Hayashi, TomomiElo KiivetŠverns, Nele2021-03-172021-03-172017https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/1692Hara tasandid on lõputöö, mis otsib võimalust säästa pöördumatust hääbumisest ainulaadne ja huvitav Hara endine allveelaevade demagnetiseerimisbaas. See kirjeldab uut militaar- ja loodusturismijaama ning tegevusruumi, selle tasandeid ning kihte, mis loodud tugeva aura ning pisut sünge ajalooga kohta. See sadam on paik, kus tekib tahtmine ja julgus hinnata juba olemasolevat - alati polegi vaja luua midagi uut, kui olemasolev suudab end kehtestada. Vahel piisab ka olemasolevast tühjusest. Samas on see ka koht, kus mõte hakkab rändama ning uued arhitektuursed vormid ilmutavad end joontena maastikul. See on lineaarne keskkond, mida läbides saab inimene osa selle koha kihistusest, selle karakteristikast, füüsilistest ja emotsionaalsetest tasanditest. Kõnealune sadam on suurepärane koht, kus näidata, et arhitektuur tähendab enamat kui funktsionaalne skeem või neli seina ning katus. Et see on kunst, mis suudab inimest kõnetada ja mõjutada. Et see on miski, mille tagamõteteni on võimalik jõuda ning neid ka mõista. Hara sadam on koht, kus väljapakutud lahendused ei ole alati kõige odavamad, praktilisemad ega ka kõige mugavamad ja seda teadlikult. Ajal, kus väga palju just nendele kolmele omadusele rõhutakse, ei peaks see Haras nii olema. Kui Harast lahkuv inimene kurdab väsimuse üle, mille tekitas liikumine üles ja alla, maa ja vee all ning peal; kui ta saab kurta märgade jalgade üle ning taga igatseda tuulega merre lennanud mütsi; kui ta saab miskit - mälestust, positiivset või negatiivset endaga sealt kaasa võtta, siis on Hara tasandid oma töö teinud.In Northern Estonia there is a former Soviet submarine demagnetizing base. It is known as Hara harbour or Hara base. This abandoned harbour has not found a new function after the Soviet army left it behind in 1993. It is now slowly but surely decaying. Despite the fact that it is located in a fairly remote area in Lahemaa Nature Park, lot of people still find their way there. They come to see this system of massive concrete piers in the middle of a very picturesque landscape. It is not uncommon even for a bus full of tourists from far away countries to show up out of nowhere to see this place. This place has a mystical aura, a bit creepy even. You get this sense of grimness or gloominess that is inflicted by the loneliness of this once very vivid place that has now been left behind. Also there is this mystical feeling of unknown. You don´t know what and how was going on here and you can only imagine what is below the surface of the deep water. Coming up with the idea and a solution for Hara base was quite a long process. The right function and the initial form of it was heavily inhibited by reverence towards it. Since it is located a little far away from everything, it was a challenge to come up with a function for it. Also there was a question of the level of interference. How much can I interfere with the existing structures without losing its authenticity and aura that is so important. The solution to the question of function became clear after observing the area near Hara. As there are lots of hiking tracks in the area it seemed natural that it should act as a hiking spot. But it was more interesting to discover how much more the Soviet troops had left behind in this area. There are whole complexes of military structures hidden in the forests and coasts of Pärispea and Juminda peninsulas. This is something to exhibit as part of military tourism- a field that is gathering popularity everywhere. Hara, being a pearl of military relict on its own, is a perfect focal point for this. After spending time in Hara during several visits, the form of what should be done revealed itself. It is the aura of the place that at one point unfolds the layers of the site. Dots, that just need to be connected to create a system of understanding and viewing the site, reveal themselves. This thesis offers a solution to use the existing harbour and the land around it to create a base for military and nature tourism. It means creating new architecture and using what is there already in a way that the existing aura would remain. The visitors have a chance to experience and explore the many levels that Hara has to offer. It is an endeavor to prevent this great place from fading into the sea and offering it a new life instead.Architecture--Applied Architecture--Architectural CompositionArhitektuur--Rakendusarhitektuur--Arhitektuurne kompositsioonRakendusarhitektuurApplied ArchitectureHara tasandidLevels of Harathesis