Peets, TeeleDaniševskaja, Maria2021-03-172021-03-172014öö põhiliseks eesmärgiks oli luua uus julge ja eripärane kollektsioon väikestele balleriinidele esinemiste jaoks. Kõigepealt oli uuritud, millised olid eelistused ja tihti esinevad probleemid balletirõivaste juures. Selleks olid intervjueeritud erinevate Tallinna ballettikoolide treenerid. Kollektsioon oli läbi arutatud Kamilla OÜ juhiga ning oli määratud kollektsiooni põhikangas. Autori poolt olid pakutud mitu erinevat varianti, millest olid valitud 4 trikood ja 3 seelikud. Väikese kollektsiooni eripäraks on esiteks erk põhivärv ja teiseks, on kasutatud sublimaattrükki, mis annab kostüümidele individuaalse lähenemise rõivaste dekoreerimisel.This diploma summary shortly describes the main aspects of the thesis, assigned tasks and solutions towards achieving its goals. The chapter also gives an overview of the obtained work. The topic of the presented diploma is „Children ballet collection for Kamilla Ltd“. The main purpose of this diploma is try to be an independed fashion designer and constructor in the light industry. One of the objectives is to create a new collection for a specified scope thus demonstrating the diploma author’s both artistic and technical skills. As a result of the production process there were made garment samples. There were also discovered new opportunities in the light industry field. The purpose of the carried out activities is to improve the existing Kamilla Ltd pattern palette and to develop new technologies in producing ballet clothes, taking into account the peculiarities of its garments. There has been conducted a large amount of work: from collecting specific information on the ballet clothing aspects- its rules and needs, to developing new technologies for the production of new models. The characteristic feature of this collection the product models original design and the use of sublimation fabric print on some parts of the details. The collection consists of seven different garments: four leotards and three skirts- formed in four sets. For each one of the collection sets there has been created a unique design for the sublimation pattern. As a result there was created an interesting collection for children’s ballet performances. To obtain the full overview of the collection preparation the work is carried out by the author in areas, such as collection design and construction, technical sphere, economic sphere and the marketing sphere. The reader can see the produced collection in the photo collage, which is included in the attachement 3 at the end of the diploma thesis.Clothing and Textiles--Design--Apparel CollectionsRõivad ja tekstiilid--Disain--Rõivakollektsioonide koostamineRõivaste tehniline disainTechnical Design of ApparelLaste balletirõivaste kollektsiooni loomine Kamilla OÜ-leCreating a Children's Ballet Costume Collection for Kamilla LTDthesis