Saremat, TarmoAgukas, Alar2021-03-172021-03-172019 Estonia on kasvav logistikaettevõte, mis võib oma tegevust veelgi laiendada. Seda eesmärki silmas pidades tuleb tagada tõhus töökorraldus ja suutlikkus teenindada suuremaid kaubamahtusid. Praegu on selle peamiseks takistuseks terminali suurus. Tavaline lahendus on palgata rohkem töötajaid, kellel on suurem töökoormus, kuid ühel hetkel see ammendub ja pole jätkusuutlik ruumi tõttu, sest kaubamahud ei mahu füüsiliselt terminali pinnale ära. Seega on probleemi lahendamiseks vaja teada terminali efektiivsuse suurendamise võimalusi uue terminaliplaani näitel. Lõputöö esimeses peatükis andis autor ülevaate kaubaterminali olulisusest tarneahelas, käitlusseadmetest, ristilaadimise olemusest ning selle positiivsetest ja negatiivsetest külgedest, samuti kaubaterminali protsesside optimeerimise võimalustest ning kaubaterminali planeerimise olulistest aspektidest. Lõputöö teise peatüki raames kaardistati kaubaterminali läbivate treilerite arv ja saadetiste arv. Samuti kaardistati erikäitlemist nõudvate saadetiste arv. Lisaks analüüsiti tööprotsesse, laadimissildade kasutust ja töötajate tööaega. Eeltoodu tulemusel jõudis autor järeldustele, et kasvavate kaubamahtude juures ei suudeta hetkel kasutatavas terminalis tagada kõrget kvaliteeti. Näiteks on saadetiste paigutamine terminalis praegusel ajal terminali töötajate otsustada, puudub kindel kord ja süsteem. Lisaks tekivad laadimissildade juures ummikud, Eesti siseste jaotusvedude juhid ootavad laadimiseks vaba laadimissilda tihtipeale rohkem kui pool tundi. Samuti ei ole olemasoleva tööjõu hulga juures võimalik täita tööülesandeid ettenähtud töötundidega. Kokkuvõttes leiab autor, et lõputöö tõestas uuritava probleemi olemasolu ja täitis selle eesmärgi. Autori soovituseks oleks kaaluda uue kaubaterminali kasutuselevõttu, kus oleks eraldi vastuvõtu- ja laadimisalad, samuti tsoonid, kuhu kaupa paigutada, et lihtsustada vajalike kaupade käitlemist. Lisaks tuleks luua ka kindel laadimissildade kasutuskord, mille tulemusena väheneksid ummikud laadimissildade juures. Autor hinnangul oleks uue terminaliplaani kasutuselevõtmisel võimalik jätkata terminali tööd sama arvu töötajatega, kuna uus plaan tõstaks laadimiskiiruseid. Uurimistöö probleemile lahenduseks välja pakutud kavandatav uus terminaliplaan aitab DSV Estonia AS-il toime tulla kasvavate kaubamahtudega ja olla turul konkurentsivõimeline.Improving the efficiency of the goods terminal on the example of the new terminal plan of DSV Estonia Ltd. This thesis is written on "Improving the efficiency of the goods terminal on the example of the new terminal plan of DSV Estonia Ltd." Due to the steady growth of the trade flows, the terminal of DSV Estonia AS has remained the same size, the terminal's work processes are old and need to change. It is difficult to service the growing trade flows with the existing resources and this limits the growth of the DSV Estonia Ltd client base. Which has prompted the author to write the given thesis, analyze the above problem and make suggestions to implement a new and more efficient terminal plan to ensure the high quality and sustainability of the service provided by DSV Estonia Ltd. In the first part of the thesis, a theoretical overview of the possibilities and use of the goods terminal, as well as the efficiency of the freight terminal through the areas related to the freight terminal and the planning of the terminal is given. In the second half, the focus will be on the work processes of the DSV Estonia Ltd freight terminal, the time spent by the terminal staff and the mapping of the cargo flow, the related problems and possible solutions, and based on this, the offer of a new cargo terminal plan. By analyzing the volume of goods, the number of trailers passing through the terminal was also increased. Based on the quantity of products in the period under review, it can be concluded that the 20 of trailers going through the terminal consignments will increase by 1000. The cargo volume analysis also shows a growth of 6% in terms of trailers and consignments over two years. The study shows that as the number of shipments increases, the number of shipments requiring special handling also increases. On average, every thousand shipments have 16% or 160 shipments requiring special handling. Analysis of terminal workers time shows that in addition to the supervisor and the terminal truck driver, there is an average of 8 people working on the trailer for an average of 2 hours for loading and unloading trailers, with an average of 7 trailers per day. In the above case, the average working day of the terminal worker is 14 hours, although the official working time is 12 hours with a lunch break. Considering that each new trailer increases the number of shipments, the workload increases by 2 hours. Thus, the employees make six extra hours per week of their exchange. The analysis showed that average hours worked increased due to more labor-intensive days, Monday, Tuesday and Friday, with working days of 18 hours. In conclusion, the author considers that the thesis proved the existence of the problem being investigated and fulfilled its purpose. The author's suggestion would be to find the introduction of a new freight terminal with separate reception and loading areas, as well as zones where the goods should be placed to facilitate the handling of the required products. Besides, there should also be a robust use of charging bridges, resulting in reduced congestion at the charging bridges. According to the author, it would be possible to continue the work of the terminal with the same number of employees upon the introduction of the new terminal plan, as the new terminal plan would increase the loading speeds. The proposed new terminal plan for solving the research problem will help DSV Estonia Ltd to cope with growing trade volumes and be competitive on the market.Transport--Logistics--Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementTransport--Logistika--Logistika ja tarneahela juhtimineTransport ja logistikaTransport and LogisticsKaubaterminali efektiivsuse tõstmine DSV Estonia AS uue terminaliplaani näitelImproving the efficiency of the goods terminal on the example of the new terminal plan of DSV Estonia Ltdthesis