Mering, HeitiMaas, ReneArulaan, Karl Robert2023-05-122023-05-122023-05-12 transpordisektoris on väga tihe konkurents ning klientide ootused teenuse kvaliteedile ning klienditeenindusele tõusevad. See on pannud väikeettevõtted keerulisse olukorda, sest ressursid investeeringuteks on piiratud seoses madala kasumiga. Samas teavad kõik, et oluline on käia ajaga kaasas ning pakkuda oma klientidele teenust, mida nad soovivad. Kogu maailmas on hetkel toimumas digitaliseerimine erinevates sektorites, mis võimaldab parendada protsesse ning kaotada ebaefektiivsed tegevused. Väikeste transpordiettevõtete jätkusuutlikkuse jaoks on oluline, et kõik võtaks osa digitaliseerimisest. Sellest eemale jäämine võib tähendada kliendisuhete lõppemist ning ettevõtte pankrotti. Lõputöö esimeses peatükis tehti ülevaade maantee- ja ekspressvedude teoreetilisest küljest. See aitas seletada Deliverest OÜ teenuseid, mida tutvustatakse töö järgmistes osades. Samuti kirjeldati klienditeeninduse ning transpordikulude rolli transpordiettevõtetes. Digitaliseerimise punktis tutvustati kaubavedude teoreetilist osa, millest koosneb suurem osa antud lõputöö uurimisest. Antud teoreetilised teadmised on olulised, et mõista nüansse, mis tekivad seoses erinevustega tarkvarade funktsioonides. Iga ettevõtte jaoks on oluline täita oma klientide ja omanike poolt püstitatud eesmärke. Kvaliteetse teenuse eelduseks on korralik klienditeenindus. Klienditeenindus algab tellimuse jõudmisest ning lõppeb järelteenindusega pärast tellimuse teostamist. Sagedasti eelistatakse väikeettevõtete käest teenuse tellimist, sest nemad suudavad pakkuda kliendi jaoks vajalikku paindlikkust. Samas eeldavad kliendid, et ka väikeettevõtte peab pakkuma nende poolt oodatud operatiivset ning toimivat klienditeenindust. Digitaliseerimisel on oluline roll, et parandada ettevõtete klienditeeninduse kvaliteeti, sest jäävad ära mitmed ressursimahukad protsessid ning seeläbi on võimalik rohkem panustada aega klienditeenindusele. Transpordi haldamise süsteem on oluline tööriist erinevate sektorite ettevõtete jaoks. See võimaldab kauba omanikel väiksema ajakuluga jälgida oma saadetisi ja laadimisi. Samas vedajad ning ekspediitorid kasutavad antud tarkvara, et hallata oma tellimusi ning jälgida kogu protsessi planeeritud toimimist. Hetkel on antud tarkvarad pigem kasutusel suurettevõtete poolt, kuid samas on investeeringud tarkvara kasutamiseks muutunud viimastel aastatel oluliselt väiksemaks ning seeläbi tekitanud ka võimaluse väikeettevõtetele. Transpordiahela ideaalseks toimimiseks peaksid transpordi haldamise süsteemi kasutama nii kaubaomanikud kui ka vedajad, sest see vähendaks oluliselt andmevahetuse kiirust ning parandaks kvaliteeti. Lõputöö aluseks võeti väike transpordi ettevõte Deliverest OÜ. Töö uurimuslikus osas kaardistati hetkel toimivad protsessid. Tänu sellele oli võimalik tuvastada kitsaskohad ning analüüsida, mis protsesside puhul oleks võimalik enim efektiivsust tõsta. Kaardistamise tulemusena selgus, et hetkel toimub ettevõttes väga palju dubleerimist. Lisaks on andmevahetus klientide ja vedajatega on aeglane ning vigaderohke. Antud probleemide tõttu on logistiku töömaht liiga kõrge. Seda tuleks oluliselt vähendada, et oleks võimalik ühe logistikuga tõsta ettevõtte käivet ja kasumit. Autor viis läbi ka vaatluse, et hinnata igale protsessile kuluvat aega ning hinnata hetkel toimuvate protsesside kulutusi. Lõputöö käigus viidi läbi küsitlus seoses Deliverest OÜ klientide valmisolekuga kasutada digitaalseid lahendusi. Ligi 90% klientidest olid arvamusel, et väikeste transpordiettevõtete digitaliseerituse tase on madal ning nad tõid välja, et ootavad kindlasti muutusi. Kõik kliendid märkisid, et nende jaoks on digitaliseeritud lahendustega ettevõte eelistatum, kuid 50% neist mainis, et see ei ole praegusel hetkel määrava tähtsusega ning digitaliseeritus ei tohiks muuta ettevõtet liiga bürokraatlikuks. Uurimuse raames valiti välja kolm vedajale mõeldud transpordi haldamise süsteemi lahendust, mida hakata kasutama Deliverest OÜ tarkvarana. Valikus oli kaks Eestis loodud lahendust - GSMTasks ja Cargo Keep ning Rootsi pika ajalooga Opter. Opter on väga võimekas ning laia funktsioonivalikuga tarkvara, kuid langes valikust välja