Hamburg, AntiBachmann, Silver2021-03-172021-03-172016äesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks oli välja selgitada, milline on Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli sisekliima ja olemasolev energiakulu. Samuti koostati ettepanekud nende parandamiseks. 2015. aasta märtsist kuni käesoleva aasta märtsini viidi Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli B ja C korpuses läbi sisekliima parameetrite mõõtmised. Samal ajal koguti uuritava hoone osade kohta tehnilist informatsiooni, selgitati tarindite ja tehnosüsteemide olukorda ja sooritati lisamõõtmisi. Kogutud informatsiooni põhjal koostati reaalse olukorra arvutuslik energiatõhususe analüüsimudel programmis IDA ICE, mida saab kasutada antud korpuste edasiste renoveerimislahenduste säästupotensiaali analüüsiks. Sisekliima mõõtmistulemustest analüüsist selgub, et hoone osades ei ole rahuldav sisekliima. Andurite näitude põhjal on siseõhutemperatuur enamus ajast vahemikus 17,0 kuni 27,9˚C ja suhteline õhuniiskus on hajuti alla 30%, mida võime lugeda liiga kuivaks. Süsihappegaasikontesntratsiooni mõõtmised näitasid, et ruumide ventileeritus ei ole piisav, mida kinnitasid ka õhuvooluhulga mõõtmised. Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli haldusosakonnast saadud reaalsed 2015 aasta soojabee kütteks kulunud energiakulu oli 16 MWh/a, elektrienergia kulu oli 211 MWh/a ja hoone küttenergia kulu oli 429 MWh/a. Hoone energiatõhusamaks muutmiseks välispiirdeid lisasoojustada, olemasolev ventilatsioonisüsteemi seadistada ning vüimalusel ventilatsiooniseadmed välja vahetada efektiivsema vastu ning valgustid vahetada energiatõhusamate vastu. Antud lahenduste siseastamisel arvutusmudelisse andis tulemuseks 23% kütteenergiakulu ja 40% valgustite elektienergiakulu kokkuhoidu.The purpose of this final paper was to study the energy consumption and indoor climate of sections B and C of the Tallinn University of Applied Sciences. During the performance of the work it was determined how much energy was spent on heating, domestic water, electrical equipment and lighting in the given sections of the building, and the indoor air temperature maintained in the various rooms of the building. In order to assess indoor air quality, measurements of relative air humidity and carbon dioxide concentrations were conducted during the course of the final paper, and air intake quantities for rooms were checked, comparing them to the levels specified in the design. During the course of the work, a calculated energy efficiency analysis model of the actual situation was prepared using the model programme IDA ICE, which can be used to analyse the savings potential of further renovation solutions for sections B and C. The analysis of the indoor climate measurement results revealed that the indoor climate is unsatisfactory in these sections of the building. Based on sensor data, most of the time the indoor temperature remains between 17.0 and 27.9˚C and the relative humidity is below 30%, which can be considered too dry. Carbon dioxide concentration measurements showed that the rooms have insufficient ventilation, which was confirmed by airflow measurements. The Administrative Matters Department of the Tallinn University of Applied Sciences provided the following data for 2015: the actual amount of energy spent on heating warm water was 16 MWh/y; the electricity cost was 211 MWh/y; and the heating energy cost for the building was 429 MWh/y. In order to make the building more energy efficient, additional insulation must be added to the exterior façade, the existing ventilation system must be configured and, if possible, ventilation 47 equipment must be replaced with more efficient equipment, and lighting must be replaced with more energy efficient lighting. When the given solutions were entered into a calculation model, the result was a savings of 23% on heating energy consumption and 40% on energy consumed by lightingConstruction--Applied GeodesyConstruction--Building Construction--Building Construction and Design--Construction PhysicsEhitus--RakendusgeodeesiaEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Hoonete ehitus ja kavandamine--EhitusfüüsikaHoonete ehitusBuilding ConstructionTallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli b ja c korpuse sisekliima ja energiatõhususe analüüsAnalysis of the Indoor Climate and Energy Efficiency of Sections B and C of the Tallinn University of Applied Sciencesthesis