Tamm, JüriKaha, Madis2021-03-172021-03-172015https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/1212Käesoleva lõputööga on lahendatud Kadaka puiestee 142 kortermaja ehituse organiseerimise projekt. Vastavalt autori teadmistele ning ehitusalasele abimaterjalidele, lahendati püstitatud lähteülesanded. Töö koosseisus koostati ehitustööde kalendergraafik, mille aluseks on tööde ajamahukuse tabel. Ajanormide määramiseks kasutati EKE NORA ja Ratu ajanormide andmebaase ning lõputöö autori isiklikke kogemusi. Ehitusperiood algab 2. aprillil 2015 ehitusloa saamisega ning lõppeb 6. mail 2016, mis teeb ehitusperioodi kestuseks 278 tööpäeva ehk 13 kuud. Maksimaalne tööjõuvajadus ühel tööpäeval on 80 töölist. Majandusosa peatüki raames koostati detailne ehituseelarve ning leiti organiseerimise kulud. Eelarve koostamisel võeti aluseks EVS 885:2005 standardne eelarvetabeli vorm. Ühikhindade leidmisel kasutati EKE NORA andmebaasi ning organiseerimiskulude puhul erinevate rendiettevõtete hinnakirju. Hoone ehituse maksumuseks ilma käibemaksuta kujunes 6 243 587,73 €, millest ehituse organiseerimise kulud on 302 329,45 €, mis moodustavad koguhinnast 4,84 %. Montaažitööde tehnoloogiakaartide raames vaadeldi maa-aluse korruse ning tüüpkorruse monteerimisega seonduvat. Valiti tööde teostamiseks sobilik tõstemehhanism, millest otstarbekamaks osutus tehnoloogiliste ja majanduslike kaalutluste põhjal tornkraana kasutamine. Välja on toodud ka tööbrigaadi koosseis, vajalikud töövahendid, tööohutusnõuded ning tööde kvaliteedile esitatavad nõuded. Ehitusplatsi üldplaani peatükis lahendati ehitusplatsi korraldusega seonduv. Tehti vajalikud arvutused ajutise vee- ja elektrivarustuse jaoks ning kavandati platsisisesed liikumisteed ja soojakute asukohad. Lõputöö koostamine andis autorile uusi teadmisi ehituse organiseerimise valdkonnast. Samuti omandas autor laialdaselt teadmisi hoone montaažitööde tehnoloogiast.„Organising the Construction of the Apartment Building at Kadaka puiestee 142” This final thesis contains the organisation project for construction of the apartment building at Kadaka puiestee 142. The objective for preparing the paper was to ensure the smooth organisation of the construction process and avoid hindrances in organising works. The author has used the project compiled by architect firm Arhitektuuristuudio Paavo Kais OÜ as the basic material for the thesis, and instructive materials and professional literature concerning construction as supplementary materials. The paper provides an overview of the architectural and structural solution and the utility systems used for the building, describes construction works carried out at the site and provides the main occupational safety requirements. The paper is concerned with time planning and construction-related expenses and focuses in more depth on the technology of assembly works and the organisation of the construction site. The calendar schedule of construction works has been prepared on the basis of the table of volume of works. Time norms are established on the basis of EKE NORA and Ratu time norm databases and the personal experiences of the author. The construction period begins on the 2nd of April 2015 and ends on the 6th of May 2016; the duration of works is therefore 278 working days. The maximum labour requirement for one working day is 80 workers. A detailed construction budget has been prepared in the chapter of economics, based on the budget form provided in the standard EVS 885:2005. Unit prices have been determined with the use of the EKE NORA database and organising costs are found on the basis of price lists of various rental companies. The cost of constructing the building was 6 243 587.73 euros without VAT, of which the costs of organising the construction form 4.84 %. The assembly works of the underground floor and the typical floor were observed in the scope of technology maps of assembly works. A suitable lifting mechanism was selected for the works, the most expedient mechanism turned out to be the use of a tower crane on the basis of technological and economic considerations. The paper also provides the setup of the working brigade, the necessary tools, occupational safety requirements and the requirements for the quality of works.Construction--Building Construction--Construction--Organization of constructionEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamine--Ehituse organiseerimineHoonete ehitusBuilding ConstructionKadaka pst 142 kortermaja ehituse organiseerimineOrganising the Construction of the Apartment Building at Kadaka puiestee 142thesis