seoses liiga kõrge hinnaga. Cargo Keep ning GSMTasks jäid võrdluses sarnasele tasemele. Uuringu käigus selgus, et GSMTasks vajaks arvestatavat investeeringut, et arendada antud süsteem vajalikuks transpordi haldamise tarkvaraks. Cargo Keep on valmis toode, mis ei vaja lisainvesteeringuid ning arvestades, et vabad ressursid arendustegevuseks on pigem väiksed, siis osutus valituks Cargo Keep tarkvara. Digitaliseeritud transpordi haldamise süsteemi kasutamine võimaldaks logistikul omada pidevat ülevaadet tellimuste ning nende täitmise kohta. See võimaldaks oluliselt kiirendada andmevahetust ning kindlustaks korrektsed tellimused, mille on süsteemi lisanud kliendid. Samuti oleks autojuhtidel võimalik saada täpne info tellimuste kohta oma autojuhirakendusest, mis võimaldaks kiiremat tellimuste täitmist. Süsteem võimaldaks analüüsida klientide kasumlikust ning autojuhtide töökiirust, mille alusel on võimalik teha prognoose järgnevateks perioodideks. Tarkvara annaks ka mitmeid eeliseid klientidele ning parandaks teenusekvaliteeti ning klienditeenindust nende silmis. Süsteemi kasutades näeksid nad oma tellimuste seisu ning saaksid selle alusel planeerida oma tootmist. Transpordi haldamise süsteemi kasutamine võimaldaks ettevõttet muuta oluliselt efektiivseks. Tekiks võimalus tõsta käivet umbes 50% ning seeläbi ka kasvatada kasumimarginaali ligi kolm korda. Lõputöö käigus saadud lahendused on olulised Deliverest OÜ arenguks. Välja pakutud lahendus aitab muuta ettevõtte protsessid efektiivsemaks ning vähendada vigade hulka. Autori hinnangul said töö eesmärgid täidetud.Since the start of the 21st Century transportation and logistics companies have started with digitalization to reduce their costs and raise efficiency. Because of the tight competition in the transportation sector and profit margins being on the low side, many companies try to find solutions to differentiate themselves from other businesses. The first to start digitalizing were larger companies, because the cost of digitalizing was higher and they had the ability to create personalized solutions. The author thinks that smaller transportation companies currently have the most issues, since they are not digitalized enough and do not have a clear plan on how to carry out the needed changes. Everyone knows how important it is to get with the times and provide their customers the best service. Digitalization is currently taking place in different sectors around the world, which allows to improve processes and lose ineffective methods that are currently in use. It is important for the sustainability of small transportation companies that everyone takes part in digitalization. Neglecting digitalization might mean the end of customer relations and the bankruptcy of the company. The aim of this thesis is to map and analyze the transport systems currently used in the company and to find a more effective and safer solution. During this all stages are analyzed and the advantages and disadvantages are pointed out. After the analysis solutions that can be used in the company are proposed. In order to achieve the goal, the following research tasks have been set: • Analyze the working company processes and map the bottlenecks. • Map the different transport management systems and compare them. • Carry out a survey with customers and analyze the results. • Choose the best software based on the needs of the company and customers. • Reach a conclusion and suggest a plan on how to carry out the digitalization of the company. The first chapter of this thesis focused on the theoretical side of road and express transportation. This helped explain Deliverest OÜ services which are introduced in the next chapters. The role of customer service and transportation costs were also covered. The part about digitalization introduced the theoretical part of deliveries which is also a main part of this thesis. This theoretical knowledge is important to understand the nuances that stem from different software functions. It is important for every company to reach the goals set by their customers and owners. Quality service requires proper customer service. Customer service starts when the order arrives and ends with the follow-up service