Paane, PeeterLuiga, Karel2021-03-172021-03-172018äesolevas lõputöös arvutati kütteta laohoone erinevaid kandvaid elemente kandepiirseisundis. Eesmärgiks oli leida töötavad lahendused ja kontrollida nende sobilikust erinevates arvutusskeemides. Leitud lahenduste põhjal on koostatud ka orienteeruv kalkulatsioon lahenduste erinevuste põhjal. Erinevus seisneb posti tööskeemis – kord on tal ülal horisontaaltugi, kord on arvutatud konsoolina. Tulemuseks on saadud, et hoone maksumuse seisukohast on mõistlikum investeerida katusekonstruktsiooni jäikussidemetesse, sest lisanduv teras maksab vähem kui massiivsem betoonkonstruktsioon. Sellest tulenevalt oleks võimalik optimeerida ka muid kulusid ehitamisel. Näiteks saaks postide monteerimiseks kasutada väiksemat kraanat. Ilmselt väheneks ka töö tegemiseks vajalik aeg ja seeläbi oleks töö lõplik maksumus veelgi väiksem.The purpose of the current graduation thesis is to desing and calculate the main structural elements of an unheated warehouse in their limit state. This thesis will consist of calculations of steel elements as well as elements made of reinforced concrete with the purpose of assessing the optimality of the structural elements chosen. Choices will be based on different calculation schemes. The optimality of the structural elements and their calculation schemes will be determined by the amount of materials used, the level of difficulty of building these and the cost of construction. The assessment will be indirect since the purpose of this thesis is not the creation of a detailed estimation of construction cost. Structural steel elements that will be calculated consist of load-bearing sheets, beams, trusses, ties and struts. The selection of the steel elements is based on a theoretical and a practical approach. The selection of steel elements will be based on their limit state. The designs and calculations of connections of steel elements between each other or to other load bearing elements is not a subject of the present thesis. The reinforced concrete elements that will be calculated consist of columns and foundations. Calculations will comprise finding the load bearing capacities of columns with different fastening conditions and different calculation schemes. Based on the results, appropriate foundations will be calculated and designed. The results of the calculations show that improving a column’s rigidity using steel ties and struts in the steel structural elements of the roof will enable the usage of more slender columns and smaller foundations. This means that the cost of construction will decline drastically since the cost of the steel needed to improve the rigidity of the entire structure, is exceedingly smaller than the amount of reinforced concrete that would otherwise provide the same results.Construction--Building Construction--Structural Design--Reinforced Concrete StructuresConstruction--Building ConstructionConstruction--Building Construction--Structural DesignConstruction--Building Construction--Structural Design--Steel StructuresEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Tarindite projekteerimine--RaudbetoonkonstruktsioonidEhitus--Hoonete ehitusEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Tarindite projekteerimineEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Tarindite projekteerimine--TeraskonstruktsioonidHoonete ehitusBuilding ConstructionKütteta lao põhielementide kujundamine ja arvutamineDesigns and Calculations of the Main Struvtural Elements of an Unheated Warehousethesis