Raju, RaunoMatt, Marita2021-03-172020https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/2945AS Saku Metall Uksetehas on Eesti kapitalil põhinev ettevõte, mille põhitegevuseks on erinevate metalluste, terasprofiiluste ja muude terasprofiiltoodete tootmine. Lõputöös on käsitletud ettevõtte jaoks olulist probleemi, kus ukselengide tootmisvõimsus on väike ning praegune painutustehnoloogia ja seade ei võimalda ukselenge algusest lõpuni ilma üleliigsete liigutuste tegemiseta valmis teha. Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärgi saavutamiseks täideti uurimisülesanded, kus uue painutustehnoloogia soetamise jaoks saadeti hinnapäringud painutuspinke tootvatele ettevõtetele, analüüsiti saadud pakkumisi ning valiti välja ettevõtte jaoks kõige sobivam painutuspink. Uue painutuspingi soetamiseks määrati ettevõtte jaoks olulised kriteeriumid, millele uus painutuspink peab vastama. Seejärel küsiti hinnapakkumist kolmelt erinevalt painutuspinke tootvalt ettevõttelt, milleks olid Amada, Trumpf ja Finn-Power. Amada painutuspinkidest küsiti pakkumist Amada HFE 3i seeria ning Amada HG 220/4 seeria mudelitele. Trumpfi painutuspinkide valikust küsiti pakkumist Trumpf TruBend 5230 mudelile ning Finn-Poweri painutuspinkide valikust küsiti pakkumist Prima Power Ep-2040 painutuspingile. Hinnapakkumiste võrdlusest selgus, et ettevõtte jaoks kõige sobivam painutuspink on Trumpf TruBend 5230. Põhiliseks põhjuseks, miks antud painutuspink sai valituks oli see, et Trumpf oli ainuke painutuspink, kus on võimalik leng otsast lõpuni valmis teha. Kõikide teiste painutuspinkide puhul kaasnesid lisaks veel mõned operatsioonid. Lisaks võrreldi omavahel senist ettevõttes kasutusesolevat Amada HFE 130-3 painutuspinki ning analüüsi käigus välja selgitatud uut Trumpfi TruBend 5230 painutuspinki. Antud võrdluses toodi välja põhilised eelised, kuidas uue painutuspingi soetamine aitab kaasa ettevõtte efektiivsuse tõstmisele.AS Saku Metall Door factory is a company based on Estonian capital, whose main focus is to manufacture diffrenet types of metals, profiles and other metal profile products. The thesis addresses an important problem for the company, where the production capacity of door frames is low and the current bending technology and equipment is not allowing the frame to be completed from the beginning till the end without making any unnecessary movements. In order to achieve the goal of this thesis, research tasks were performed, where price inquiries for the acquisition of new bending technology were sent to companies producing bending machines, the received offers were analyzed and the most suitable bending machine for the company was selected. In order to acquire a new bending machine, important criteria was set for the company, which the new bending machine must meet. Then the price offer was requested from three different bending machine companies such as Amada, Trumpf and Finn-Power. From Amada’s bending machines the offer was requested for the Amada HFE 3i series and Amada HG 220/4 series models. From the selection of Trumpf bending machines the offer was requested for the Trumpf TruBend 5230 model and from the selection of Finn-Power bending machines the offer was requested for the Prima Power Ep-2040 bending machine. The comparison of the price offers revealed that the most suitable bending machine for the company is the Trumpf TruBend 5230. The main reason why this bending machine was chosen was that Trumpf was the only bending machine where the frame could be finished from beginning to the end. In addition, all other bending machines involved some additional operations. In addition, a comparison was made between the existing Amada HFE 130-3 bending machine used in the company and the new Trumpf TruBend 5230 bending machine identified during the analysis. This comparison highlighted the main advantages of how the acquisition of a new bending machine contributes to increasing the company's efficiency.Mechanical Engineering--Production Engineering and Technology--Equipment and JigsMechanical Engineering--Production Engineering and TechnologyMehaanika--Tootmistehnika ja -tehnoloogia--Seadmed ja rakisedMehaanika--Tootmistehnika ja -tehnoloogiaTööstustehnoloogia ja turundusIndustrial Technology and MarketingAS Saku Metall Uksetehase metallukse tootmise painutustehnoloogia parendamineImprovement of Bending Technology in the Production of the Metal Door of AS Saku Metall Door Factorythesis