Tammaru, EnnRaido KivinurmKriisa, Marju2021-03-172021-03-172016https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/1585Tilgu sadama hüdrotehnilise osa rajamise eesmärkideks oli planeerida tööd maapinnalt ja valmivatelt kehanditelt, anda rajatisele ehitusaeg ja –maksumus ning lahendada põhjamuuli ja vertikaalse seina rajamise tehnoloogia. Tilgu sadama hüdrotehnilise osa rajamise perioodiks on planeeritud koondkalendri alusel 31.05.2017 – 25.05.18 ehk 12 kuud. Ehituse kõige mahukamal tööperioodil on korraga töö kuni 30 töömeest. Vastavalt töömahukuse tipphetke tööjõuvajadusele on dimensioneeritud vee- ja elektrivarustus. Lõputöö raames koostatud eelarve põhjal kujunes ehituse käibemaksuga kogumaksumuseks 12,9 miljonit eurot, millest 4% moodustavad organiseerimise kulud. Tehnoloogia osas lahendati põhjamuuli ja vertikaalse seina rajamine. Nende rajatiste tehnoloogia on oluline, sest põhjakaldakindlustis koos põhjamuuliga kaitsevad kogu sadamarajatist põhjasuunaliste tuulte ja jääründe eest. Kogu ehituse mahus on kaide ja vertikaalse seina rajamine kõige keerukam ja etappide mahukam protsess. Lõputöö koostamise käigus sai autor juurde teadmisi sadamaehitusest ja selle korraldamisest. Tänu piiratud organiseerimise võimalustele ja ajalisele piirangule oskab autor edaspidi keerulistes ehituse organiseerimise oludes kitsaskohti, mis takistavad ehituse valmimist. Samuti oskab autor edaspidi rohkem tähelepanu pöörata erioludes tehtavate tööde ajakulu erinevusele võrreldes tavaehitusega. Kokkuvõtvalt saab öelda veel, et seatud eesmärk planeerida ehitustööd täismahus maapinnalt ei ole ehituse ajakulu mõttes kiireim variant. Tuleks kaaluda osade tööde teostamine merepinnalt. Samuti tasuks kaaluda materjalide vedu praamidega või muude meresõiduvahenditega selleks, et vähendada koormust hiljuti renoveeritud Tilgu teele.The objective of this thesis is resolving the organization of the hydrotechnical part of Tilgu port. The contracting authority for the hydrotechnical part of Tilgu port is Harku rural municipality government. Harku rural municipality is applying for additional funding from the measures of developing the network of small ports, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund. Due to the need for additional funding from the European Regional Development Fund, one of the objectives of the thesis is to provide an approximate cost and duration of construction for the hydrotechnical part of Tilgu port based on the preliminary project, as well as establish the possible order of completing works. The overall objective of the thesis is preparing the project of construction organization of the hydrotechnical part of Tilgu port, which conforms to the requirements established by TTK University of Applied Sciences, the procedure for preparing a thesis, and the established basic norms. The thesis is divided into three conventional parts, the first of which describes the existing and planned situation based on basic materials, which are the construction project of the hydrotechnical part of Tilgu port and the appended architectural drawings provided as a preliminary project, prepared by Aavo and Riina Raig. The second part addresses issues related to the cost and organization of construction. This part is prepared based on basic norms of EKE NORA 2012, information received from a consultant, and the author’s own experiences. The budget is prepared based on the standard EVS 885:2005 “Classification of construction costs”. When necessary, the standard is adjusted so that the parts contained in the construction volume fit in the paragraphs of the above standard. Based on the prepared materials, the duration of construction will be 12 months and the maximum need for labour is 30 workers. The cost of construction is 12,9 million euros, 4% of which are the expenses of construction organization. The need for water and electricity during construction has been calculated based on the maximum number of workers and the necessary water and electricity connections during construction are made on the territory of the Tilgu port yacht club. In addition to water and electricity connections, the general plan of the construction site also indicates the temporary roads and squares, the location of barracks and the locations of warehouses and work areas. The third part resolves the technology of the bottom pier and the vertical wall. A more detailed overview is provided of the construction process of the relevant part, the materials and machinery used, and the need for labour to construct the given part in the scope of the part of technology. The safety and quality requirements are also described in this part.Construction--Building Construction--Construction--Organization of constructionEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamine--Ehituse organiseerimineHoonete ehitusBuilding ConstructionTilgu sadama hüdrotehnilise osa ehitusorganiseerimineConstruction Organization of the Hydrotechnical Part of Tilgu Portthesis