Keskküla, MartMähonen, Irina2021-03-172021-03-172015 peaeesmärgiks on projekteerida Puhta Vee teemaline puhkusekeskus vana Metsamõisa hoonekompleksis. Projekteeritav teemapark on mitte ainult ideoloogiliselt vaid ka ehitusviisilt loodus- ja keskkonnasõbralik. Projekteerimisel lähtusin põhimõttest- võimalikult palju säilitada ja edasi kanda vanu asju ja samas integreerida neid uuemate tehnoloogiatega. Vana müürid, mis on pooleldi katki, on kasutatud uute hoonete peaelemendiks, ülejäänud materjalid aitavad kaasa funktsiooni toetamiseks ning müüride esiletoomiseks. Lisaks olemasolevale graniitkivile lisandub puit ja klaas. Kasutatavad materjalid on loodussõbralikud ja samas ka vastavad energiasäästlikuse põhimõtetele. Praegu on olemas üks tuulegeneraator ja planeeritud on lisada päikesepatareid. Küttesüsteemiks on valitud maakütte süstee, mis on tänapäeval kõige energiasäästlikum meie kliimas. Praegu kompleks koosneb õppehoonest, keldrist, tiigist ja meelteaiast, lisanduvad vabaõhu terrass, majutushoone ja käsitöökoda. Uued projekteeritavad hooned omavad erinevad funktsioone, mis on iseloomulik Eesti mõisakultuurile. Lääne-Virumaa piirkonnas on vähe selliseid kohti kui saaks looduses puhata ja samal ajal midagi õppida ning viia läbi seminarid ja töötoad. Metsamõisa Puhta Vee Teemapark pakub sellist võimalust. Kompleksi saab kasutada erinevate asutusete korporatiivürituste jaoks, koolilaste looduse õpetuse tundide jaoks ja palju muud. Kompleks toob piirkonna rohkem turiste nii Eesti siseselt kui ka väliselt, sest peale majutuse ja puhkamise võimalust see annab ka ülevaate Eesti maakultuurist. Tähtis oli säilitada emotsionaalse puhkuse võimaluse looduses ning mitte üle koormata hoonetega projekteeritava Metsamõisa Puhta Vee Teemaparki. Samuti sooviks ka rõhutata puhta vee olemasolu selles kohas, selle vee tekimise ajalugu ning legendid ja kanda edasi puhta vee säilitamise tähtsust. Projekteeritav kompleks vastab Majandus ja Kommunikatsiooni ministri määruses nr 14 „Nõuded liikumis-, nägemis- ja kuulmispuudega inimeste liikumisvõimaluste tagamiseks üldkasutatavates ehitistes“ vastu võetud 28.11.2002 on kehtestatud nõuetele. Kuid meie eesmärk on mitte ainult tingimustele vastavus vaid ka mugavus. Metsamõisa Puhta Vee Teemapargi kompleks on erivajadustega inimestele mugav kasutada, projekteerimisel me arvestasime eelkõige erivajaduste inimestega. Hüdraulilised liftid, kõik üldkasutatavad WC-d on vastavalt nende vajadustele projekteeritud, kõikides majutustubades on ettenähtud invakäruga liikumine, igal pool on ettenähtud pandused, et erivajadustega inimesed saaksid iseseisvalt liikuda ja kasutada kõike kompleksi võimalusi. Kõik hooned on disainitud ühe ansamblina ning projekti läbivalt on hästi näha nende tunnusjooned. Samas on projekteerimisel arvestatud et kõik hooned on täitsa erinevate funktsioonidega ning erinevate konstruktsioonide tüüpidega. Kompleksi ehitusel me kasutame puitu ja klaasi, mis on loodussõbralik ja aitab olemasolevate maakivide rõhutamisele ja esile toomisele. Metsamõisa kompleksi hooned on erinevate suurustega ja säilinud vanad müürid on erinevas seisukorras. Konstruktiivses projekteerimises me lähtusime konkreetse hoone funktsioonidest ning tingimustest. Sisekliima on hoone puhul üheks tähtsamaks faktoriks, mis määrab inimese heaolu. Tähtis oli valida õige kütte süsteem, sest antud valik peab tagab mugavustunde hoones. Küte ja jahutuse allikaks on valitud soojuspumpad. Metsamõisa kompleksi hooned on projekteeritud tulekaitse nõuetele vastavalt .The theme and object of this project defense is to give new life to old almost destroyed mansion located in the center of Estonia Metsamõisa Pure Water Theme Park. The owner of the mansion has already renovated one building of the complex and is using it now to give lectures and seminars about water pollution and cleaning. His wish was to renovate three more buildings with different functions. The main idea of design is to save as much of the old construction as possible by conservation it and adding modern materials and textures as glass and wood. At the moment the projected complex consists of study building, cellar, pond and small garden. We are adding accommodation building, crafts building and terrace. The biggest building of the complex will be accommodation building it