Alt, HelgePohlak, Maris2021-03-172021-03-172021õputöö eesmärgiks oli uurida 40 tualettruumi ja analüüsida nende koristuskvaliteeti vastavalt standardi EVS 914:2020 metoodikale. Püüti välja selgitada, millised on tualettruumides kõige sagedamini puhastamata jäetud kohad ja millistes hoone tüüpides esineb puhastamata tualettruumidega kõige enam probleeme. Uuritavatest tualettruumidest 15-es rakendati vastavat metoodikat ja 25-s mitte, mille põhjal tehti lõputöös samuti järeldused. Tulemuste põhjal võib öelda, et avalikkes tualettruumides olid peamised puhastamata kohad paberija seebidosaatorid. Põhjus võib seisneda selles, et need kohad on raskesti märgatavad või ei ole nende puhastamises kokku lepitud. Lisaks seebi- ja paberidosaatorile oli kaubanduskeskuste ja söögikohtade tualettruumides puhastamata jäänud segistid. Puhastatud kohad olid põrand, seinad ja ukseserv kuna need on lihtsamini märgatavad ja silmale oluliselt nähtavamad. Puhastamata tualettruumide poolest paistsid silma kaubanduskeskused kui ka söögikohad. Tanklate ja jaamahoonete tualettruumid olid puhtamad. Standardi EVS 914 seisukohast olid oluliselt puhtamad tualettruumid need kus seda rakendati võrreldes nendega kus seda ei rakendatud. Kontrolli läbinud tualettruumides oli vaid paaris kohas paberi- ja seebidosaatorid mustad ja üksikust kohast ka segisti. Põranda, seina ja ukseservaga enamasti probleeme ei täheldatud. Standardi EVS 914:2020 rakendamine annab nii teenuse pakkujale kui teenuse tarbijale mitmeid eeliseid. Kõige olulistemaks võib pidada koristuskvaliteedi paranemist kuna keskendutakse tulemusele, mitte sooritusele. Samuti säästetakse aega ja raha, mida saab suunata hoopis teenuse arendamisse.The aim of the thesis was to study 40 toilets and analyze their cleaning quality according to the methodology of the standard EVS 914: 2020. An attempt was made to find out which areas of the restrooms are most often not cleaned and which types of buildings have the most problems with uncleaned restrooms. In 15 of the studied toilets, the corresponding methodology was applied and in 25 it was not, on the basis of which conclusions were also drawn in the dissertation. Based on the results, it can be said that the main uncleaned places in the public toilets were paper and soap dispensers. This may be because these areas are difficult to spot or have not been agreed on to be cleaned. In addition to the soap and paper dispenser, there were uncleaned faucets in the toilets of shopping malls and restaurants. The cleaned areas were the floor, walls and door edge as they are easier to notice and much more noticeable to the eye. In terms of uncleaned toilets, shopping malls as well as eateries stood out. Toilets in petrol stations and station buildings were cleaner. From the point of view of the EVS 914:2020 standard, significantly cleaner toilets were those where it was applied compared to those where it was not applied. In the inspected toilets, the paper and soap dispensers were dirty in only a few places and the faucet in a few places. In most cases, no problems were observed with the floor, wall and door edge. The implementation of the standard EVS 914: 2020 provides several advantages for both the service provider and the service consumer. Improving the quality of cleaning can be considered the most important because the focus is on the result, not the performance. It also saves time and money that can be spent on developing the service insteadOtherMuuKinnisvara korrashoidFacilities ManagementTulemuslik puhastusteenus avalike tualettruumide näitelEffective cleaning service on the example of public restroomsthesis