Traumann, AdaKivilo, Erle2021-03-172018äesoleva lõputöö teemaks on hankeprotsessi väljatöötamine nutika elustiilikoti näitel. Töö eesmärk sai täidetud ning püstitatud uurimusküsimustele leiti vastused. Töö teoreetilises osas anti ülevaade hankeprotsesside nendest etappidest, mida reaalselt antud töö käigus läbiti – tarnijate ja tootjate eelvalikust, hinnapäringute koostamisest, hanketingimustest ja tähtaegadest, prototüübi analüüsist ja materjalide valikust ning toote omahinna kujundamisel tekkinud kuludest. Eesmärgi saavutamiseks kasutati teooriat praktikas, mida kirjeldati töö empiirilises osas. Kõigepealt tutvuti ettevõtte Noexcuse Lifestyle OÜ tegevuse, tulevikuplaanide ning arendatava nutika elustiilikoti idee sünni ja arenguga. Seejärel selgitati välja nutika elustiilikoti uue prototüübi muudatused ja materjalide valik, et nendest johtuvalt välja otsida arendajate poolt seatud tingimustele vastavad tarnijad ja tootjad. Hinnapakkumiste alusel teostati hinnavõrdlused, kujundati nutika elustiilikoti omahind ning pakuti välja võimalik müügihind. Töö käigus teostati valik arendajate nõudmistele vastavate tarnijate seast, kellelt hankida põhi-, voodrimaterjalid ja furnituur ning kellelt tellida tootmine. Tootja valikul sai positiivne hinnang antud kõrgemast hinnast hoolimata professionaalsemale pakkujale. Välja sai arvestati toote omahinnad erinevate materjalide kasutamisel. Töö tulemusel selgus, et omahinda on võimalik alandada tarnijate valikut rahvusvaheliselt laiendades, furnituuri valikut korrigeerides ning tootmismahust sõltuvalt materjalide ja tootmise sisseostu teostades. Analüüsist lähtuvalt anti soovitus, et enne tootma asumist tuleks täpsemalt kindlaks teha sihtrühm ja sihtturg või turud ning turu-uuringu käigus või turu jälgimise abil sihtrühma nõudlus.The subject of the graduation thesis is Development of a Procurement Process Based on NoExcuse SmartBag. Main goal was met and answers to the research questions were set. In the theoretical part an overview of the stages actually taken by the procurement process was provided – an overview of suppliers’ and manufacturers’ pre-selection, price inquires, terms and conditions of the procurement, prototype analysis and the selection of materials and costs arose from designing the cost of the product. To achieve the goal the theory was used in practice and is described in the empirical part of the thesis. At first Noexcuse Lifestyle company’s activities, plans for the future, the idea and development of NoExcuse SmartBag were introduced. Then the changes to the new prototype and selection of materials were found in order to look for suppliers and manufacturers who would meet the requirements set by developers. Price comparisons were made on the basis of price offers, the cost price of NoExcuse SmartBag was designed and a possible sale price was proposed. In the course of the work a selection of suppliers was made that met the requirements of developers from whom to buy basic, finishing materials and fittings and from whom to order manufacturing. In the choice of the manufacturer, the professional bidder received a positive evaluation despite of its higher price. The product cost estimates were taken into account when using different materials. As a result of the work it turned out that it is possible to lower the cost price by expanding the supplier’s choice internationally, by adjusting the range of fittings and that it can also be lowered depending on the volume of production, purchased materials and manufacturing. Based on the analysis it was suggested that the target audience and the target market or markets should be more precisely identified before the manufacturing process and market demand or target market demand should be identified during market research or market monitoring.Clothing and Textiles--Product DevelopmentRõivad ja tekstiilid--TootearendusRõiva- ja tekstiiliala ressursikorralduseResource Management in the Clothing and Textiles IndustryHankeprotsessi väljatöötamine nutika elustiilikoti näitelDevelopment of a Procurement Process Based on NoExcuse SmartBagthesis