Moor, MadisAndres PetritšenkoPõõsaste, Peeter2021-03-172020 projekti eesmärk on projekteerida ja valmistada uus virnastaja 3D manipulaator, mis liigutab X-, Y- ja Z- teljel kanistrite haaratsit. Tegemist on teistkordse projektiga samale kliendile. Varasem juba toimiv pakkeautomaat, mille Teamwork Engineering OÜ projekteeris ja koostas, on tehtud hammaslatt ülekandega. Klient ja tööde teostaja on eesmärgiks seadnud, et uuel virnastajal tuleb hammaslattülekanne asendada rihmülekandega, millega tahetakse saavutada soodsam hind, väiksemad hoolduskulud ja vaiksem töökeskkond.The aim of the whole project is to design and manufacture a new 3D stacker manipulator that moves the gripper of the canisters on the X, Y and Z axes. This is a second project for the same client. The previously operating packaging machine, which was designed and assembled by Teamwork Engineering OÜ, has been made with a rack and pinion transmission. The customer and the contractor have set the goal that the new stacker must replace the rack drive with a belt drive, which aims to achieve a lower price, lower maintenance costs and a quieter working environment.Mechanical Engineering--Production Engineering and Technology--Machine ElementsMehaanika--Tootmistehnika ja -tehnoloogia--MasinaelemendidMasinaehitusMechanical Engineering3-teljelise portaaltüüpi virnastaja Y ja Z telje eelprojekt3 Axis Portal Type Stacker Y and Z Axes Premilinary Designthesis