will have restaurant on the first floor that can be also used as a main hall for events. Also on the first floor is planned restaurant kitchen that can be used by clients as a self-service when restaurant is closed or catering is not provided. The rest area of the first floor is used by procedure rooms and lobby. There are two ways how to get to second floor from inside, elevator and staircase. Second floor is filled with accommodation rooms. All rooms have exit to the balcony that can be used as evacuation road with two staircases on the north facade. Then there is crafts building with main function as crafts laboratory on the first floor and lecture auditorium on the second. Also on the second floor there are two accommodation rooms for lecturers or special guests and one office for organizing work. As lecturers may stay in that complex for longer period of time, shower and kitchen is provided. Kitchen can also be used for preparing coffee during seminars. Third construction of the complex is open terrace. Its purpose will be entertaining and relaxing area of the complex. Owner wish was to have a small stage where invited musicians can play for complex visitors. Also some dancing area is planned next to stage. Architectural concept of the building is to keep earth stone walls the way they are by conservation and combine them with modern glass construction. Terrace is planned not heated and fully ventilated with the gaps between glass and stone walls. Glass should be used sun protecting not to bring heat inside the terrace. In area where complex is located are no such places to be able to relax in nature and at the same time to learn something and to organize seminars and workshops. Metsamõisa Pure Water Theme Park offers such an opportunity. The complex can be used for corporate parties for the various authorities, for school children learning nature classes and other. It was important to preserve the possibility to emotionally relax and enjoy nature in complex of Metsamõisa Pure Water Theme Park. It is also important to emphasize the presence of clean water in this place and its history and legends of creation, and carrying on the importance of protecting clean water. The complex is planned according to needs of disabled people, or people with limited mobility, but our goal is not just fitting the requirements but also the comfort of using buildings. We designed it according first of all of those people needs: hydraulic lifts, all the toilets are equipped with special furniture accomplishing the requirements of people with disabilities, all accommodation rooms have space to move with wheelchair, so people with disabilities can move independently and use all the complex options. All the building are designed as complex and they have common architectural sense, however, the design of all the buildings differ because of their function and the condition of existing fieldstone walls. In terrace the biggest amount of walls preserved, so we use glass construction to protect it from weather conditions but not hide the old beauty. Craft building has less preserved fieldstone walls, in that case we construct building inside the walls as prefabricated element. From inside and from outside it is possible to enjoy the view and the soul of an old building. In accommodation building the smallest amount of walls preserved, but even here we try to bring it out. Fieldstone wall will be used as interior decoration in restaurant. Outdoor climate it is not possible to regulate according to our wishes but indoor climate is a key factor of the building and of human well-being. It was important to choose the right heating and cooling system for ensure comfort in the building. For our project we selected heat pump as heating and cooling source. Metsamõisa Pure Water Theme Park complex of buildings are projected according to fire protection requirements and an automatic fire alarm system in used.Architecture--Applied Architecture--Architectural DesignArchitecture--Applied Architecture--Basics of RestorationArhitektuur--Rakendusarhitektuur--Arhitektuurne projekteerimineArhitektuur--Rakendusarhitektuur--Restaureerimise alusedRakendusarhitektuurApplied ArchitectureMetsamõisa puhta vee teemapargi projekteerimineReconstruction of the Metsamõisa mansionthesis