Kirikal, HeveEvert, Kristi2021-03-172021-03-172020õputööga „Iseteeninduskassade kasutamine Jõgeva Majandusühistu kaupluses“ uuriti kaubandusettevõtte tarbijatelt iseteeninduskassade kasutamist. Jaekaubandusvaldkonnas on tehnoloogia areng kiire ning pidevalt luuakse uusi tehnoloogilisi võimalusi, mis aga toob omakorda kaasa muutused ettevõtetele, kui ka töötajatele ja klientidele, kes peavad pideva arenguga kaasas käima ning uut tehnoloogiat omaks võtma. See kõik nõuab arenguga kaasas käimist ja pidevalt uusi koolitusi ja ümber õppimist. Lõputöö eesmärk oli välja selgitada iseteeninduskassade kasutamine Jõgeva Majandusühistu kaupluses, et leida võimalusi iseteeninduskassade ulatuslikumaks kasutamiseks. Teoreetilises osas on suur ülevaade erinevatest tehnoloogilistest lahendustest jaekaubanduses, mis lihtsustavad töötajate igapäevaseid tööülesannete täitmist ning tarbijatele pakuvad mugavamat ja kiiremat ostukogemust. Kuna rahvastik vananeb kiirelt, siis tehnoloogia aitab lahendada kaubanduses tekkinud tööjõu probleeme. Empiiriline uuring viidi läbi Jõgeva Majandusühistu Coop kaupluses ja selle uuringu sihtrühmaks olid kaubandusettevõtte kliendid, kes kasutasid iseteeninduskassasid. Lõputöö uuringuga uuriti inimeste iseteeninduskassade kasutamist Jõgeva Majandusühistu kaupluses, et leida võimalusi iseteeninduskassade ulatuslikumaks kasutamiseks. Läbiviidud uuringust selgus, et inimesed külastavad kauplust sageli, kuid iseteenindust kasutatakse vähe sealsete pidevate takistuste tõttu, millest võib järeldada, et kaupleja peaks hakkama läbi viima muudatusi ja tegema uuendusi, et püsida konkurentsis ja olla tarbijale meele järgi ning luua innovaatilisi lahendusi kaupluses. Lõputöös seatud eesmärgid ja ülesanded said kõik täidetud.The topic of the dissertation is the use of self-service funds in the Jõgeva Economic Association store. The dissertation consists of 58 pages, contains 22 illustrations, six tables and 37 sources. Retail expectations for technological solutions stem primarily from need. The globalization of the economy, the cross-border movement of labor, the rapid aging of the workforce and knowledge, skills, the low birth rate and the consequent reduction in the workforce create a situation where new solutions need to be found in a rapidly changing environment. In order to survive in the intensifying competition, the trader is forced to find other options, including digital solutions for operating in the retail trade. The aim of the dissertation was to find out the use of self-service funds in the Jõgeva Economic Association store in order to find opportunities for more extensive use of self-service funds. In the theoretical part, there is a great overview of various technological solutions in retail, which simplify the daily work tasks of employees and offer consumers a more convenient and faster shopping experience. As the population ages rapidly, technology will help solve the labor problems created by trade. An empirical study was conducted in the Coop store of Jõgeva Economic Association and the target group of this study was the customers of a trading company who used self-service cash registers. The research of the dissertation investigated the use of people's self-service funds in the Jõgeva Economic Association store in order to find opportunities for more extensive use of self-service funds. In order to achieve the goal of the empirical study, the following tasks are set: • map and analyze the use of technological solutions by consumers; • to draw conclusions and submit proposals to the management of Jõgeva Economic Association for more extensive use of self-service funds. The dissertation investigated the use of self-service cash registers by consumers of a trading company. In the field of retail trade, technological development is rapid and new technological opportunities are constantly being created, which in turn leads to changes for companies, as well as employees and customers, who have to keep up with constant development and adopt new technology. All this requires keeping up with developments and constantly training and retraining. The survey found that people visit the store frequently, but that self-service is rarely used due to persistent barriers, suggesting that the trader should start making changes and innovations to stay competitive and appeal to consumers and create innovative solutions in the store. The goals and tasks set in the dissertation were all fulfilled.Economy and Management--Retail and Wholesale TradeMajandus and ärijuhtimine--Jae- ja hulgikaubandusKaubandusökonoomikaCommercial EconomicsIseteeninduskassade kasutamine Jõgeva Majandusühistu kauplusesUse of Self-Service Cash in the Store of Jõgeva Economic Cooperativethesis