Luppin, JanekTalivere, Enn-Riiko2023-05-082023-05-082023-05-08õputöös uuriti automaatse hädapidurduse süsteemi toimimist ning selle tulemusel loodi lihtne, madala hinnaga ja võimalikult ohutu AEB süsteemi testimise metoodika. Viidi läbi ka katseid, et aidata kaasa metoodika loomisele ning ka metoodika toimimise kontrollimiseks. Töö esimeses pooles tutvustati AEB süsteemi. Süsteemi toimimiseks vajalikke tehnoloogiaid ning komponente. Veel toodi välja ettevõtte Euro NCAP tegevusvaldkond ning kirjeldati nende poolt seatud kriteeriume automaatse hädapidurduse süsteemi testimiseks ning lühidalt räägiti ka katses kasutatavast katsekehast. Lõputöö teises pooles kirjeldati, kuidas autor lähenes katse metoodika loomisele. Teises pooles kirjeldati ka loodava testi metoodika katsetamist ja tulemusi. Lõpetuseks Toodi välja edasine arendus vajalikkus. Püstitatud eesmärk sai täidetud, kuid mõningaste puudustega. Automaatse hädapidurduse süsteemi testimise metoodika sai loodud. Välja sai mõeldud katse raja ülesehitus. Valmistatud sai piisavalt kerge katsekeha ehk auto makett. Ohutuse tõstmiseks sai metoodikale loodud ka punkt, kus süsteemi mitte toimimisel oleks võimalik veel auto seisma pidurdada või eemale põigata Loodud testi metoodikat katsetati kolme erineva autoga ühestel tingimustel. Kolmest autost kahe puhul toimis testi metoodika. Ühe auto puhul pigem ei toiminud selline metoodika. Lähtudes testi metoodika katse tulemusest tuleks katse metoodikat veel arendada ning katsetada, et testi metoodikat saaks rakendada tehnoülevaatustel, klaasi ettevõtetel või eraisikul oleks võimalik loodud metoodikaga ostetava auto AEB süsteemi kontrollida.The aim of the thesis is to create a testing methodology for an automatic emergency braking system (AEB) to verify its functionality. The main keywords for the methodology to be developed were simplicity, low cost, and safety. The methodology could be applied in various scenarios, such as glass replacement companies, where after replacing the glass and calibrating the cameras, a test could be carried out to ensure the correct operation of the system. It would also be a useful tool for individuals buying a car equipped with AEB, as they could verify the functionality of the system. Additionally, technical inspection points could use this testing methodology to verify the functionality of the system in real-world scenarios. The thesis examined the operation of automatic emergency braking (AEB) system and as a result, a simple, low-cost, and as safe as possible AEB system testing methodology was developed. Tests were conducted to contribute to the creation of the methodology and also to verify its operation. The first part of the thesis introduced the AEB system and the technologies and components necessary for its operation. The Euro NCAP's field of activity was also outlined, and the criteria set by them for testing automatic emergency braking systems were described, as well as briefly discussing the test body used in the experiment. The second part of the thesis described how the author approached the creation of the testing methodology, and also described the testing and results of the methodology. Finally, the need for further development was highlighted. The set goal was achieved, albeit with some shortcomings. The automatic emergency braking system testing methodology was created. The layout of the test track was designed, and a sufficiently lightweight test body, i.e., a car model, was manufactured. To increase safety, a point was added to the methodology where it would be possible to stop the car or swerve away if the system did not function. The developed testing methodology was tested on three different cars under the same conditions. The methodology worked for two of the three cars, but for one car, it did not work as well. Based on the test results of the testing methodology, the methodology should be further developed and tested so that it can be applied in technical inspections, glass companies or by individuals to check the AEB system of a purchased car using the created methodology.etTransport::AutotehnikaAutotehnikaAEB süsteemi testimise metoodikaTesting Methodology for the AEB Systemlõputöö