Veski, ValdurLehemets, Martin2021-03-172014õputöö eesmärgiks oli luua allhankijate ohjamissüsteem ettevõttele AS VMT Tehased, mis vastaks standardi EVS EN 1090-1 nõuetele. Püstitatud sihi täitmiseks jaotati töö sisuline osa nelja järku, mida toetati majanduslike arvutuste, jooniste ja blankettidega. Lõputöö esimene osa annab ülevaate firmast, kuhu vastavat süsteemi looma hakati. Samuti anti ülevaade ühest koostööpartnerist – AS Nuia PMT. Lisaks ettevõtete kirjeldustele tutvustati harmoneeritud standardit ning Euroopa komisjoni poolt koostatud regulatsiooni. Teises osas kirjeldati allhankijate ohjamissüsteemi struktuuri graafiliselt, kus määratleti protsesside järjekord, alusdokumendid ja vastutajad. Voodiagrammi alusel koostati protseduuride kirjeldused, mis annavad üldised juhised allhankijate ja neile suunatud projektide käsitlemiseks. Kolmas osa andis juhised allhankijate auditeerimiseks, erinevad hindamispunktid vastavad standardile EVS EN 1090-1. Vastavate seletuste alusel loodi auditeerimise plaan, lisaks kirjeldati auditeerimist ja auditeerijat. Samuti anti ülevaade hindamise kavast. Allhankeregister loodi Microsoft Sharepoint 2013 süsteemi, kust saab vastavalt vajadusele valida sobivat ettevõtet. Allhankija valimist kirjeldati voodiagrammina, mis annab ülevaate protsessi läbiviimiseks. Neljandas osas anti ülevaade AS Nuia PMT hindamisest, mis viidi läbi ohjamissüsteemi testimiseks. Auditi tulemuste alusel koostati tabel koos kirjelduste ja seletustega. Majanduslikus osas leiti allhankijate kaasamise juures teenitav absoluutne ja suhteline juurdekasv. Samuti anti kinnitust konkurentsivõime suurenemises, tänu ohjamissüsteemi loomisele. Lõputöö eesmärk sai täidetud allhankijate ohjamissüsteemi loomisega, vastavuses EXC 2 nõuetele. Eelnevalt oli allhankijate võimekuse ja võimsuse määratlemine keeruline, samuti oli puudulik info liikumine ettevõttes.The purpose of this thesis is to create an outsourcing network system for the company AS VMT Tehased, which is compliant to the requirements of the standard EVS EN 1090-1. To comply with the stated goal the content of the work is divided into four phases, which are supported by the economic calculations, drawings and forms. The first part of this thesis provides an overview of the company, where this system was set up. It also presents a review about one of the partner company - AS Nuia PMT. In addition to descriptions of the partner companies, this thesis gives a short introduction to the harmonized standard and regulations established by the European Commission. The second part describes the structure of the outsourcing network management system by using graphical diagram, which defines the sequence of processes, supporting documents and responsible parties. Descriptions of procedures were drawn up on the aspects of the flowchart, which provides general guidelines how to deal with contactors and projects which are aimed at them. The third part provides instructions for auditing subcontractors (how different endpoints must comply with standard EVS EN 1090-1). Audit plan was created by the corresponding statements, auditing and auditors were also described. The third part also provides an overview of the assessment plan. Outsourcing register was created with the Microsoft Sharepoint 2013, from which you can choose the suitable companies as needed. Procedure for selecting an outsourcer, is described by flowchart, which gives an overview how to carry out this process. The fourth part gives an assessment overview of the company AS Nuia PMT. This assessment was done to test the outsourcing network system. The results of the audit with descriptions and explanations are shown in the table. In the economic analysis part of this thesis, the influence of this thesis to absolute and relative growth by involving subcontractors is shown. This comfirmed that the outsourcing network system improved economic competitiveness. The goal, set by this thesis, has been achieved by creating an outsourcing network management system, which is compliant with the requirements of EXC 2. It was difficult to measure subcontractor’s capability and required capacity beforehand because of the lack of information and inadequate information flow in company.Mechanical Engineering--Production Engineering and Technology--Welding Technology and EquipmentWorking Life--Quality StudiesMehaanika--Tootmistehnika ja -tehnoloogia--Keevitustehnoloogia ja -seadmedTööelu--KvaliteediõpetusMasinaehitusMechanical Engineering„Allhankevõrgustiku ohjamissüsteemi loomine vastavuses EVS EN 1090-1 nõuetega“„Creation of subcontacting management system compliance with EVS EN 1090-1 requirements“thesis