after the order has been fulfilled. Smaller companies are often preferred, as they are able to provide the necessary flexibility for the customer. Customers also expect that a small company has to be able to provide an operative and functional customer service. Digitalization has an important role in improving the quality of customer service, as many resource intensive processes are eliminated and through this more time can be invested to further improve customer service. A transport management system is an important tool for companies in various sectors. This allows the owners of the goods to track their shipments and loadings with less time. At the same time, carriers and forwarders use this software to manage their orders and monitor the planned operation of the process. At the moment, such softwares are mainly used by large companies, but the investments needed to use them have become significantly smaller and this creates an opportunity for smaller companies. For the transport chain to function perfectly, both the owners of the goods and carriers should use a transport management system, as this would significantly improve the quality and speed of data exchange. The thesis was based on a small transport company Deliverest OÜ. In the research part of this thesis, the processes currently in use were mapped. Thanks to this, it was possible to identify the bottlenecks and analyze which processes can be improved the most. As a result of mapping the processes, it turned out that there is currently a lot of duplication in the company. In addition, data exchange with customers and carriers is slow and prone to errors. Due to these issues, the logisticians workload is too high. Workload should be significantly reduced in order to be able to increase the turnover and profit of the company with one logistician. The author also conducted an observation to estimate the time spent on each process and to estimate the costs of the processes currently in use. During the thesis, a survey was conducted regarding whether Deliverest OÜ customers would be ready to use digital solutions. Almost 90% of customers had the opinion that the level of digitalization is low for small companies and pointed out that they expect changes in this regard. All customers stated that a company that uses digitalized solutions is preferred, but 50% of them also stated that this is currently not the most important factor, and digitalization should not make a company too bureaucratic. During this study, three transport management systems that are meant for carriers were selected to be used in Deliverest OÜ. Among the options were two systems made in Estonia – GSMTasks and Cargo Keep, but also Opter which has a long history in Sweden. Opter is very capable and has a wide range of functions, but not selected due to the high price. Cargo Keep and GSMTask were on a similar level. The study revealed that GSMTasks would need a considerable investment to develop this system into the needed transport management system. Cargo Keep is a ready-made product that does not require additional investments and the resources needed for development are small, which is why Cargo Keep was chosen. Using a digitalized transport management system would help a logistician keep constant track over orders and their progress. This would make it possible to significantly speed up data exchange and ensure that the orders which customers have added to the system are correct. Drivers would also be able to get accurate information about the orders from their driver’s app, which would speed up order fulfillment. The system would make it possible to analyze how much profit a customer provides and the speed at which drivers work, which would in turn help make forecasts for subsequent periods. The system would also bring many benefits to customers while improving both the quality of the service and customer service. By using the system customers would be able to see the status of their orders and plan their own production based on it.etTransport::KaubaveduTransport ja logistikaVäikeste transpordiettevõtete digitaliseerimine Deliverest OÜ näitelDigitalisation of small transportation companies on the example of Deliverest OÜlõputöö