Ranne, RaivoToop-Maide, Annika2024-05-142024-05-142024-05-13https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/5178Töö eesmärk oli kaardistada 5,5 hektariline maa-ala, selgitada välja olemasolev maapinna kõrgus ning kanda plaanile tehnovõrgud, mis vastab looduses olevale situatsioonile. Lõputöö koosneb geodeetilisest alusplaani koostamise etapid, mis hõlmab nii objekti ennast kui ka objektil kasutatud geodeetilisi instrumente. Kirjeldati väli- ja sisetööde läbiviimist, teostamise põhimõtteid ning seadusest väljatoodud regulatsioone. Isiklik eesmärk lõputöö raames oli viia enda paremini kurssi digitaalse joonise koostamise põhimõtetega jäi vajaka, kuigi soov oli osaleda geoaluse lõpp vormistuse etappides ning viia läbi kooskõlastamise protsess tehnovõrkude osas. Püstitatud eesmärk täideti, koostati maa-ala plaan ja anti tellijale üle.The thesis Geodetic Basic Plan focuses on the mapping of a 5.5-hectare land area, including utility networks, on the Tuulna geo-base, commissioned by Pinered OÜ. The site is located in Harju County, Lääne-Harju Municipality, Tuulna Village, Käpsi and Pälli cadastral units. The purpose of the work was to prepare a basic plan according to the nature of the situation, using various geodetic instruments and following the provided regulations. The thesis deals with the various stages of preparing the basic geodetic plan, starting with the introduction of the site and the description of the geodetic instruments used. The execution of outdoor and indoor works and the principles of execution are described in more detail, taking into account the regulations arising from the law. The author participated on the site as a surveyor trainee, wanting to improve his knowledge of the principles of digital drawing. The goal was to map the land area, measure the height of the ground, and put utility networks on the plan according to the actual situation. My personal goal was to better understand the creation of a digital drawing, but it was lacking in this regard. The author wanted to participate in the final stage of formalizing the base and go through the coordination processes regarding utility networks. The desire of the author of the graduation thesis was to connect the survey network with the local geodetic network point HKR-4 to ensure greater accuracy for future construction geodetic works. In summary, it can be said that the thesis provides an overview of the process of preparing the basic geodetic plan, dealing with the practical steps and challenges that the author encountered on the site. In addition, personal learning and development goals are outlined, which include a better understanding of digital drawing and participation in the final design phase of the base.etEhitusRakendusgeogeesiaGeodeetiline alusplaanGeodetic Basic Planlõputöö