Janno, JelizavetaKahu, Marko2021-03-172018https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/2044Varude juhtimine on strateegiliselt oluline tegevus, sest mõjutab ettevõtte äritegevust ja on üks konkurentsivõime eeldus. Edukas ettevõte ei kanna selle juhtimise koormat ainult enda õlul vaid delegeerib osa vastutusest ka tarneahela osapooltele, luues laialdase koostöövõrgustiku. Kuna varud seovad käibekapitali, põhjustavad erinevaid kulusid ja võtavad hoiustamisruumi, soovitakse neid omada võimalikult vähe, kuid samas piisavalt palju, et tagada rahuldav teenindustase. Optimaalse koguse leidmine on keeruline, mistõttu kulude vähendamise alternatiivne võimalus on varude ringlust kiirendada. Lõputöö fookus on suunatud tootmisettevõtte Scanfil OÜ toorainevarude käibesagedusele, mis on varude juhtimise üks oluline mõõdik. Antud ettevõte pole suutnud juhtkonna poolt eesmärgistatud keskmist käibesagedust juba aastaid saavutada, mistõttu püstitas autor uurimusprobleemi ja sõnastas eesmärgi. Töös otsiti võimalusi vaadeldava ettevõtte keskmise käibesageduse tõstmiseks. Selleks suunati tähelepanu ka tarneahela osapooltele, kelle roll Scanfil OÜ käibesageduse mõjule oli üllatavalt suur.A company’s success, cash flow and profitability are first and foremost dependant on the supply chain and stock management. Hence, a smoothly running supply chain and effective management of stock provide a significant competitive advantage and constitute a factor of success. The cooperation of different parties acts as an agreement that improves the success of business activities for both parties. Future trends are networks that require cooperation on a wider scale. Combining the data of the supply chain between parties increases the performance of the entire supply chain. In many areas of activity, the occurrence of competitive advantages is in strong correlation with the cooperation projects between customers and suppliers. One such party is Scanfil LLC, a company that belongs to a Scandinavian group and operates in the field of providing electronics components as well as finished products. The primary value of the manufacturing enterprise is in its process of assembling raw material components into a whole product. These products, in turn, are then used as raw material by the following level electronics companies within the same field of industry. The thesis will observe the nature and causes of the emergence of stock in the manufacturing company Scanfil LLC in a more generalized manner. More specifically, the author deals with the topic of stock circulation, focusing on the turnover rate of the raw material stock and its influencing factors. The problem of the company under study lies with a low rate of turnover. One of the annual challenges of the management board of the company has been increasing the average rate of turnover, however, thus far an increase of pace towards that goal has not been achieved. The aim of the thesis is to find options and present suggestions for Scanfil LLC for increasing the average turnover rate of their stock.Transport--Logistics--Logistics and Supply Chain Management--Inventory ManagmentTransport--Logistika--Logistika ja tarneahela juhtimine--Laovarude juhtimineTransport ja logistikaTransport and LogisticsOsapoolte koostöö arendamine laovarude paremaks juhtimiseks ettevõttes Scanfil OÜCollaborative Partnerships Development for Better Stock Management in Scanfil LLCthesis