Roots, RuuboKaurit, Cedrik2021-03-172021-03-172019öö käigus lahendati probleem, mis tulenes ettevõtte soovist arendada rohkem automatiseeritud avamise lahendus olemasolevale avatava konteinerveoki süsteemile. Projekteeritud hüdrauliline avamismehhanism täitis ettevõtte peamise eesmärgi – süsteem suutis täita oma ülesannet ja mahtus olemasolevasse paigaldustaskusse konteineri seinas ning avatava põranda alla. Hüdrosüsteem projekteeriti komplektina, mida saab lisada olemasoleva konteineri mudelisse, komplekt koosneb kolmest hüdraulilisest silindrist, silindrite otste kinnitamiseks projekteeritud kronsteinidest ning lisadetailideks süsteemide ühendamiseks ning kinnitamiseks. Avamissüsteem ühildub juba olemasoleva hüdraulilise nivelleerimisjalgade hüdrojaamaga ning hüdrosüsteemi kontrolleriga. Kinnituskronsteinid disainiti roostevabast terasest (AISI 304), mille voolavuspiir on 215 MPa. Kronsteinidele mõjuv maksimaalne jõud on 55MPa, seega detailid kannatavad tekkivaid koormuseid mitmekordse varuga. Leiti sobiv lahendus disainile, mis on sobilik ettevõttele MDSC Systems. Lõputöö eesmärk sai täidetud ning automaatne hüdrauliline avamissüsteem sai projekteeritud, mis saab olema valikuvõimaluseks lisaks olemasolevatele õhkamortide lahendusele järgnevates tellitavates pealisehitise projektides.During the work process, a solution was found for a problem that was requested to be solved by the company MDSC Systems. The request was to design an automated deployment system for an existing manually deployed container solution that is produced by MDSC Systems. The designed automated deployment solution fulfilled all the requirements and it can be fitted in the existing prototype without major modifications. The hydraulic system was designed as a feature that can be selected instead of the existing airsuspension supported deployment system. The hydraulic kit consists of three hydraulic cylinders, connection brackets to connect the ends of the cylinders to the container and additional connecting parts to connect the hydraulic system. The deployment system is compatible with the existing hydraulic levelling system already designed into the prototype, meaning that the deployment system can be connected into the hydraulic power station and controller. The connection brackets were designed out of stainless steel (AISI 304 Grade) which has a yield strength of 215 MPa. The maximum force applied to the brackets is 55 MPa, meaning that the parts can withstand the applied forces in the system with a safety margin. A suitable solution was found, that was acceptable for MDSC Systems. The goal of the thesis was achieved and an automated deployment solution was designed, that will become an option, in addition to the existing manual air-suspension assistance option, that customers can choose when ordering their deployable container solution from MDSC Systems.Mechanical Engineering--Product DevelopmentMehaanika--TootearendusMasinaehitusMechanical EngineeringAvatava konteiner-veoki soojaku automatiseeritud avamislahendusAutomated hydraulic deployment system for a deployable container solutionthesis