Pihl, ToomasKliimann, Sandra2021-03-172021-03-172016https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/1423Tehnika ja tehnoloogia osatähtsuse kasv nõuab rohkem tähelepanu toote-teenuse-protsessi arendustegevusele, sealhulgas nii rakenduslikule inseneritegevusele kui ka kvaliteedi seisukohast lähtuvale ennetavale ja määravale tegevusele. Tootmisega tegelevad ettevõtted peavad oma tooteid, protsesse ja teenuseid perioodiliselt ajakohastama. Kvaliteedi tagamise objektideks tootmisettevõtetes on toode ja teenus. Klient ootab toodetelt ja teenustelt kindlaid omadusi, mis tagavad toote vastavuse kvaliteedinõuetele ning mida tootja tagab oma töötajate teadmiste-oskuste-kogemuste (TOK) põhiselt. Lõputöös keskendutakse keevituse kvaliteedisüsteemidele ja nendes kehtestatud nõuetele. Toetudes ISO 3834 „Keevituse kvaliteedinõuded metallide sulakeevitusel“ ja ISO 9001 standardis spetsifitseeritud kvaliteedijuhtimissüsteemi nõuetele on hinnatud ettevõtte AIM Production OÜ keevitustööde kvaliteediohjet. AIM Production OÜ on lehtmetall allhanketöid teostav firma, kes on spetsialiseerunud õhemast lehest (kuni 8mm) ja täpsust nõudvatele komponentidele ja koostudele. Ettevõtte AIM Production OÜ eesmärgiks on saada ISO 3834 sertifikaat, et suurendada klienditurgu. Sertifikaadi saamiseks tuleb täita kõik kvaliteedinõudmised ja läbida välisaudit. AIM Production OÜ sooviks on auditi läbimine 2016.a. sügisel. Auditi läbimiseks vajaliku tegevuskava väljatöötamiseks tuli kriitiliselt üle vaadata ettevõttes olemasolevad kvaliteeditegevused ning fikseerida puuduolevad kvaliteedielemendid. Puuduvate elementide täitmiseks peab ettevõte tegelema nõuete kontrolli ja tehnilise ülevaatusega, alltöövõtuga, tootmisseadete kontrollnimekirjadega, keevitusprotseduuride juurde kuuluva keevituskavandi väljatöötamisega ja tootmise planeerimisega. Parendamist vajavad ettevõtte olemasolevad kvaliteedielemendid nagu keevitusprotseduuride spetsifikaadid, seadmete kirjeldus ja hooldus, keevitajate atesteerimine, keevitusmaterjalide partii katsetamine, keevitusmaterjalide ladustamine ja käsitlemine, keevituse inspekteerimine ja kontrollpersonal ning tootmise mittevastavused ja parandatavad tegevused. Lõputöö autori arvates mõjuks ettevõtte töötajatele motiveerivalt juhtkonna poolt antav regulaarne tagasiside tehtud töö kohta – millistes mahtudes toodangud on ettevõttes tehtud, milline on olnud selle kvaliteet – kliendi reklamatsioonide arv ja mis on olnud nende põhjusteks. Luua korrektsed projektikaustad, mis tagaksid parema info liikumise ettevõttes projektijuhilt töötajateni. Koostada tuleks seadmete ja tööriistade kasutusjuhendid, mis tagaks nende korrektse käsitlemise töötajate poolt. Välisauditi läbimiseks tuleb ettevõttel tõsiselt tegeleda kvaliteedisüsteemi parendamisega. Koostatud lõputöö praktiliseks väärtuseks on keevituskvaliteeti käsitlevatest standarditest ülevaate andmine, millele toetudes saab koostada kvaliteedisüsteeme konkreetsele ettevõttele.Welding Quality System Development of the Company AIM Production OÜ The aim of this paper is to create a quality system for welding for AIM Production OÜ and to bring out the shortfalls in production. The company needs the welding quality system in order to pass ISO 3834 accreditation. Tasks derived from the aim of the paper: Overview of standards ISO 3834 and ISO 9001 To give an overview of the quality requirements that will be established with the ISO standard and the quality control procedures that will be defined. To describe the distinctive features and usage of the ISO 9001 standard. To bring out how ISO 9001 and ISO 3834 are connected. Developing the quality of welding works To give an overview of the actions that have to be taken by a welding company to be competitive and the requirements that they have to be in accordance with. To outline the attestation of a welder and the welding procedures, the requirements for welding works and the defects allowed in certain divisions of welding quality. Describing the existing quality system for the company AIM Production OÜ To introduce the company and its production. To give an overview of the quality goals that are in use, how they currently work and the audits that have been carried out at AIM Production OÜ. Suggestions for improving the quality system at AIM Production OÜ To explain which corrections have to be made in the procedures currently in use and which procedures have to be introduced in order for the company to have a correct quality system in both welding works and the production as a whole. The growth in the importance of technique and technology shifts more attention to the development of product-service-process, including both applied engineering as well as preventing and determining actions from the perspective of quality. The companies that deal with production have to periodically bring their products, processes and services up to date. The objects assuring quality in a production company are product and service. The client expects certain qualities that ensure the product’s accordance with quality requirements and that the manufacturer guarantees based on the employees’ knowledge-skill-experience. The thesis focuses on quality systems for welding and the requirements established in the systems. The quality control of welding works at AIM Production OÜ have been assessed based on ISO 3834 „Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials“ and ISO 9001 standard’s requirements of specified quality management system. AIM Production OÜ is a company performing sheet metal subcontract works. It specialises in thin sheet (up to 8mm) components and assemblies that demand precision. The main goal for AIM Production OÜ is to receive an ISO 3834 certificate to broaden their market range. In order to receive the certificate, the company has to meet all quality demands and pass the external audit. AIM Production OÜ wishes to pass the audit in fall 2016. In order to develop the action plan necessary for passing the audit, all existing quality actions were reviewed and all the missing quality elements were detected. For fulfilment of the missing elements, the company has to deal with reviewing requirements, technical inspection, subcontracting, inspection lists for production apparatus, working out the welding plan for welding procedures and planning the production. The company’s following existing quality elements need improving: specificities of welding procedures, description and maintenance of equipment, attestation of welders, testing of an array of welding materials, handling and storage of welding materials, inspection of welding, check-up personnel, noncompliancies and repairing activities in production. The author of this thesis thinks that a regular feedback regarding the accomplished assignments given by the management would have a motivating effect on the employees – the capacity of works done, the quality of it, the number of the clients’ reclamations and the reasons for them. Accurate project files would ensure a better information flow from the project managers to the workers. Instruction manuals for equipment and apparatus would guarantee correct operating of same by the employees. In order to pass the external audit, the company has to improve their quality system notably. The practical value of this paper is to compose a quality system for a specific company, based on an overview of the standards of welding quality.Mechanical Engineering--Engineering Materials--Welding MaterialsMehaanika--Tehnomaterjalid--KeevitusmaterjalidTööstustehnoloogia ja turundusIndustrial Technology and MarketingKeevituse kvaliteedisüsteemi väljatöötamine ettevõttele Aim Production OÜWelding Quality System Development of the Company AIM Production OÜthesis