Tiidemann, MartErm, Lauri2021-03-172021-03-172011https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/709Käesoleva töö teemaks on Tallinna sadama Vanasadama D-terminali 12. kai tuubuse ümberehitamine. Eesmärgiks on vanale tuubusele projekteerida uus esimene sektsioon nii, et see vastab kõigile nõuetele ning sadama vajadustele. See on tuubuse kõige olulisem ja keerulisem osa, milles asub laevaga ühendumise mehhanism. Vanast tuubusest jääb alles välimine raam ning esimesest sektsioonist galerii poole jääv osa (vt sele 1). Töö tehakse Ilmarine AS baasil, arvestades selle tootmisvõimalusi. Autor on nimetatud ettevõttes töötanud juba üle aasta. Tuubused on sadamates nn. liikuvad koridorid ehk vahelülid, mis ühenduvad laeva külge ning mida mööda saavad reisijad laevalt maha tulla. Lõputöö teemaks olev seade on projekteeritud Soome firma Finnmecanplan OY poolt 90ndate aastate keskel.The purpose of this graduation thesis is to design a new first section for a gangway in The Port of Tallinn. This is the most important and complicated part of the gangway. A connection mechanism to connect the gangway to a ship is also located in that section. A gangway, also called passenger boarding bridge, is in itself a movable link between the walkways and a ship, enabling people to go on or off board. The graduation thesis is done in cooperation with Ilmarine AS, which has big experiences in design, production, and installation of port equipment. The author of this thesis has worked there for more than a year. Only the first section of the old gangway will be rebuilt. Other parts will be retained, including outer frame and sections which lay between the first section and the walkway. The purpose of this reconstruction is to overcome problems which the old gangway built in the mid 90’s has. It was designed by a Finnish company Finnmecanplan OY and also built by Finns. The main problem is that during winter when sea level is low the gangway’s lower position is higher than a ship’s door. Also when due to heavy ice conditions a ship was not able to come to the fender line and stayed ~1,5 m away, the gangway did not reach it and therefore was not usable. In addition, there is a problem with inductive sensors which check the presence of the ship door’s beam. They are too sensitive and often give false alarms, which causes the gangway to separate itself from the ship. The new gangway is designed with a new technical solution. It joins positive sides from two main types of gangways. A small bridge made of aluminum is used. The lifting is done with roller chains and a gear motor instead of chain hoists. The roller chains are more reliable than chains which are used in the hoists because they do not jam. At the same time they give the bridge bigger freedom to move with the ship and therefore the forces to which the whole construction is subjected are smaller. New gangway’s lowest position is 795 mm below the lowest position of the old gangway and highest position is 740 mm higher. Therefore, serving ships during winter when sea level is low is possible. 61 The designed new gangway meets the requirements placed by The Port of Tallinn and therefore is suitable. Before the installation in the port, testing will be provided. During the test, the gangway is loaded with weights to its maximum capacity. If there are no failures in frames or other parts then the gangway is safe to operate and will be installed in the port. In future there is a plan to add an emergency lift function which is designed to preserve the gangway in case the ship floats away from the fender line. It separates the bridge from the ship before it can do any damage to the gangway. Moreover, an emergency brake is in development. The brake should stop the bridge in case of a fall. These systems, when operational, will take safety of the gangway to a whole new level.Mechanical Engineering--Applied MechanicsMehaanika--RakendusmehaanikaMasinaehitusMechanical EngineeringTallinna sadama 12. kai tuubuse projekteerimineDesigning the Gangway of the 12th Berth of the Port of Tallinnthesis