Pütsep, RaivoKuusk, Martin2021-03-172021-03-172013https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/727Lõputööst selgub, et Stadler FLIRT diisel- ja elektrirongide baseerumisega Pääsküla depoos, pole põhjendatud küsimus, kas Pääsküla depoo suudab mõlemat tüüpi ronge teenindada. Käsitletud alateemades oli selgelt näha, et mõlemat tüüpi rongide hooldusega ei teki Pääsküla depool prognoositavaid raskusi, mahutavuse osas Pääsküla depoos probleeme ei ole, kuid Tallinn- Väike depoos võivad need tekkida ning depoo rekonstrueerimise ja depooseadmete osas tuleks teha suuri väljaminekuid, kui hakata diiselrongide hooldust teostama mujal kui Pääsküla depoos. Seoses Euroopa Liidu direktiiviga toimuvad muutused vedurijuhtidele esitatavate nõuete ja koolituse osas. Senise raudtee ettevõttes koolitamise asemel tuleb alates 1.07.2013 koolitada vedurijuhte vastavas koolituskeskuses, mis on plaanis luua Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli juurde. Töö selles suunas käib ning seetõttu on millestki konkreetsest hetkel võimatu rääkida. Stadler FLIRT rongide kasutuselevõtuga liiklusohutus reisiliikluse osas suureneb just nende liikumapanemises osalevate turvasüsteemide osalusega, samuti on juba konstruktsiooniliselt viidud kõrvaliste isikute juurdepääs rongide juhikabiinile miinimumini. Lõputöö järeldusi ja ettepanekuid on mõttekas AS Elektriraudteel läbi arutada ja rakendada.This thesis „Stadler FLIRT Diesel Multiple Unit Trains and their service“ is devided into two sections. In the first section it is analyzed if it is rational to service Stadler FLIRT DMU trains separate from EMU trains. For comparison it is taken the current depot for DR1-series DMU trains in Tallinn-Väike. It is revealed that the doubts in Pääsküla depot capability to manage with both Stadler FLIRT EMU and DMU trains have no basis. In discussed subthemes it is clearly visible that in the field of capasity there are no foreseen problems in Pääsküla depot but in Tallinn-Väike depot there may be due to the unanswered question, what will be done with old DR1-series DMU trains. Also when considering investments for renovating depots to service Stadler trains, there should be additional expences to service Stadler DMU trains elsewhere from Pääsküla depot. In addition according to technical maintenance work schedule done as a prognosis for the period from June 2013 until December 2014 no problems emerged. Another subtheme in this field was the list of depot equipment for EMU and for DMU which are not identical. The lists supplement each other and therefore for separate servicing must be done additional expences to make both lists meet the requirements of specific train type. Due to European Union directive, changes in requirements to locomotive drivers are to their training will be made. Instead of training in railway company, from the 1st of July 2013 the drivers have to be trained in a special independent training center. The training center is planned to be created in TTK University of Applied Sciences and due to the fact that everything is in planning stage, it is impossible to be more exact in that field. With the Stadler FLIRT trains coming to use, the railway traffic safety increases thanks to the safety systems installed on the trains. The construction of the trains and the drivers cab door has taken the ability for unauthorized persons to enter to minimum. It is reasonable for Elektriraudtee AS to consider and implement the conclusions and reccomendations made in this thesis.Transport--Rail Transport--Railway EngineeringTransport--Raudteetransport--RaudteetehnikaRaudteetehnikaRailway EngineeringStadler FLIRT diiselrongid ja nende teenindusStadler FLIRT Diesel Multiple Unit Trains and their Servicethesis