Paap, LeenaNõlvak, Gregor2023-05-252023-05-252023-05-15õputöös analüüsiti 1972. aastal ehitatud Avangardi kolhoosi garaažihoone seisukorda ning kasutusaja jooksul tekkinud kahjustusi. Selgus, et suurimad kahjustused on põhjustatud valedest ehitustehnilistest võtetest, mistõttu on konstruktsioonid sademevetega märgunud ja ehitusmaterjale kahjustanud. Samuti puudub hoones ventilatsioonisüsteem ja toimiv küttesüsteem, mistõttu ehitatakse see välja parema sisekliima tagamiseks. Lisaks laotakse hoonesse vaheseinad, muutmaks ruumiplaneeringut laopindade rajamise näol. Hoone välisilme kaasajastamiseks paigaldatakse fassaadikatteks profiilplekk ning välisseina alumisele otsale tsementkiudplaadid. Samuti kasutatakse tsementkiudplaate pikendatud räästa viimistlusmaterjaliks. Siseviimistluse osas teostatakse olemasolevale krohvikihile kohtparandused, misjärel teostatakse seinte ja lagede värvimistööd. Kehvade piirdetarindite soojustusmaterjalide ja katkiste avatäidete tõttu on hoonel kehv energiatõhususväärtus ning selle parandamiseks soojustatakse välisseinad ja katuslagi efektiivsemate soojustusmaterjalidega. Samuti soojustatakse hoone perimeetri ümber maapind ning rajatakse sillutisriba. Lisaks vahetatakse välja kõik avatäited parema soojusläbivuse väärtusega materjalide vastu. Oluliselt rekonstrueeritava laohoone energiatõhususe piirväärtus vastavalt määrusele on 100 kWh/(m2∙a). Lõputöös käsitletud rekonstrueerimistööde lahendustega saadi energiasimulatsiooni tulemusel energiatõhususarvuks 79 kWh/(m2∙a), mis annab hoonele B energiatõhususklassi. Hoone rekonstrueerimistööde kohta koostati hinnanguline ehituseelarve, mille tulemusel on eeldatav hoone ehitusmaksumus 306 551 eurot.The following graduation thesis Garage Building Reconstruction Solutions, Estimated Construction Cost and Energy Performance analyses a Soviet-era garage building, identifying the condition of the building with an overview of the damage that has occurred over its 50-year period of use. In addition, the work proposes reconstruction solutions and an estimate of the construction costs for their implementation. According to the European Union`s Green Deal Directive, there should be no greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Therefore, the reconstruction of buildings to extend their life cycle and make them more energy efficient is topical issue today. During the exploitation time, the main damage was caused by incorrect construction methods, which led moisture and precipitation water penetration into the structures. During the current study, all damage was inspected by using visual method. In addition, the author presents the building structures with blueprints to give an idea of how the existing structures were built. Considering the fact that the building is now frequently used for economic activities, the need has arisen to make the building energy efficient, to modernize the exterior finishes and to change the space planning to create storage rooms. In this analysis, the author of the thesis outlines reconstruction solutions to achieve the required energy performance value defined by the regulations. Thermal conductivity calculations were also carried out to show the thermal resistance values of the external envelope. The regulations do not determine the intended use of the garage building, therefore the function of the building is reflected as a warehouse. As the building is mainly used for the storage of agricultural machinery, it provides adequate results in the energy performance calculations based on the requirements of the Regulation and the specified parameters for a warehouse building. According to the Regulation of Energy Performance of Buildings, the energy limit value for a warehouse is 100 kWh/(m2∙a). Using the reconstruction solutions and building materials on which this work is based on, the energy performance calculations achieved an energy use value of 79 kWh/(m2∙a), which gives an energy performance class B.etEhitus::Hoonete ehitus::Ehitamine::Remont- ja rekonstrueerimistöödHoonete ehitusGaraažihoone rekonstrueerimine, hinnamaksumus ja energiatõhususGarage Building Reconstruction Solutions, Estimated Construction Cost and Energy Performancelõputöö