Kuusk, MargitAasmäe, Aire2021-03-172021-03-172015https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/1232Käesolevas töös täideti järgnevad püstitatud ülesanded: teoreertilise materjali läbitöötamine, erinevate nähtavust suurendavate materjalide leidmine ning prototüüpide valmistamine. Prototüüpide puhul jälgiti valitud stiili ning kasutatava helkurmaterjali kokkusobivust. Valmistati kolm erinevas stiilis mantlit, mis põhinevad samal baaslõikel, kuid erinevad tegumoe, kangavaliku ning kasutatava helkurmaterjali poolest. Ühtse baaslõike saamiseks konstrueeriti põhilõige ning maketi õmblemise järel tehti lõikele parandused ning muudatused. Moekohased lõiked konstrueeriti vastavalt konkreetse mudeli tehnoloogilisele joonisele, kirjeldusele ning toote eesmärgile. Läbitöötatud teoreetilise materjali põhjal võib järeldada, et integreeritud helkurmaterjaliga igapäeva rõivastuse tootevalikut oleks vaja suurendada. Huvi ning vajadus selliste toodete järele on olemas. Antud töö tulemusi saab rakendada edasisel tootearendusel ning silmas pidada eritellimusel valmivate disainitoodete puhul või kodustes tingimustes olemasolevate toodete nähtavuse suurendamisel.The choice of topic is based on Estonian geographical location and weather, especially the little amount of daylight during autumn and winter months. Purpose of the thesis “Development of Coats with Increased Visibility for Women” is to review available information and previously done research on pedestrian safety and increasing pedestrian visibility, and based on the review develop prototypes with integrated reflective details. Is it possible to integrate reflective material to everyday wear and make the product look appealing? To find an answer to that question, research was done on pedestrian safety, visibility and retro reflective materials, and prototypes were developed. The aim of the prototypes was to give a more realistic evaluation to the placement and efficiency of used reflective materials in addition to evaluating wool fabric compatibility with different reflective materials. Three different coats were designed differing in style, fabric and technology. Based on the prototypes it can be concluded that it is possible to make reflective materials work with wool fabrics and classic everyday wear. It is recommended to choose a stiffer fabric with a smoother surface. Results of this paper can be used for further product development, and for information when creating a special order design or increasing the visibility of products at home. The need and interest for everyday wear with integrated reflective materials is there and further work on this topic is necessary.Clothing and Textiles--Product DevelopmentRõivad ja tekstiilid--TootearendusRõivaste tehniline disainTechnical Design of ApparelSuurendatud nähtavusega mantlite väljatöötamine naisteleDevelopment of Coats with Increased Visibility for Womenthesis