the introduction of the paper. It is possible to lower the trailer close to the ground safely and conveniently for ride-on and drive-on access with a single press of the control button. The load angle of the loading position of the trailer is five degrees, which is the result more than three times better than that of available tipping trailers. Light trailers lowered by air cylinders are not currently produced yet, and this solution is therefore innovative. The possibility to start manufacturing such trailers is quite real.Transport--Automotive Engineering--CATIA ProgramTransport--Automotive Engineering--Car Construction--Special-purpose VehiclesTransport--Autotehnika--CATIA programmTransport--Autotehnika--Autode ehitus--EritranspordivahendidAutotehnikaAutomotive EngineeringLangetatava kerghaagise projekteerimineDesign of a Lowerable Light-Weight Trailerthesis