Klauson, DenissEbber, Laura2023-05-182023-05-182023-05-17https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/4795Pesuvahendite kasutamisel tekkivast keskkonnamõjust hoolivad veidi üle pooled vastanud, kuid 42% vastanutest ei jälgi siiski pakenditel olevaid märgiseid. Inimesed ei saa piisavalt teavet ökomärgiste kohta, mis paneks neid selle teema peale üldse mõtlema. Arvatakse, et nii väikesel asjal ei ole piisavalt suurt mõju, et oma tarbimisharjumusi selle jaoks muutma hakata. Ka tuntuimad ökomärgised jäid vastanutele pigem tundmatuks. Ökomärgise tähendus on samuti tarbijale pigem võõras. Pigem aetakse seda segamini tervisesõbralik olemisega ning arvatakse, et toode koosneb järelikult ainult looduslikest ainetest. Teavet saadakse peamiselt toote pakendilt, kuid seal on vaid väikesed illustratsioonid või tootja poolt pandud lisa plussid, mis ei pruugi olla ökomärgisega seotudki. Palju teavet liigub tarbijateni ka läbi reklaamkampaaniate, mida võiks rohkem ära kasutada teavitustöö tegemiseks. Ka tarbijad ise mainivad, et sooviks rohkem teavet märgiste kohta ning usuvad, et teadlikkuse tõusmisel muutuks ka nende tarbimisharjumused keskkonnasõbralikkuse suunas. Pooled küsitlusele vastanud on ostnud siiski ökomärgisega pesuvahendit, kuid ülejäänud pooled on jälle need, kes märgistusele isegi tähelepanu ei pööra ning pole kindlad. Üheks võimaluseks oleks ökomärgised tuua toote pakendi esiküljele ning neid suurendada, et inimeste tähelepanu neile kergemini suunduks. Vastanud, kes on teadlikult tarbinud ökomärgisega vahendeid teevad seda peamiselt keskkonnast hoolimise põhimõttel, aga ka tervise tõttu, eeldades et ökomärgis tähistab ka tervisele kahjutum olemist, mis ei pruugi siiski tõsi olla. Tarbimata jääb tavaliselt ökomärgisega toode selle tõttu, et inimesi lihtsalt ei huvita märgised ja keskkonnahoid, vaid eeskätt see, kas vahend teeb oma töö ära. Tarbijate hulgas on aga rahulolu kõrge. Ökomärgiste kohta teavitustöö teha on veel palju, et jõuda ka kõige jonnakamate tarbiateni, kuid seda tuleb teha targalt ja suunata inimesi alatesdlikult paremid ostuvalikuid tegema. Kuna kliimamuutused ja keskkonnahoid ja praeguseks väga päevakorras teema, oleks see hea viis panna inimesi tundma, et ka nemad saavad siiski midagi üksikisiku tasandil tarbijana muuta.Environmental conservation and climate topics have been gaining momentum worldwide in recent years. Eco labels are one way for consumers to directly contribute to environmental conservation. In this regard, the idea arose to examine the awareness of Estonian consumers regarding eco labels on laundry detergents. The aim of this study is to investigate both the awareness of eco labels and how it influences purchasing and consumption habits. The study addresses various types of eco labels and major eco labels used in the European Union, examining their familiarity among respondents. It also highlights some eco labels from other countries. The criteria for obtaining different eco labels and what is involved in the process are discussed as well. The survey aims to understand how important respondents consider the environmental impact of laundry detergent consumption, how aware they are of different eco labels and their meanings, where they primarily obtain information about eco labels, and whether more information could circulate. The study also seeks to determine the factors that influence respondents to choose products with eco labels and whether the presence of a label creates any preconceptions about the product. The thesis provides an overview of the main eco labels and consumer habits regarding the purchase of laundry detergents. Conclusions are drawn on how to increase consumer awareness and improve habits towards better environmental practices. Slightly over half of the respondents care about the environmental impact of laundry detergent use, but 42% of them do not pay attention to the labels on the packaging. People lack sufficient information about eco labels, which prevents them from considering this topic altogether. It is believed that such a small factor does not have a significant enough impact to motivate a change in consumption habits. Even the most well-known eco labels remained unfamiliar to the respondents. The meaning of eco labels is also unfamiliar to consumers. It is often confused with being health-friendly, and it is assumed that a product consists only of natural substances. Information is primarily obtained from the product packaging, but it only includes small illustrations or additional benefits provided by the manufacturer, which may not even be related to the eco label. A lot of information reaches consumers through advertising campaigns, which could be further utilized for educational purposes. Consumers themselves mention the desire for more information about labels and believe that increasing awareness would also change their consumption habits towards environmental friendliness. Half of the respondents have purchased laundry detergents with eco labels, but the other half are those who do not pay attention to the labeling or are unsure. One possibility would be to place eco labels on the front of the product packaging and increase their size to attract people's attention more easily. Respondents who consciously consume products with eco labels do so primarily out of concern for the environment but also for health reasons, assuming that an eco label indicates a less harmful product, which may not necessarily be true. The main reason for not using eco-labeled products is simply because people are not interested in labels or environmental conservation but rather in whether the product performs its intended function. However, overall satisfaction among consumers is high. There is still much work to be done in raising awareness about eco labels to reach even the most resistant consumers, but it must be done intelligently and direct individuals towards making better purchasing choices. As climate change and environmental conservation are currently high on the agenda, this would be a good way to make individuals feel that even as consumers on an individual level, they can make a difference.etKeskkonnatehnoloogiaKeskonnatehnoloogia ja -juhtimineEesti tarbijate teadlikkus pesuvahendite ökomärkidestEstonian Consumer Awareness of detergent Eco-Labelslõputöö