Kirikal, HeveKeerles, Kaidi2021-05-122021-05-122021-05-10 uurimuse objektis olid Eesti ettevõtted, kes tegelevad värbamisprotsessiga pidevalt ning vajavad hästi toimivat värbamisprotsessi. Uuringus osales 16 ettevõtet, kes asuvad Eesti erinevates piirkondades ning tegelevad võimalikult erinevates valdkondades. Empiirilise uuringu eesmärk on välja selgitada personali värbamisel kasutatavad tehnoloogilised lahendused värbamistegevuse tõhustamiseks. Lõputöö esimeses peatükis anti ülevaade personali värbamisprotsessist ja erinevate tehnoloogiate kasutamise võimalustest. Personali värbamine ei ole tänapäeval enam ainult töökuulutuse avaldamine ja kandidaatide ootamine. Värbamine on tervikprotsess, kus tuleb tähelepanu pöörata mitmele asjale – tööandja brändile, töökuulutusele, mobiilsele ja sotsiaalsele värbamisele ning paljudel erinevatel asjadel. Lisaks tuleb tänapäeval pöörata tähelepanu ka demograafilisele muutumisele ja organisatsioonid peavad arvestama, et kollektiivis võivad koos töötada viis erinevat põlvkonda. Meid ootab ees värbamisturunduse võidukäik, kus iga kandidaadi eest tuleb võidelda. Olulisel kohal on tehnoloogia kasutamine personali värbamisel. Ühiskonna survel tuleb hakata kasutama järjest rohkem tehnoloogilisi abivahendeid. Eduka värbamistöö tegemiseks kasutavad paljud ettevõtted tehnoloogilisi ja strateegilisi lahendusi – sotsiaalmeedia võimaluste rakendamine, tugeva ettevõtte brändi loomist, online teemagruppides osalemine, mobiilse ligipääsu võimaldamine, videointervjuude tegemine jne. Ettevõtted teevad kõike, et olla nähtavad. Teisalt on tehnoloogiate kasutusele võtmisel ka organisatsioonile kasu, see võimaldab personalitöötajatel tööprotsesse juhtida efektiivsemalt ning aidata aega kokku hoida. Aja kokku hoidmine tähendab omakorda, et hoitakse ka kokku raha. Värbamisprotsess muutub tänu tehnoloogia kasutamisele kiiremaks ja efektiivsemaks. Selleks, et teooriat toetada, kaardistati tehnoloogilised lahendused ja nende kasutamine personali värbamisel personalitöötajate hinnangul ja töötajakogemuse põhjal. Selleks viidi läbi uurimus küsitlemaks personalitöötajaid ja alates 01.01.2020 samas ettevõttes vabadele töökohtadele kandideerinud töötajaid. Eesmärgiks oli kaardistada personali värbamisprotsess tehnoloogiate abil ning anda soovitusi protsessi lihtsustamiseks ja efektiivsemaks muutmiseks.The topic of this thesis is ‘Recruiting personnel by means of technology’. In today’s rapidly changing world, what we will be facing is the triumph of marketing in recruiting, which means that there will have to be a fight for every applicant in order to tempt them to apply; merely posting a job advertisement and waiting for applicants is not enough. The role of the recruiter has changed over time, too, due to demographic trends and changes in the labour market. The use of technology in recruiting personnel has rocketed, and technological tools need to be used more in the process. Using technology has become exceptionally simple, making the procedures of recruiting faster and more efficient. The thesis aims to determine the technological solutions used in personnel recruitment in order to increase the efficiency of recruiting activities. The object of the empirical study comprised Estonian companies which practice ongoing recruitment processes and need a well-functioning recruitment process. The participants of the study were 16 companies located in various regions of Estonia and operating in a variety of spheres. The empirical study was conducted by means of interviewing human resource specialists in the companies in question and, after 1 January 2020, the employees who had applied to vacant positions in the same companies, completed the competition process and were hired. The data for the empirical study were gathered by means of questionnaires designed to determine the technological solutions used for personnel recruiting in the opinion of the human resource specialists and the experience of these solutions being used from the perspective of the employees. Two questionnaires were designed for the survey. The first questionnaire was meant for interviewing the human resource specialists, and the second, for interviewing the employees in order to map the employees’ experience of using recruiting technologies in addition to the experience of the human resource specialists. The aim of the survey among the human resource specialists was to identify the technologies used in personnel recruiting in order to produce recommendations for increasing the efficiency of the process through the use of technological tools if necessary. The information requested from the employees of the companies who were hired during the above period pertained to the types of technological tools they found suitable and tempted them to apply. Other questions concerned their assessment of the usability of the technological tools needed in order to apply. How successful recruiting is depends on the right choice of channels. The survey meant for the human resource specialists showed that the channels used for recruiting the most were ‘CV keskus’ and ‘CV-online’ portals, and the employees who participated in the survey responded similarly. The human resource specialists specifically pointed out that they also liked to use Facebook and the company’s web page while the employees who had changed jobs responded that job advertisement could also be posted on the web page of the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund and in the talent bank. Technological tools need to be used more and more often in human resources. The use of a variety of systems allows human resource specialists to manage employment processes more efficiently and save time. The results of analysing the use of digital solutions to establish the first contact gives reasons for believing that human resource specialists and applicants alike prefer using traditional methods and meeting in person. The author suggests that technological tools should find a wider use for establishing the first contact; for instance, video CVs, videocall interviews, Skype conversations and online tests could be used. The use of a combination of technologies and traditional methods will increase the pace of the recruitment process and improve applicant experience. The thesis determines and analyses the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in the process of recruiting from the perspective of the human resource specialists. The survey showed that the human resources specialists regarded the speed and efficiency of technological solutions as their biggest advantage: according to the respondents, using it helped save precious time. Another aspect the human resource specialists found important was that the use of various technologies and channels allowed the widest scope of potential applicants to be covered. In addition, the respondents pointed out the convenient and fast information exchange. The disadvantages of using recruitment technologies specified by human resource specialists were that the use of technology might not be suitable for every applicant, and not every applicant would be able to use various technological solutions. It was also pointed out that preference is still primarily given to traditional methods.etTTK Subject Categories::Majandus and ärijuhtimineMajandusarvestusPersonali värbamine tehnoloogia abilRecruiting personnel by means of technologylõputöö