Nukka, AveViikberg, Liina2022-05-052022-05-052022-05-05õputöö eesmärk oli hinnata COVID-19 leviku tõkestamiseks kehtestatudvalitud piirangute mõju valitud Eesti spaahotellide finantsmajanduslikule olukorrale. Selleks koostati lõputöö metoodika; tehti ülevaade finantsanalüüsi teoreetilistest alustest ja COVID-19 piirangutest Eestis; valiti turismiettevõtete finantsmajandusliku olukorra hindamiseks sobivad analüüsimeetodid ja finantssuhtarvud; analüüsiti turismiettevõtete 2016-2020 aasta majandusaasta aruannete andmete alusel ettevõtete finantsnäitajate muutuseid ning tehti analüüsi põhjal järeldused ettevõtete finantsmajandusliku olukorra muutuste kohta. Andmete analüüsimiseks kasutati bilansi ja kasumiaruande horisontaal- ja vertikaalanalüüsi ning valitud rahandussuhtarvude analüüsi meetodit. Valimis oli 7 ettevõtet: Aqva Hotels OÜ, AS Pühajärve Puhkekodu, AS HEAL, OÜ Tervise Paradiis, Noorus OÜ, V SpaaHotell OÜ, AS Kuressaare Sanatoorium. Valim moodustas 14% üldkogumist. Töö tulemusena selgus, et COVID-19 leviku tõkestamiseks kehtestatudvalitud piirangud on avaldanud olulist mõju valitud Eesti spaahotellide finantsmajanduslikule olukorrale.The aim of the study is to assess the impact of the restrictions established to prevent the spread of COVID-19 on the financial situation of selected Estonian spa hotels. In order to achieve this goal, the following tasks have been set: to compile the methodology of the dissertation; to make an overview of the theoretical bases of financial analysis and the restrictions of COVID-19 in Estonia; to select appropriate methods of analysis and financial ratios for assessing the financial situation of tourism enterprises; to identify and analyze changes in the financial indicators of tourism enterprises on the basis of the data of the annual reports for 2017-2020; to draw conclusions on the financial situation of enterprises on the basis of the analysis. Thus, the work consists of the theoretical foundations of financial analysis and the results of empirical research. A purposive sample has been prepared for the dissertation. There are about 50 spa hotels in Estonia. The sample includes 7 companies located in different regions of Estonia. The main data sources of the dissertation are the annual reports of chosen tourism companies for 2017-2020. The methods of horizontal analysis, vertical analysis and analysis of selected financial ratios were used to analyze companies' balance sheets and income statements. In the course of the work, the data of the sampled companies has been examined at different points in time and the changes in the indicators over time have been analyzed. The study revealed that, despite the public subsidies received and the efforts made by companies to cope with the crisis, the financial situation of all the spa hotels in the sample has deteriorated in 2020 compared to previous years due to restrictions imposed to prevent the spread of COVID-19.etTTK Subject Categories::Majandus and ärijuhtimine::MajandusanalüüsMajandusarvestusCOVID-19 piirangute mõju valitud Eesti spaahotellide finantsmajanduslikule olukorraleThe Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions on the Financial Situation of Selected Estonian Spa Hotelslõputöö