Tammik, ToivoBaikova, Veronika2021-03-172021-03-172018https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/2153Kõik linnad arenevad ja vajavad avalikke kohti. Narva pole suur linn, kuid see vajab ka arengut. Narva on Eesti nägu idarannast saabuvate inimeste jaoks , kuna see on piiriäärne linn. Diplomitöö pakub üht võimalust, kuidas parandada ja anda hoogu Narva kaasaegse kunsti arengule. Tänu sellele areneb linn mitte ainult rikkaliku ajaloo tõttu, vaid käib ka ajaga kaasas. Muuseumi kõrval asuv ala annab elanikele ja külalistele võimaluse külastada ja korraldada üritusi. Projekt annab uue julge otsuse selle territooriumi juba olemasoleva projekti jaoks. Samuti meelitab ligi rohkem turiste nii teistest riikidest kui ka teisi Eesti elanikke. See on teine koht, kus inimesed saavad lõõgastuda ja imetleda jõe ja kuulsate losside ilusat vaadet. Diplomitöö on käsitletud võttes arvesse olemasolevat detailplaneeringut ja vastavaid norme. Projekt võtab arvesse elanikke ja linnade huve ja vajadusi, kaasaegset lahendust ja linna arengut.All cities develop and need public places. Narva is not a big city, but it also requires development. Narva is the face of Estonia for those who arrive from the east, since it is a border town. This diploma work offers one of the options on how to improve and give a boost to developing of contemporary art in Narva. Thanks to this, the city will develop not only due to its rich history, but also keep up with time. The place is chosen near the border of the city. There was also a projected area next to the museum, which will allow the residents and gu The project will give a new, bold solution for an already existing project of this territory. A projected bridge that connects old architecture with a new, modern museum of contemporary art. It will attract more tourists, both from other states, and other residents of Estonia. This is another place where people can develop, rest and admire the beautiful views of the river and the famous castles. The museum contains not only exhibition halls, but also classrooms, cafes, a gift shop, libraries and a cinema hall. The diploma is written with taking into account the available detailed planning and relevant standards. The project takes into account the interests and needs of residents and the city, a modern solution and development of the city.Architecture--Applied Architecture--Architectural DesignArhitektuur--Rakendusarhitektuur--Arhitektuurne projekteerimineRakendusarhitektuurApplied ArchitectureKaasaegse kunsti muuseum NarvasContemporary Art Museum of Narvathesis