Kaasik, AndreJuurik, Kaspar2021-03-172021-03-172020https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/2874Lõputööga koostati lao- ja büroohoone ehituse organiseerimise projekt. Koostati detailne eelarve tabel, milles toodi ära tööde nimetused, mahud, tööde kestvused päevades ja maksumused. Selle põhjal koostati koondkalenderplaan, mis annab ülevaate tööjõu vajadusest ehitusplatsil päevade lõikes ning kui kaua ehitus aega võtab. Ehitustöödega alustatakse 20.01.2020 ja lõpetatakse 30.06.2020. Kokku võtab ehitus aega 163 päeva ehk 5 kuud ja 11 päeva. Autor koostas ka ehitusplatsi üldplaani, kus on näidatud ära soojakute paiknemine, rajatav hoone, objekti piirdeaed, ajutised teed ja prügikonteinerid. Tehtud on kalkulatsioon ehituse organiseerimise kulude määramiseks. Organiseerimiskulud võtavad 13,95% ehitise üldisest eelarvest. Lisaks on koostatud montaažitööde ja põrandatööde tehnoloogiakaardid. Tehnoloogiakaartide seletuskirjas kirjeldatakse teostavate tööde läbiviimist. Eraldi on ära toodud peatükid tõstemehhanismide ja töövõtumeetodi kohta. Kõige viimaseks on ülevaade töö- ja tuleohutuse ning keskkonnakaitse tagamise plaani kohta.The goal of this thesis was to organise the construction of a warehouse and office building. The building is located in Harju County, Rae Rural Municipality, Peetri Village, at the address of Läike tee 32-3. It is a construction site of AS Merko Ehitus Eesti and the client ordering the construction works is Mave Varahalduse OÜ. The author had access to the drawings and the specification concerning the site. For the building’s budget, the budget volumes prepared by AS Merko Ehitus Eesti’s budgeter were used. The thesis was prepared on the basis of the manual “Ehituse organiseerimise teemaliste lõputööde” of TTK University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Civil Engineering. With this thesis, a project to organise the construction works of a warehouse and office building was developed. A detailed budget table was prepared, listing the names and scopes of the works, their durations in days, and their costs. Based on that, a summary calendar schedule was prepared, providing an overview of the daily need for labour force at the construction site and the time needed for completing the construction works. The construction works are planned to start on 20 January 2020 and to be completed on 30 June 2020. The total duration of the construction works is 163 days i.e. 5 months and 11 days. The author has also prepared a summary plan of the construction site, indicating the locations of worker cabins, the building being erected, the site’s perimeter fence, temporary roads and waste containers. A calculation was made to determine the costs of organising the construction works. The organising costs make up 13.95% of the total budget for the constructions. Additionally, the technology maps of assembly works and floor works were prepared. The specification of the technology cards describes the works to be performed. The specification includes separate chapters about lifting mechanisms and the method of contracting. The last part of the thesis is an overview of the plan for ensuring occupational health and safety and environment protection.Construction--Building Construction--Construction--Organization of constructionEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamine--Ehituse organiseerimineHoonete ehitusBuilding ConstructionLao- ja büroohoone ehituse organiseerimineOrganizing the construction of the warehouse and office buildingthesis