Leena, PaapTalisainen, Alex2021-05-242021-05-242021-05-14https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/3436Käesoleva diplomitöö eesmärgiks oli korraldada haldushange Paekalda 24a majale. Töö autor oli Merko Ehitus Eesti AS töötajana osaline hanke väljatöötamisel ja läbiviimisel. Diplomitöö esimeses osas on kirjeldatud kortermaja spetsiifikast tulenevalt haldushanke läbiviimise põhimõtteid ning kirjeldatud kortermajaga seotud teenuseid detailsemalt. Eraldiseisvalt on kirjeldatud haldusteenuse olemust, mille käigus kirjeldatakse kinnisvarahalduri pädevusi ja teadmisi, korteriühistu haldusteenuse olemust kui ka erinevaid toiminguid. Teise teenusena on kirjeldatud raamatupidamisteenuse olemust korteriühistu vajadusi silmas pidades. Kolmandana on selgitatud heakorrateenuse olemust kortermaja ja omanike vajadusi silmas pidades. Selle käigus on kirjeldatud sise- ja välikoristust ning eraldiseisvalt eripuhastöid ja selle erinevaid liike. Viimasena on tehtud ülevaade tehnohoolduse kohta, mille käigus selgitati erinevaid liike ning dokumenteerimist. Töö kolmandas osas on selgitatud hanke läbiviimise põhimõtteid. Peamiselt on lähtutud koostatud haldus-, heakorra- ja puhastusteenuse spetsifikatsioonidest (Lisa 2, Lisa 3, Lisa 4 ja Lisa 5). Spetsifikatsioonide koostamisel lähtuti hoone eripärast kui ka tarindite ja tehnosüsteemide kasutusja hooldusjuhenditest. Seejärel koostati pakkumiskutse, mis edastati haldusteenust pakkuvatele ettevõtetele (Lisa 9). Pärast pakkumiskutse edastamist ja saadud tagasisidest koostati võrdlustabel ning suheldi pakkujatega. Lõppvoorus osales kaks pakkujat, kellega kohtuti ka kinnistul ja täpsustati viimaseid detaile. Võrdlusmomendi saavutamiseks võrreldi Merko Ehitus Eesti AS ja Tallinna Linnavaraameti poolt korraldatud haldushankeid. Eesmärgiks oli hinnata Merko Ehitus Eesti AS poolt korraldatud hanget ja teha sellest tulenevalt järeldusi. Esialgu tundusid hanked väga sarnased, sest mõlema hanke eesmärgiks oli korrashoiu tagamine elamuhoones. Spetsiifikat analüüsides tuli aga välja, et hangete võrdluses esines nii sarnasusi kui erinevusi. Analüüsi tulemusena selgus, et erinevused tulenesid nii omanike ootustest kui ka juriidilistest asjaoludest. Juriidilised erinevused olid peamiselt seotud omandi liigi erinevusega, sest kortermaja puhul loodetakse korteriomandid ning tekib kohustus lähtuda korteriomandi- ja korteriühistu seadusest. Tallinna Linnavaraameti hooned kuuluvad Tallinna Linnale ja vajadus lähtuda korteriühistu- ja korteriomandi seadusest puudub. Teiseks suuremaks erinevuseks on omanike ootused. Kui Merko Ehitus Eesti AS soovis pakkujalt saada terviklahendust hoone haldamiseks, siis Tallinna Linnavaraamet kõiki teenuseid ei nõudnud, kuna viidi läbi mitu erinevat hanget. Kolmas KOKKUVÕTE 40 suurem erinevuses on hanke detailsus konkreetset hoonet silmas pidades. Kui Merko Ehitus Eesti AS hankega leiti haldaja kolmele samasugusele majale, siis Tallinna Linnavaraameti hankes oli 42 erinevat objekti. Sellest tulenevalt õnnestus Merko Ehitus Eesti AS hanke koostamisel lähtuda rohkem konkreetse hoone spetsiifilistest vajadustest. Kõikides hanke osades oli palju ka sarnasusi, mis annab kinnitust, et on võimalik erinevate hoonete puhul lähtuda hanke koostamisel kindlast raamistikust. Üldjuhul on soovituslik lähtuda kinnisvara korrashoiu standardit EVS 807:2016, mis määratleb tegevused ning saavutatavad tulemused. Siiski tuleb hanke koostajal kohandada standardis loetletud tegevusi hoone spetsiifikat silmas pidades, mis Merko Ehitus Eesti AS ka õnnestus.Conduction of adminstration procurement at the apartment building known as Paekalda 24a The aim of this diploma thesis was to organise an administrative procurement for Paekalda 24a building. The author of this diploma thesis is an employee of Merko Ehitus Eesti AS and had the opportunity to be involved in the development and implementation of the on-going procurement. The first part of the diploma thesis describes the principles of conducting an administrative procurement