Ramjalg, AnneliTreiman, Argo2021-03-172021-03-172016https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/1605Käesolev lõputöö koostati Kaitseliidu Sakala maleva staabi- ja tagalakeskuse hoonekompleksi üldehitustööde organiseerimise kohta. Lõputöös antakse lühiülevaade objekti ehituseelsest olukorrast, kirjeldatakse asendiplaanilist lahendust ja ehitusgeoloogilisi tingimusi. Lühidalt kirjeldatakse töös ka arhitektuurset osa, mille peatüki all antakse ülevaade ehitise tehnilistest näitajatest, arhitektuursest- ja konstruktiivsest lahendusest ning siseviimistluse ja tuleohutuse osast. Hoone tehnosüsteemide osas kirjeldatakse lühidalt kütte, ventilatsiooni, jahutuse, veevarustuse, kanalisatsiooni, tugevvoolu ja nõrkvoolulahendusi. Hoone ehituse maksumuse kohta on koostatud detailne ehituse eelarve, töö ja ajamahukuse tabel. Tabeli koostamisel lähtuti EVS 885:2005 standardis toodule. Vastavalt eelarve tabelile koostati koondtabel, milles on välja toodud tööde protsentuaalne maksumus. Lisaks leiti ehitatava hoone ruutmeetri maksumus, milleks on 826,08 €/m2 sellele lisandub juurde käibemaks. Koondkalenderplaani koostamisel on võetud aluseks eelarvetabelis leitud mahud ja ajanormid. Tööde algus töömaal on 16.12.2015, ning kõik tööd, koos objekti täitedokumentatsiooniga peavad olema tellijale üle antud hiljemalt 15.12.2016. Tööde kestvuseks on kokku 255 tööpäeva, tööde kõrghetkel on tööjõuvajaduseks 70 töötajat. Lõputöös on kirjeldatud ka ehitusplatsi üldplaani, mille kohta on töö autor koostanud graafilise joonise. Joonisel ja selle peatüki seletuskirjas on kirjeldatud kuidas on organiseeritud töömaal tööde teostamiseks vajalikud taristud. Põhjalikumalt on analüüsitud ehitatava hoone tehnoloogiakaarte, mille kohta on koostatud ka graafilised joonised. Tehnoloogiakaardid on koostatud kandvate õõnesplokkidest seinte ja esimese korruse õõnespaneelide paigalduse kohta. Koostatud on materjali vajaduse tabelid ja tööde kalendergraafikud, koos tööjõu vajadusega. Lisaks kirjeldatakse tööde teostamise meetodit, töödeks kasutatavaid töövahendeid ja peamisi tööohutusnõudeid.This final paper covers the organisation of general construction of the building complex of the staff and combat service support centre of the Sakala District of the Estonian Defence League. The building complex to be built is located in the Viljandi County, on the lot at Karula tee 1 in Viljandi. The project documentation of the building’s basic project stage has been prepared by OÜ Sirkel & Mall. The construction plan (job No. 282015) has been prepared by Virtex OÜ. The main contractors are Konsortsium Wesico Project OÜ, Wesico Ehitus OÜ and Moodul Project OÜ, the leading partner is Wesico Project OÜ. The final paper gives a short overview of the pre-construction state of the object, describes the location plan and geotechnical conditions. The paper also gives a short description of the architecture – the building is shaped at an obtuse angle, has two storeys and a flat roof. In addition, it is the contracting authority’s wish that the architecture of the building designed would be simple, concrete and functional. The exterior wall is accented by a light concrete section with glass surfaces. The facade is finished with three tones: grey, yellow and green. In addition, the paper gives a short overview of the technical specifications, architectural and constructional solutions and interior design and fire safety of the building. The section on the building’s technical systems gives a short description of the heating, ventilation, cooling, water supply, sewerage, strong current and weak current solutions. A detailed construction budget, and a table of work and time needed has been prepared for the construction of the building. The table was prepared based on the EVS 885:2005 standard. On the basis of the budget table, a consolidated table was prepared, which specifies the cost of the jobs specified in percentages. In addition, the cost per square metre of the building was found and it is 826.08 €/m2, to which VAT is added. The consolidated calendar plan has been prepared based on the volumes and time norms found in the budget table. The work on the site begins on 16 December 2015 and all work, along with the execution documents of the object, shall be delivered to the contracting authority on 15 December 2016. The duration of the work is 255 working days in total, at the peak of the construction, 70 employees are needed. The final paper describes the general plan of the construction site, for which the author has prepared a graphic drawing. The drawing and the explanatory notes to the chapter describe how the infrastructure necessary for the execution of the works has been organised on the site. The technological maps of the building constructed have been analysed and described in more detail and graphic drawings have been prepared. The technological maps have been prepared with regard to the instalment of the load-bearing hollow block walls and the hollow panels on the first floor. Tables regarding the required materials and calendar schedules of the work along with labour force needs have been prepared. In addition, the method of executing the works, the tools used and the main occupational safety requirements are described. When writing the chapter on occupational and fire safety and the environmental protection plan, the author has been guided by the occupational and fire safety guidelines of the main contractor. The aim is to ensure that at the construction site, compliance to occupational health and safety and environmental protection requirements would be ensured. The chapter also describes how fire safety has been ensured at the construction site for the work period and what the occupational safety requirements for working at heights are.Construction--Building ConstructionEhitus--Hoonete ehitusHoonete ehitusBuilding ConstructionKaitseliidu Sakala maleva staabi- ja tagalakeskuse hoonekompleksi ehitustööde organiseerimineOrganising the Construction of the Building Complex of the Staff and Combat Service Support Centre of the Sakala District of the Estonian Defence Leaguethesis