Ramjalg, AnneliOjamaa, Martin2021-03-172021-03-172015https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/1207Tööde ajakulu ja mahukuse tabeli alusel on koostatud kalendergraafik, millest lähtuvalt ehitustööde kestvuseks kujunes 11 kuud. Kõrghetkel on objektil tööl 59 töölist ja vastavalt sellele on dimensioneeritud ajutine vee- ja elektrivarustus. Koostatud eelarve põhjal on ehitustööde kogumaksumuseks 4,68 mln eurot, millest ehitustööde organiseerimiskulud moodustavad 4,3%. Leitud külmasildade väärtustega on korrigeeritud kõigi hoonete soojuskadusid, mis suurenesid peamajal 5%, peremajal 8% ja rühmakodu puhul 10%. Rühmakodu näitel arvutati õige brutoenergiavajadus ja soojuskao summa, mille protsentuaalse suurenemise järgi leiti eeldatav energiatõhususarv. Hoone jäi siiski projekteeritud A klassi, kuid tulemuste põhjal on näha, et külmasildadega mittearvestamine on väär. Tehnoloogia kaardi osas lahendati peamaja monteeritavate elementide paigaldustehnoloogia ja valiti tõstetöödeks roomikkraana Coles R600. Kõige keerulisemaks osutus 16 seinapaneeli tõstmine, mille kaal on 14-20,7 t ja asukoht hoone keskel. Need paigaldatakse lisaks tellitava autokraana Liebherr LTM 1045 ja roomikkraana koostööna. Lõputöö koostamise käigus kogus autor uusi teadmisi tööde tehnoloogiatest ning ehituse organiseerimise kohta. Tänu töö kirjutamise käigus avastatud energiaarvutuste vigadele oskab autor tulevases tööelus sellele rohkem tähelepanu pöörata.The aim of the current graduation thesis is organizing the construction works of Kaagvere Special School. In addition, the author has analysed the calculations for energy efficiency rating. The school complex, which is located in Tartumaa Mäksa parish Kaagvere village, consists of eight buildings for accommodation and educational purposes and two outdoor classes. The present thesis is composed based on the basic design created by Esplan Ltd. The energy calculations are made in consultation with Anti Hamburg, lecturer at Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool University of Applied Sciences. In the first part of the graduation thesis, the author describes the general situation on the construction site and the main characteristics of the buildings. Many miscalculations concerning the energy efficiency appeared while examining the project and therefore that topic was also included as one part of the thesis. After correcting the total energy usage and heat losses from thermal bridges for one smaller building, the author concluded that it still meets the requirements for energy efficiency rating A but it is incorrect not to include the effect of thermal bridges in the calculations. Based on the EKE NORA database, the total cost for the construction is 4.68 million euros +VAT from which the costs of organizing the works make up 4.3%. The schedule calendar indicates that the duration of the works is 11 months and the maximum number of workers is 59. Temporary water supply and electricity demand is calculated according to the highest number of workers on the site at one time. The general plan of the construction site displays the locations of the container offices, lights, storage areas, temporary routes and utilities. The schedule for the assembly of the walls and roofs describes the correct working techniques, cranes and the positions of these. Safety requirements for hoisting works are explained at the end of the chapter. The last part of the current graduation thesis presents the general safety and environmental protection requirements for a construction site.Construction--Building Construction--Construction--Organization of constructionEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamine--Ehituse organiseerimineHoonete ehitusBuilding ConstructionKaagvere Erikooli ehitustööde organiseerimineOrganizing the Construction Works of Kaagvere Special Schoolthesis