Tammaru, EnnRammler, Lauri2021-03-172018https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/2061Antud lõputöö eesmärgiks oli leida võimalikult hea lahendus Kuuseheki 50 kortermaja ehitustööde organiseerimiseks. Lõputöös on kirjeldatud korterelamu arhitektuurset ning konstruktiivset lahendust. Käesoleva töö raames lahendas autor õõnespaneelide montaaži tehnoloogiakaardi ning pinnasel betoneerimise tehnoloogiakaardi. Paneelide paigalduse tehnoloogiakaart näitab autori nägemust õõnespaneelide paigaldamisest ratastelt ning kuidas on lahendatud paneelide betoneerimine. Põrand pinnasel tehnoloogiakaartiga on lahendatud võimalikult ökonoomselt põrandate betoneerimine ning betoneerimisele eelnevate tööde järjekord. Mahutabelite ning ajagraafiku koostamisel tugines autor EKE NORA andmebaasile mida korrigeeriti vastavalt konsultandi ettepanekute ja kogemuste põhjal. Lõputöö toob välja erinevate tööde kvaliteedi nõuded ning normid. Lahendatud on ehitusplatsi skeem millega on näidatud hoone paiknemine krundil, ajutised teed ja parklad, tõsteseadmete asukohad ning soojakute paiknemine. Koostatud on ka ehituseelarve. Ehitustöödega alustati 26.03.2018 ning hoone valmib 18.04.2019 . Ehitusperioodi pikkuseks kujuneb 278,4 päeva mil maksimaalselt ühel päeval oli platsi peal 84 töömeest.The topic of the present final thesis is the organisation of construction works on Kuuseheki 50 apartment building. The building is located in Harju county, Saue town. This thesis incorporates chapters describing the architectural, constructional and utility systems of the building. The aim of the present thesis was to compile a calendar schedule and organisation of works as economically as possible with regards to timeliness and financing. Unit prices and standard times of EKE NORA OÜ were used as the basis for drawing up the schedule and the budget. Standard times and prices in this thesis are partially altered according to the suggestions and experiences of the consultant. For the purposes of simplifying the process of works organisation, a location plan of the construction site is devised, highlighting all of the elements of the construction process. In addition to that, the author compiles two technology maps, the first of which describes the process of assembling hollow-core slabs and the second describes the concrete floorings built on surfaces. For the process of writing this thesis, the author has been granted the permission to use the valid construction works project for Kuuseheki 50 as well as the time tables and volume tables composed by the design team of Nordecon AS. The aim of this thesis was to find the best possible solution for organising the construction works of Kuuseheki 50 building. This thesis describes the architectural and constructional solutions employed at Kuuseheki 50 apartment block. The author provided a solution for the technological maps of assembling hollow-core slabs and establishing a concrete base on soil. The technology map of the installing of slabs presents the author’s vision of installing the slabs off of wheels and also details the process of concreting the slabs. The floor on soil technology map provides an option as economical as possible for concreting floors and the order of works carried out prior to concreting. SUMMARY 48 The author relied on the database of EKE NORA OÜ in compiling volume tables and the time schedule, both of which were amended in compliance with the consultant’s suggestions and experiences. This thesis also highlights the quality requirements and standards of different works. The solution of the sketch map of the construction site shows the positioning of buildings on the plot, temporary roads and parking areas, the locations of lifting equipment and the positions of site accommodation units. A construction budget was also calculated. The construction began on the 26th of March, 2018 and the building will be completed on the 18th of April, 2019. The duration of the construction period is 278,4 days and there were a maximum of 84 construction workers present on site on the same day.Construction--Building Construction--Construction--Organization of constructionEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamine--Ehituse organiseerimineHoonete ehitusBuilding ConstructionKuuseheki 50 kortermaja ehitustööde organseerimineOrganisation of Construction Works of Kuuseheki 50 Apartment Buildingthesis