Allikas, IndrekPoolmaa, Hermo2021-03-172021-03-172018 organiseerimise projektis lahendati ja koostati müüritööde ja katuse tehnoloogiakaardid, detailne eelarve kus leiti ajamahud ja ehitusmaksumus, ehitusplatsi üldplaan ja koondkalenderplaan. Käesolevas töös on antud ülevaade arhitektuursest lahendusest, seadmetest ja ajutistest tehnosüsteemidest, valitud tõsteseadmetest, ohutusnõuetest tööl ja tuleohutusest ning keskonnakaitsest. Ehitus algus kuupäevaks on planeeritud 29.01.2018 ja lõpp kuupäevaks, millal antakse hoon tellijale üle 17.12.2018. Ehitusetapi pikkuseks on planeeritud 11 kuud. Ehituse eelarve on 1 959 770 eurot. (ei sisalda tellija reservi ja käibemaksu) Ehituse organiseerimise kulud kogu eelarvest on 5,39%. Hoone lepinguline ehitusmaksumus on 2 586 896 eurot. Hoone ehitamise ruutmeetri hind on 941,52 €/m2, hind on leitud ehituseelarve maksumusest. Ruutmeetri hind ei sisalda tellija reservi ja käibemaksu. Põhilised montaažitööd teostatakse tõstukautoga. Tõstukauto rendihind ühes tunnis on 55 eurot. Müüritööde tehnoloogiakaardis on antud ülevaade müüritiste ladumise tehnoloogiast, tehnilisest lahendusest, ohutusnõuetest, kvaliteedinõuetest ja vajalikest materjalidest. Katusetööde tehnoloogiakaardis on antud ülevaade kandva profiilpleki paigaldamise tehnoloogiast, tehnilisestest lahendusest soojustamisel ja hüdroisolatsiooni töödel, katusekatte materjali paigaldamise tehnoloogiast, ohutusnõuetest, kvaliteedinõuetest ja vajalikest materjalidest. Tehnoloogia kaartide seletuskirja loetakse koos graafilise osas olevate tehnoloogiakaartide tehniliste joonistega. Koostatud organiseerimise projekt toob välja ehituse võimalikud puudused. Koostatud organiseerimise projekt aitab vältida ehitusel töödest tekkivaid võimalike tehnoloogilisi pause ja aitab muuta ehituse kulgu sujuvamaks. Ehituse organiseerimise projektist saab ülevaate tööde järjekorrast, materjalide tarnevajadusest ja objektile esitatavatest töö- ja tuleohutusest ning keskonnakaitse nõuetest.The subject of this thesis is the creation of a project for organising the construction of Harkujärve kindergarten. The construction site is located in Harjumaa, Harku Parish, Harkujärve village at J. Venter road 6. The contracting entity for this construction is Harku Municipality Government. According to the building design documentation of Harku kindergarten, the kindergarten is built as a new construction. The preliminary building design by ConArte OÜ is the source data that was used for creating the project for organising the construction. Technology maps of masonry works and the roof were created and developed, a detailed budget was made that included the required time and cost of the construction, a master plan for the construction site and a construction schedule were developed in this project for organising the construction. This thesis gives an overview of the architectural solutions, equipment and temporary technical building systems, chosen lifting gear, on-site safety requirements, fire safety, and environmental protection. The construction is scheduled to start on 29 January 2018 and the building will be handed over to the client on 17 December 2018. The construction phase is planned to last 11 months. The budget for the construction is 1,959,770 euros (the reserve of the contracting authority and VAT are not included). The cost for organising the construction makes up 5.39% of the budget. The contractual construction cost is 2,586,896 euros. The construction cost is 941.52 €/m2, the funding for which comes from the budget. The cost per square meter does not include the reserve of the contracting authority or value added tax. The intended purpose of the building is a pre-school establishment. The exterior measurements of the building are 83.61 (length), 37.05 (width) and 7.94 (height) meters. The building area is 2081.5 m2 and the cubage of the building is 9426.1 m3. The building is one-storied and has a TP1 fire safety classification. Most assembly works will be done using hoisting equipment. The cost of renting hoisting equipment is 55 euros per hour. The technology map of masonry works gives an overview of the 65 masonry technology, technical solutions, safety requirements, quality requirements, and necessary materials. The technology map of the roofing works provides an overview of the placement techniques for load-bearing profiled sheets, technical solutions for insulation and hydro isolation, placement technology of roofing material, safety requirements, quality requirements and necessary materials. The explanatory statements of the technology maps should be read with the technical illustrations of the technology maps in the graphical part.Construction--Building Construction--Construction--Organization of constructionEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamine--Ehituse organiseerimineHoonete ehitusBuilding ConstructionHarkujärve lasteaia ehitustööde organiseerimineOrganising the Construction of Harkujärve Kindergartenthesis