Murulaid, TiiaVahter, Erlanne2023-05-082023-05-082023-05-04 võimu tegevuse läbipaistvuseks ning kontrollimiseks on vajalik, et avalike ülesannete täitmise käigus loodud teave oleks avalik ning kõigile ligipääsetav. Kohalike omavalitsuste ülesanne on avaldada enda tegevuse käigus tekkinud informatsioon vastavalt nõuetele ning teha teave veebilehel kasutajate jaoks võimalikult nähtavaks, et tagada oma tegevuse läbipaistvus. Lõputöö teemaks oli „Teabe avalikustamine ja kasutusmugavus Lääne-Virumaa kohalike omavalitsuste veebilehtedel“. Lõputöö uurimisülesanneteks olid: anda teoreetiline ülevaade organisatsiooni tegevuse käigus tekkivast teabest ja selle avalikustamise nõuetest organisatsioonide veebilehtedel ning analüüsida kasutajamugavuse peamisi näitajaid; leida sobiv metoodika empiirilise uuringu läbiviimiseks; viia läbi Lääne-Virumaa kohalike omavalitsuste veebilehtede vaatlus, et analüüsida teabe avalikustamise vastavust õigusaktidele; selgitada välja Lääne-Virumaa kohalike omavalitsuste veebilehtede kasutajamugavus; sõnastada järeldused ja teha ettepanekud kohalike omavalitsuste IT-spetsialistidele veebilehtede parendamiseks. Uuringu läbiviimiseks kasutati nii kvalitatiivset meetodit kui ka kvantitatiivset meetodit. Koostati vaatlustabel ning viidi läbi küsitlus. Andmeid koguti kohalike omavalitsuste veebilehtede vaatluse ning küsitluse läbiviimisega. Andmekogumise tööriistana kasutati vaatluse korral vaatlustabelit, kus toodi välja veebilehtede nõuete täitmine vastavalt avaliku teabe seadusele. Vaatluse ja küsitluse abil saadud tulemused olid aluseks kohalike omavalitsuste IT spetsialistidele ettepanekute tegemisele veebilehtede parendamiseks. Lõputöö eesmärk sai täidetud ning jõuti järeldusele, et Lääne-Virumaa kohalike omavalitsuste korral on teabe avalikustamise nõudeid järgitud, kuid kasutajamugavuse põhimõtted on jäänud tahaplaanile, mis tõttu võib väita, et tavakasutajale osutub veebilehtedelt vajalik info raskesti leitavaks. Analüüsist tekkinud ettepanekud peaksid aitama kohalikel omavalitsustel muuta oma veebilehed võimalikult kasutajamugavaks.The title of the thesis was „Publication of Information and Ease of Use on the Websites of the Municipalities in Lääne-Viru County “. The thesis consists of theoretical and empirical research, 58 pages, and appendices, totaling 79 pages. The thesis contains 14 figures and 3 tables. The thesis uses 40 literary sources, 24 of which are foreign. The rapid increase in the volume of information and the need for the rapid exchange and availability of information set requirements for organizations providing public services, including local authorities, who, according to the Public Information Act, must, in the performance of their duties, proceed with the protection of the interests of residents and ensure the transparency of their activities. This thesis focuses on the disclosure of all the information provided in §28 of the Public Information Act. It also focuses on its findability and user convenience based on ordinary citizens' views. The thesis aims to find out the indicators of disclosure of information and user comfort on the websites of the local governments of Lääne-Viru County. The following tasks were set to achieve the goal: to provide a theoretical overview of the information generated in the course of the activities of the organization and the requirements for its disclosure on the websites of the organizations and to analyze the main indicators of user comfort; to find an appropriate methodology for carrying out empirical research; to carry out an inspection of the websites of the local authorities of Lääne-Viru County; to analyze the compliance of the disclosure with the legislation; to identify the user comfort of the websites of the local authorities of Lääne-Viru County; to formulate conclusions and make proposals to the IT specialists of local authorities for improving the websites. The research objects of this thesis are the eight local governments of Lääne-Viru County, which are Rakvere City Government, Haljala Municipality Government, Kadrina Municipality Government, Rakvere Municipality Government, Tapa Municipality Government, Vinni Municipality Government, Viru-Nigula Municipality Government and Väike-Maarja Municipality Government. The research strategies used in the thesis are website observation and a survey. Data was collected using qualitative (website observation) and quantitative (questionnaire) research methods. In conclusion, the websites of the local governments of Lääne-Viru County have quite similar and repeated shortcomings in the disclosure of information and in the organization of user comfort. The most significant shortcomings were outdated information, link workability and accessibility. Accessibility was a disadvantage for all eight websites in Lääne-Viru County. The website did not have the possibility to change the font or size of the website so that it could be understood by the visually impaired. Proposals were submitted regarding deficiencies in local government websites that could make the website as convenient as possible for users concerning the publication of information and user convenience. The purpose of the final work was fulfilled, and it was concluded that the requirements for disclosure of information have been followed in the case of local governments in Lääne-Viru County, but the principles of user comfort have been left in the background, which is why it can be argued that it is difficult to find the necessary information on websites for ordinary users. The proposals generated by the analysis should help local authorities make their websites user-friendly.etMuuTeabehalduse ja infosüsteemide korraldamine - juhiabi tööTeabe avalikustamine ja kasutusmugavus Lääne-Virumaa kohalike omavalitsuste veebilehtedelPublication of Information and Ease of Use on the Websites of the Municipalities in Lääne-Viru Countylõputöö