Alt, AivarsLige, Janet2021-03-172021-03-172018äesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks oli lahendada Kadaka pst 165D korterelamu ehitustööde organiseerimine. Ehitatav hoone on 7-korruseline kortermaja, mille 1. korrusel asub avatud parkla. Tööde ajamahukused leiti Eke Nora andmebaasist, mida korrigeeriti vastavalt märkustele ja soovitustele. Ehitustööd kestavad 333 kalendripäeva vastavalt kalendergraafikule. Antud hoone kogu maksumuseks on 1 156 613,2 € + KM. Lisaks on eraldi leitud ehituse organiseerimise kulud, milleks on 71 825,4 € + KM ehk 6% eelarvelisest kogumaksumusest. Töös lahendati ehitusobjekti maa-ala põhimõtteline kasutamine. Ehitusobjekti kasutamise kohta on koostatud ehitusplatsi üldplaan, kus on näidatud masinate liikumine, kraana tõstetsoonid, laoplats, soojakud, piirdeaed, ehitatav hoone. Plaan on lahendatud nii, et oleks tagatud kõige optimaalsem lahendus ja masinate liikumine. Käesolevas töös on lähemalt käsitletud kahte tehnoloogia kaarti. Esimene tehnoloogikaart annab ülevaate katusetöödest. Käsitletaks kõiki katusetöödega seonduvaid töid ning kvaliteedi nõudeid. Teiseks tehnoloogikaardiks on siseviimistluse tehnoloogikaart, kus antakse ülevaade teostavates sisetöödest ja kvaliteedi nõuetest. Mõlemaid tehnoloogikaarte toetavad graafilised joonised.The aim of this thesis is to organise the construction of an appartment building. The building under construction is a seven-storey apartment block with 21 apartments and an open parking space on the first floor. The architectural design is implemented by LLC Arhitektuuristuudio Paavo Kais and the structural design by Tari Inc. The contractor of this construction is Fund Ehitus LLC. In the first part of the thesis construction conditions, architectural and structral parts are described. The economic side with detailed construction budget is described in the second part. The budget is based on Eke Nora unit prices and build up by EVS 855:2005 standard. The total cost of the building is 1 156 613,2 €. The thesis gives an overview of the construction works, redacts construction site plan and general Gantt chart, and calculates the cost of the construction organisation. Construction site plan indicates the location of the building, temporary passages and storage space, crane and construction shelter locations, required sewerage, water, electricity lines. The total costs of construction organisation is 80 547,8 € which constitutes 7% of constructional budget. Gantt chart gives an overview of the duration of constructuion works, wich is 333 calendar days. The chart also helps to keep the work on schedule. The author proposes Solutions on how to minimise the costs of construction organisation. In the last part of the thesis, the necessary lifting technique is determined and two technological charts on roof and interior decorations are compiled. Short overview of the general contrac method, occupational and fire safety as well as environmental protection plan is also given. Technology charts give a thotough overview of construction works, work brigaade composition, necessary work equipmnet and quality requirements. It is important to plan the performance of the works in an efficient way to ensure timely construction with minimal errors. The main porpose of this thesis is to minimise the costs of constructional organisation.Construction--Building Construction--Construction--Organization of constructionEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamine--Ehituse organiseerimineHoonete ehitusBuilding ConstructionKadaka pst 165D ehituse organiseerimineOrganising the Construction of an Apartment Building at Kadaka Avenue 165Dthesis