Tuulik, DianaAljona EesmaaLuks, Sandra2021-03-172017https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/1799Tänapäeval on nii suurte kui väikeste brändide ja ettevõtjate jaoks üha olulisem olla nähtav sotsiaalmeedias, kuna suur hulk potentsiaalseid kliente tarbivad infot just interneti kaudu. Erinevad kanalid ja platvormid pakuvad laialdaselt võimalusi reklaamiks ja turunduseks. Moeettevõtetele on üha olulisemaks saanud justnimelt blogide kasutamine oma nähtavuse tõstmiseks ning klientide harimiseks. Blogi kontseptsiooni loomine on oluline samm enne reaalse blogi valmimist, kuna see hõlmab endas teooria läbitöötamist, mis annab autorile võimaluse õppida teiste vigadest või õnnestumistest. See loob raamistiku, mis hoiab kirjutajat õigel teel ja vähendab võimalust ebaolulise sisu loomiseks. Kindla strateegia paika panemine võimaldab tulevikku planeerida ja isegi blogimisega tulu teenida läbi sisuturunduse ja reklaamide. Eneseväljenduseks loodud personaalsed veebipäevikud on tänapäeval saanud äriks.The objective of the thesis Communicating Men’s Style via Blogging is to create a blog concept that has the potential of acquiring followers through quality content targeted to men’s fashion. There is a noted lack of men’s style blogs in the Estonian blogging market which makes the topic relevant. Blogging is a good platform to use when communicating style information as it is easy to use, rather cheap and has many opportunities to make a profit for the blogger through commercials or content marketing. The reader will receive a clear understanding of maintaining a blog and creating a concept which would result in a successful content and big audience. In thoeretical part of the thesis, the author has concentrated on explaining the essence of content marketing and blog marketing as well as the importance of graphic design in creating a webpage. Since blogs carry a lot of visual weight, it is also necessary to get acquainted with creative rights. The author conducted nine interviews with people active in the Estonian blogging field, marketing, men’s style and fashion industry in order to receive insight about fashion marketing and the visibility of men’s fashion in social media in Estonia. The author also compiled a questionnaire in order to find information about the potential topics that might interest followers and about their reading habits. In the process of working out the blog concept, the author followed the steps described in the thesis to create a blog of her own, based on the results of the interviews and a questionnaire. This diploma work was a valuable process to the author as well and will serve as a comprehensive guide to anyone wishing to create a visually appealing blog filled with quality content.Economy and Management--Entrepreneurship and MarketingMajandus and ärijuhtimine--Ettevõtlus ja turundusRõiva- ja tekstiiliala ressursikorralduseResource Management in the Clothing and Textiles IndustryMeeste stiili kommunikeerimine läbi blogimiseCommunicating Men's Style via Bloggingthesis