Ramjalg, AnneliBrona, Mark2021-03-172021-03-172020https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/2974Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks oli lahendada ja organiseerida Tallinna Mustjõe Gümnaasiumi rekonstrueerimistööd. Arhitektuurses osas toodud lähteandmed on võetud Resand Inseneribüroo AS poolt koostatud põhiprojekti joonistest ja seletuskirjadest, mis näevad ette osalist koolihoone lammutamist ja uue hoone juurdeehitamist. Alltöövõtjate poolt saadud hankeaegsete hindade põhjal on koostatud objekti eelarve. Rekonstrueerimistööde maksumus ilma käibemaksuta on 5 688 432 eurot. Ehituse organiseerimise kulud koosnevad ehitusplatsi korraldus- ja üldkuludest, mille protsent kogu ehituse maksumusest on 9,5%. Üldine objekti planeerimisloogika on toodud ehitusplatsi üldplaanil ja selle juurde kuuluvas seletuskirjas. Lisaks arvutas autor välja ajutise vee- ja elektrivajaduse objektil. Koondkalendrigraafiku põhjal on näha, et rekonstrueerimistööde kestvus on 12 kuud. Lõputöös on lahendatud kaks tehnoloogia kaarti lammutus- ja müüritöödele. Tehnoloogilised kaardid koosnevad graafilisest osast, kus on skemaatiliselt näidatud ehitustööde põhimõte ja töötsoonid. Graafilist osa toetab seletuskiri, kus on esitatud ehitustöödes kasutatud meetodid ja võtted koos lähteandmetega ning töömahtude arvutused koos muude töövahendite vajadusega.The topic of this thesis is the organisation of the reconstruction works of the school building of Tallinn Mustjõe Gymnasium. The building to be reconstructed is located in Tallinn's Haabersti district at Paldiski maantee 83. The choice of the topic of the thesis is related to the fact that the author works as an object manager in the aforementioned company and the organisation of work on this object is directly related to his tasks. In order to find the reconstructor of the school building, a public procurement was announced by the Tallinn Education Department, the winner of which was Ramm Ehituse OÜ. Based on the consolidated calendar schedule, it can be seen that the duration of the reconstruction work is 12 months. In the course of the thesis, the basic data and construction conditions of the school building are briefly described, incl. also the method of recruitment and occupational and fire safety requirements. The general planning logic of the object is given in the general plan of the construction site and the accompanying explanatory note. In addition, the author calculated the temporary water and power supply needs of the object. Based on the prices received by the subcontractors as of the time of procurement, the budget of the object has been prepared. The time spent on similar school buildings and the need for labour have been used to determine time volumes and labour requirements. The cost of the reconstruction works, excluding VAT, is 5,688,432 euros. Construction organisation costs consist of site management and overhead costs, which represent 9.5% of the total construction cost. Two technology cards for demolition and masonry work have been solved in the dissertation. Technological maps consist of a section of graphs, which schematically shows the principle of construction works and work zones. The section of graphs is supported by an explanatory note, which presents the methods and techniques used in the construction works together with the source data and the calculations of the work volume together with the necessity for the use of other tools.Construction--Building Construction--Construction--Renovation and reconstruction workEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamine--Remont- ja rekonstrueerimistöödHoonete ehitusBuilding ConstructionTallinna Mustjõe Gümnaasiumi rekonstrueerimistööde organiseerimineOrganisation of Reconstruction Works of Tallinna Mustjõe Gymnasiumthesis