Alt, AivarsHints, Ahti2021-03-172021-03-172020õputööna koostati ärihoone ja kahe ridaelamu tööde organiseerimise projekt. Ehitusmaksumuse, tehnoloogiate ja vajalikku ressursikulu määramiseks tuli läbi töötada kolme hoone projektdokumentatsioon. Lisaks tuli palju täpsustusi konsultandilt. Projekti eelarve koostamine kujunes tänu kolme eraldiseisva hoone mahtude leidmisele väga ajamahukaks, seda hoolimata konsultandi poolt saadud tööde mahtude koondtabelitele. Töö ühikhindadena kasutati EKE Nora andmebaasi, konsultandilt saadud välisvõrkude koondhindeid ja autori koostatud ühikhindasid. Ühe ruutmeetri suletud netopinna käibemaksuta ehitusmaksumuseks kujunes otsekulus 1049,2 eurot ja 5 % kasumimarginaali juures 1101,7 eurot. Tegelik ehitusmaksumus formeerub peale ridaelamute ostjate ja ärihoone rentnike soovitud muudatustööde teostamist. Siinjuures tuleb hoiduda liiga pikkadest lisatööde tähtaegadest, kuna lisanduvate üldkulude suhe lisatööde hinda võib hakata vähendama planeeritud kasumit. Ehitusplatsi plaani koostamisel võeti eesmärgiks ringliiklusega liiklusskeemi loomine ja ajutiste teede paigutamine kohtadele, kus ajutiste teede ja platside killustikkate oleks aluseks rajatavatele teedele ja parklatele. Tööde teostamise graafik koostati vastavalt ehituse peatöövõtja ja tellija poolt kokku lepitud algus- ja lõpptähtaegadele, võttes arvesse ajalist puhvrit, mis on vajalik ridaelamute sektsioonide ostjate ja ärihoone rentnike soovidest tulenevate projektimuudatuste sisseviimiseks. Töö koosseisus olevate fassaadi- ja müüritööde tehnoloogiliste kaartide koostamisel tuli põhjalikult läbi töötada materjalitootjate paigaldusjuhised, kust autor leidis edasises tööelus kasutatavaid praktilisi nõuandeid.Organizing the Construction of Terraced Houses and a Commercial Building The topic of this graduation thesis is to compile a plan for organizing the construction works of two terraced houses and a commercial building. The author of the project is RTG Arhitektid OÜ, terraced house work no. 19030 and office building work no. 19050. The same architectural firm has also prepared structural part of the project. The task of the construction work organization project is to find solutions for the cost-optimal and safe use of the construction site during the construction process. The project provides an overview of the location of the buildings under construction, their architectural and structural solutions. A construction budget was prepared to determine the construction cost and labor intensity. The EKE Nora database has been used for unit prices and time norms in this work. The consultant's data helped to determine the construction cost of utility networks. The direct cost of the construction without profit was 2,442 623 euros + VAT, the cost of 1 m2 is 1049,2 euros + VAT. As all sections to be built are resold to the end customer, a price agreement is reached with the buyer for the final interior finish. Based on the time norms found and the volume of work, a calendar schedule of construction works was prepared. With additional wishes form the buyers the construction schedule was extended for custom interior finishing. According to the schedule, the duration of the construction works is 421 days. Within the scope of the project, a general layout of a site was prepared. In addition to the buildings to be built, the general layout indicated temporary buildings, facilities, lots, roads, location of sites and utility networks, smoking areas, waste and traffic management during construction. The project provides explanatory notes of the works to be performed. In the technological part of the works, more detailed façade and masonry works were discussed, for which technology charts of the works were prepared. The technology charts showed the volumes of façade and masonry works, a more detailed description of the works, quality assessment parameters and permitted tolerances. The graphic part of the technology charts showed the order of execution of the works, the location of the scaffolding, SUMMARY 65 the gripping areas of the works and the location of the crane during the assembly of the façade sandwich panels. At the end of the project, measures to ensure work safety, fire safety of the construction process and environmental safety were described. During the preparation of the project, the author worked through the installation instructions prepared by different material manufacturers. While working on the project, the author found some assembly that should be improved. The recommendations are included in the explanatory note of the technology carts.Construction--Building Construction--Construction--Organization of constructionEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamine--Ehituse organiseerimineHoonete ehitusBuilding ConstructionÄrihoone ja ridaelamute tööde organiseerimise projektOrganizing the Construction of Terraced Houses and a Commercial Buildingthesis