Ramjalg, AnneliMugamäe, Melvin2021-03-172021-03-172018https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/2030Käesolevas projektis ehitatakse kaks ridaelamut, kus kokku on kuus korterit. Ridaelamud on plaanilt ja mahult identsed. Ridaelamute ehitus on organiseeritud selliselt, et ressursikasutus oleks minimaalne, sealhulgas erinevate meeskondade arv, kraana Norras hoidmise aeg ning tellingute rendi aeg. Lisaks on oluline eesmärk, et mõlemad hooned saaks võimalikult kiirelt kliendile üle anda, samal ajal säilitades kvaliteet. Iga hoone on jaotatud vastavateks tööetappideks, mille järjestikulisel teostamisel valmib ka hoone. Kõik tööjärgud, peale vundamendi ehituse ja elektri- ning san-tehniliste tööde, teostavad Seve Ehituse AS töölismeeskonnad. Ridaelamute ehitus algab 6. märtsil 2018 esimese maja vundamendi ehitusega ning lõppeb teise hoone üleandmisega, mis on plaani järgi 21. juunil 2018. Kogu ehitus on kestvusega 108 päeva. Antud perioodiga teostatakse kahel majal tööd alates vundamendi ehitusest kuni köögi- ja vannitoa mööbli paigaldamiseni. Esimene hoone antakse kliendile üle 21. juunil 2018, teine maja antakse kliendile üle 21. juunil 2018. Ehituse kõige kiirem aeg on ajavahemikul 18. aprill kuni 24. aprill, kus on korraga objektil 18 töölist ning üks objektijuht.This project has been drawn up as a part of the final thesis for a degree in construction at TTK University of Applied Sciences. The project is based on two terraced houses with three apartments designed and constructed by Seve Ehituse AS In Hammerfest, Northern Norway. The project utilises construction engineering blueprints and project documentation compiled by Seve Ehituse AS. Building on the primary data, the objective of this final thesis is to plan the construction process as efficiently as possible from the transport of materials to the handover of the buildings. The terraced houses under question are two-storey buildings made of wooden-frame elements. There are 3 apartments and a garage in each terraced house. The buildings' blueprints and designs are identical. Wooden-frame construction is used; the elements are made in an Estonian factory and transported to Norway in semi-trailers. All construction work is done in stages. Except for electrical and sanitary works done by subcontractors of our Norwegian partners, the labour force comprises the construction workers of Seve Ehituse AS. The construction of the terraced houses begins with laying the foundation of the first house on 6 March, 2018 and ends with the handover of the second house on 21 June 2018, if everything goes to plan. The entire construction lasts 108 days. Within this period, all construction work from building the foundation to installing kitchen and bathroom furniture is completed. Both the first and the second building will be handed over to the client on June 21, 2018.Construction--Building Construction--Construction--Organization of constructionEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamine--Ehituse organiseerimineHoonete ehitusBuilding ConstructionRegntunet 37 ja 38 ridaelamute ehituse organiseerimineOrganising the Construction of Terraced Houses at Regntunet 37 and 38thesis