Lellep, KarinKuldja, Anre2021-03-172021-03-172014https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/1038Käesoleva tööga koostati Tormitoa suvila põhiprojekt. Lõputöö käigus teostati arvutused kande- ja kasutuspiirseisundis, vormistati projekti seletuskiri ning valmisid joonised, töö mahtu ei kuulunud vundamentide ega sokli konstruktsioonide arvutused. Konstruktiivselt ei pidanud hoone mõõtmeid, ega kandvaid osasid oluliselt muutma. Ainukeseks muudatuseks kogu projektis oli viilkatuse lahendus, milleks valiti harjatalaga viilkatus. Algne lahendus ilma harjatalata ja terastõmbidega varianti ei tahetud. Ilma harjatalata ja terastõmbidega variant oleks projekti teinud keeruliseks ning riskantsemaks. Samuti leidis arhitekt väljanägemiselt ilusama lahenduse harjatala ja postidega variandile. Arvutuste tulemustena on katusesarikate mõõdud 95x195 mm, harjatala mõõdud 2x70x220 mm. Harjatala arvutustel on lähtutud sellest, et tegu oli C24 tugevusklassiga ja seepärast ei ole võimalik 13,7 m tala ühes tükis saada. Tala tuleb monteerida kahest ristlõikest. Silluste mõõdud on vastavalt erinevatele koormustele 45x95 mm, 45x145 mm ja 70x145 mm. Põrandatalade ristlõike mõõdud dimensiooniti 95x195 mm. Lõputöös lahendati graafiline osa, milles on kuus plaani, üks hoone arhitektuurne lõige, 11 sõlme ning viis konstruktiooni lõiget.In Estonia, more and more buildings and private houses are built with a wooden basic structure, because the popularity of wooden houses in Estonia is constantly rising. This thesis – The Constructive Project of Tormitoa Summerhouse – is chosen on the proposal of architect T. Hayashi to resolve the supporting structure of the building, which is the goal of this project. The thesis is also based on the architectural preliminary project of the Tormitoa summerhouse, which is drawn up by architect T. Hayashi. The work comes with an architectural preliminary project along with AutoCad drawings given by the HG Arhitektuur OÜ. According to the architectural part, the constructive part of the building must be solved in the volume of the main project. Additionally, according to the composition of the main project – the general architectural solution of the building, its bearing skeleton, and fire safety must be described. The thesis also briefly describes two different pitched roofs - with and without a ridge beam. With this thesis, main project of Tormitoa summerhouse was created. Calculations of foundations or the constructions of the basement were not included in the volume of the thesis. Constructively, the dimensions of the building and the load-bearing parts didn't need significant changes. The only change in the whole project was the pitched roof solution, where a pitched roof with a ridge beam was chosen. The initial solution without the ridge beam and with steel rod was not wanted. The architect also found a visually better looking solution for the version with the ridge beam and posts. According to the calculation results, the dimensions of the roofing rafters are 95x195 mm, and the dimensions of the ridge beam are 2x70x220 mm. Ridge beam calculations are based on the fact that it belonged to the C24 strength class and it was not possible to get a 13,7 m beam in one piece. The beam must be assembled from two cross sections. According to various loads, the dimensions of the lintels are 45x95 mm, 45x145 mm and 70x145 mm. The calculation of floor beams revealed that the beams dimensions were dimensioned at 95x195 mm.Construction--Building Construction--Structural Design--Wood StructuresEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Tarindite projekteerimine--PuitkonstruktsioonidHoonete ehitusBuilding ConstructionTormitoa suvila konstruktiivne projektThe Constructive Project of Tormitoa Summerhousethesis