Piiritalo, JanisJärv, Timo-Martti2021-03-172021-03-172019https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/2400Lõputöö eesmärgiks oli projekteerida tudengite vormelautole FEST 19 stabilisaatorvarras. Eesmärgiks oli projekteerida vähese massiga, õigete jäikustega ja FSG reeglitele vastav varras. Esmalt pandi paika kontseptsioon, mida muuta lahendusel, et saavutada väiksem mass. Toodi välja probleemid, mis esinesid eelmise aasta stabilisaatorvardal ja toodi välja probleemidele lahendused. Teiseks etapiks oli välja uurida lähteparameetrid. Massialandamiseks võeti terastoru asemel kasutusele süsinikkiust toodetud toru. Et leida kõige optimaalsema ristlõikega toru, teostati tugevusanalüüsid erimõõdus torudele. Valituks osutus toru mõõtmetega 17x3 mm. Kogutud informatsioonist loodi esimene raalprojekteeritud mudel. Esmane mudel andis pildi ette, milline hakkab välja nägema stabilisaatorvarras ja mida tuleks muuta, et saavutada paremaid tulemusi. Esimesele versioonile teostati tugevusanalüüsid ja arvutused. Analüüsitulemustest saadud informatsiooniga valideeriti kas koostus olevaid detaile on võimalik massi poolest optimeerida või on tarvis teha parandusi disainile. Valitud materjalideks osutusid High moduls süsinikkiud, Alumec 89, Unimax ja 100Cr6. Üheks peamiseks eesmärgiks oli alanda stabilisaatorvarda massi, sellejaoks koostati koondtabel kõikidest koostus olevate detailide massidest ja arvutati kogu koostu kaal. Saadi teada, et uus stabilisaatorvarda mass on 647,9g ja massi erinevus eelmise aastaga võrreldes 98,3 g. Stabilisaatorvardale teostati ka katsetused, et valideerida analüüsitulemis reaalsusega. Katsetustest selgus, et projekteeritud varras on 1,5 korda jäigem. Saadud jäikustega teostati kontrollarvutused sellekohta kuidas nad mõjutavad kaalu ümberjaotust autol. Jõuti järeldusele, et jäigema stabilisaatoriga on auto eest alajuhitavam, kuid jäi normipiiridesse ja otsustati, et valmistatud stabilisaator on sobiv. Teostatud majanduslikest arvutustest saadi, et stabilisaatorvarda omahind on 15637,36 EUR.The aim of the thesis was to project anti roll bar for formula student car FEST 19. The coal was to project a lightweight, anti-roll bar with right deformations. Anti-roll bar needs to meet the rules of Formula Student Germany. Firstly a concept was put together, like what are the needs for anti-roll bar that it should perform better than the last year car anti-roll bar. The second step was to find out starting parameters, like location of the anti-roll bar, the force which applies to the assembly and dimensions. To save weight a High modulus carbon fiber tube was selected to transmit the forces. To find out the most suitable tube analysis were made with different tube cross section dimensions. A tube with dimensions of 17x3 mm was selected for the use. Next a first CAD model was projected from the starting parameters. This gave the first glimpse on how anti-roll bar was going to look and got ideas what parts should be changed for better performance. From the first CAD model analysis was made. From the study of the analysis, it was validated what parts can be optimized and what was the anti-roll bars deformation. Materials used for the assembly were High modulus carbon fiber, Alumec 89, Unimax and 100 Cr6. One of the main purposes was to project lightweight anti-roll bar, so calculations were conducted to find out the final assembly mass. From the calculations, the new anti-roll bar had mass of 647,9 g and the mass difference compared to last year solution was 98,3 g. For validating analysis results tests were conducted. Test results showed that the projected anti-roll bar was 1,5 times stiffer then it was meant to be. Calculations were performed to validate what happens whit the car when anti-roll bar is stiffer. Calculations showed that the car has more understeer in the front but it was in the standards so no more work was done. Conducted economic calculations showed that cost price of anti-roll bar is 15637,36 EUR.Mechanical Engineering--Product DevelopmentMehaanika--TootearendusMasinaehitusMechanical EngineeringFEST 19 Esimese Stabilisaatorvarda projekteerimineDesigning of FEST 19 front anti-roll barthesis