while considering the specifics of the apartement building and further describing the services related to the apartment building. The nature of the administrative service has been described separately, in the course of which the competencies and knowledge of the real estate manager, the nature of the administrative service in the apartment association as well as various operations will be described. The second service is the nature of the accounting service in terms of the needs of the apartment association. Thirdly, the nature of the maintenance service has been explained in terms of the needs of the apartment building and the owners. In the course of this, indoor and outdoor cleaning and special cleaning works and their different types will be described separately. Finally, an overview of technical maintenance has been made, during in which different types and documentation were explained. The third part of the work explains the principles of the procurement. The specifications of the prepared administrative, maintenance and cleaning service have been mainly followed to illustrate the outcome of author´s conclusion (Annex Lisa 2, Annex 3, Annex 4 and Annex 5). The specifications were based on the specifics of the building as well as the instructions for usage and maintenance of structures and different technical systems. A call for tenders was then sent to the companies providing administrative services (Annex 8). In order to achieve the comparison between those two under investigation, the administrative procurements organised by Merko Ehitus Eesti AS and Tallinn City Treasury, were compared. The aim was to evaluate the procurement organised by Merko Ehitus Eesti AS and draw conclusions from it. Initially, the procurements seemed very similar, as the purpose of both of them was to ensure the maintenance of the residential building. However, when analysing the specifics, it turned out that there were both similarities and differences in the comparison of procurements under question. SUMMARY 42 The analysis revealed that the differences were mainly influenced by the owners´ expectations and the relevant law. The legal differences were mainly related to the difference in the type of the ownership, because in the case of an apartment building, apartment ownerships for individuals are created and therefore, an obligation arises to comply with the Aprtment Ownership and Apartment Association Act. The building of the Tallinn City Treasury Department belong to the City of Tallinn and there is no need to comply with the Aprtment Association and Apartment Ownership Act. Another major difference is the expectations of the owners. While Merko Ehitus Eesti AS wanted to receive a complete solution for the management of the building from the tenderer, the Tallinn City Treasury did not require all services, as several different procurements were carried out separately. The third major difference is the level of detail of the procurement in relation to the specific building. The procurement of Merko Ehitus Eesti AS found a manager for three similar houses. However, in the procurement of the Tallinn City Treasury Board there were 42 different objects under question. As a result, Merko Ehitus Eesti AS succeeded in compiling the procurement based more on the specific needs of a specific building. There were also many similarities in all parts of the procurement, which confirms that it is possible to follow a certain framework when preparing the procurement for different buildings. In general, it is recommended to follow the real estate maintenance standard EVS 807:2016, which defines the activities and the results to be achieved. However, the procurer must adjust the activities listed in the standard in view of the specfics of the building, which Merko Ehitus Eesti AS succeeded in doing.etTTK Subject Categories::MuuKinnisvara korrashoidKortermaja Paekalda 24a haldushanke läbiviimineConduction of adminstration procurement at the apartment building known as Paekalda 24alõputöö