Mägi, TõnuAllikmaa, Jaak2021-03-172021-03-172017https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/1736Autor uuris töös probleemi, kus puitmajade transport Eestist Rootsi ja kliendile ukseni on kallis tänu kaubagrupi eripärale, milleks on kraanaga mahalaadimine lõpptarbija juures. Autor sai kogemuse põhjal ja klientidelt saadud info põhjal öelda, et kui kasutada tavatransporti lõpptarbijani ning kohalikku kraanateenust siis tuleb ühe puitmaja paki veokulu kokku umbes 450 €. Selline kulu on Stockholmini, kus praeguses turuseisus maksab üks laadimismeeter tavatranspordiga 100 € (puitmajad üksteise peale laetuna kahes kihis võtavad kokku kolm laadimismeetrit, mis annab ühe arvestuseks 1,5 laadimismeetrit) ja kraana teenus 300 €, kus sees on arvestatud sõit algusega baasist, mahalaadimine ja sõit baasi tagasi. Mida kaugemal on mahalaadimise punktid, seda kallimaks veokulu kujuneb. Autori klientuuri põhimure oli oma tarbijatele uksest-ukseni puitmajade transporditeenuse pakkumine, mis sisaldub juba toote hinnas ja lõpp-tarbijal ei jää mud teha kui osta toode ja see tuuakse talle soovitud kohta kohale. Selleks pidi autor leidma optimaalseima veoskeemi transpordiks, mis hoiaks kokku kulusid autori tööandjale ja samas pakuks odavaimat hinda klientuurile, mis suurendaks nende konkurentsivõimet läbi lihtsaima ja soodsaima teenuse pakkumise. Töö teostamiseks kasutas autor endal olemasolevaid hüdrokraanadega varustatud autoronge ja küsis hinnapakkumised laevaliinidelt, et kokku arvutada erinevad veokulud. Veoskeeme kasutas autor kokku üheksa, nende alla kuulusid veod ainult oma autorongidega, kabotaažveod ja veod erinevaid autoronge koos kasutades. Autor uuris põhjalikult kabotaažvedude kulusid ja võrdles neid oma transpordiga. Veokuludest järeldus, et ühiku hinna erinevused omatranspordi ja kabotaažvedude vahel on marginaalsed ja mõistlik on kasutada antud vedudeks kabotaaži. Kabotaaž veoskeem annab autorile olulise eelise koormates ainult ühte autorongi ja sooritades veod etteantud tarnetingimustel ning võimaldab komplekteerida optimaalseimad veoringid Rootsi terminalis. Uurimusküsimuse ehk kalli veohinna optimeerimiseks leidis autor lahenduse, millega suutis veokulud viia ühe ühiku kohta 198 € Stockholmini, mis on võrreldes 450 € hinnaga 56% odavam, see on oluliselt soodsam teenus ja vastab klientuuri soovidele ning annab autori tööandjale võimaluse pakkuda kvaliteetset teenust soodsama hinnaga ning optimeerida kulusid ise lühemaid veoringe Rootsi terminalis komplekteerides. Töös selgus, et klientidele tuleb teha erinevad hinnapakkumised seoses erinevate veokuludega, vastavalt klientuuri eripäradele. Oluline on vedada täiskoormaid, sest töös selgus, et osakoormate veol suurenevad veokulud oluliselt. Vastavalt kilometraažile saab teha täpsed hinnapakkumised piirkonniti ja klientuur saab transpordi pakkumise lisada koos toote pakkumisega ning lõpp-tarbija saab mugava ning soodsa transporditeenuse, mis hoiab autori klientuuri konkurentsis tihedal Rootsi puitmajade turul.The main research problem that author solved in thesis was the high price for woodenhouses transport from Estonia to Sweden, because of the door to door transport and unloading with hydraulic crane mounted on roadtrain. Author could say from job experience and the information from clients that if usual road transport and local cranes are used to transport woodenhouses then the transport price would be approximately 450 euros for one unit. This is the cost from Estonia to Stockholm, considering current marketprices. One loadingmeter price for regular semitrailer is 100 euros (woodenhouses stacked on top of eachother take three loadingmeters, what gives one woodenhouse 1,5 loadingmeters on calculating) and unloading with local crane is about 300 euros, that includes driving from base to unloading spot and unloading and driving back to base. Futher away from Stockholm the price only goes higher. The main concerne for authors clientele was how they can offer door to door transport to their clients so that the transport price is already included in the cost of the product and the final consumer just needs to place an order and all transport worries are done for them. For that, author needed to work out the most optimal transport scheme to cut costs for his employer and the same time give clientele cheapest possible transport price. Cheapest price would give the clientele competitive advantage selling their product and would make the transport process cheaper. In thesis author used road trains with mounted hydraulic cranes available to him and took price offers from different ferry operators to calculate possible transport costs. Author investigated nine different transport schemes, they included woodenhouses transport using only authors roadtrains, cabotage transport and transport by mixing different road trains with one and other. Author thoroughly investigated cabotage costs and compared it to other possible schemes. From calculated transport costs author concluded that the price difference for one unit with cabotage is marginal compared with other schemes. So the most reasonable transport scheme is to use cabotage transport, it gives authors employer opportunity to implement only one roadtrain to woodenhouses transport and gives the opportunity to assemble the most optimal routes in Sweden terminal. Cabotage will meet the clientele requirements and will be most easly logistically executed. For the research problem author found the best way to optimize costs and still offer an quality service. Author found that using cabotage transport he could manage to keep transport cost to Stockholm around 198 euros what is compared with 450 euros 56% cheaper, it is significantly cheaper and still meets the clientele requirements and author can optimally use his contractual carriers by assembeling the most economical routes for authors employer. In thesis author came to conclusion that different clients need different price offers according to their peculiarity. It is most important to transport full truckloads because partial loads will be significantly more expensive. From the distance from Stockholm to unloading spots it is possible to make price offers for clientele according to the region so the clientele can add transportation cost to their products and sell the woodenhouses with all costs included, so the final consumer recives cheapest and most comfortable service and it keeps the authors clientele in competition in the harsh market of woodenhouses in Sweden.Transport--Tansport of GoodsTransport--Logistics--Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementTransport--KaubaveduTransport--Logistika--Logistika ja tarneahela juhtimineTransport ja logistikaTransport and LogisticsOptimaalse veoskeemi väljatöötamine puitmajade veol Eestist RootsiThe development of an optimal transport scheme for the carriage of wooden houses from Estonia to Swedenthesis