Kuusk, MargitLamerson Maask, Sibille2021-03-172021-03-172014https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/1007Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks oli uurida lähteülesandeks oleva kootud eseme arendamiseks vajalike tehnoloogiate ja protsesside teoreetilist ja praktilist osa ning luua saadud info põhjal arendusprotsessi käigus lõpptarbijale mõeldud tehnoloogiliselt ja esteetiliselt sobiv valmistoode, mille tulemusena valmis Suzani tikanditest inspireeritud kudumite kollektsioon. Lõputöö raames uuriti esmalt kudumite tehnoloogia ja tootmise erinevaid võimalusi Eestis ning lähtuvalt saadud sisendist loodi unikaalne kudumismuster ja valmistati esikmudel erinevatest värvikombinatsioonidega kudum kardigan nimega Fleur. Töö autor tutvus põhjalikult kudumite tootmise tehnoloogiaga ettevõttes Kirinord OÜ. Ettevõttest omandatud teadmiste baasil valiti sobivad materjalid ning loodi tootmiseks sobiv kudum ning disainiti kudumite tootmistehnoloogiat arvestades toodetele kudumismuster. Kudumi kollektsiooni esikmudeli tootmiseks valiti Meriglio tehasest segulõng sisaldusega 50% peenmeriinovill ja 50% akrüül. Kudumi põhivärvideks valiti roosa ja must. Kudumismustri jaoks valiti roosal taustal valge ja mustal taustal must ja sinine. Katsetati lisaks roosa värvile halli lõnga mustriks. Toodangu planeerimiseks valmistati tootekaardid mille mõõdutabeli loomiseks kasutati Skandinaavia mõõdusüsteemi N-2001 normaalkehatüüpi pikkusega 168. Valmistabelis on möödud valmis toote pealt ja skeem kuidas mööte võtta. Lõputöö raames antakse soovitused koduseks hoolduseks. Töö käigus arvutati mudelite omahind, mis sisaldab lõnga, kupongi kudumise ja kokku õmblemise kulu ning abimaterjalide kulu nagu niit, pidepael, taskukott. Omahind sisaldab varjatud kulusid nagu toote arendusega kaasnevaid kulud. Lisaks reklaamfotode tegemist ja hiljem tuleb lisada toote markeerimiseks tulenevad kulud. Selleks, et toodangut oleks lihtsam müüa, korraldati turundusplaani ellu viimise toetamiseks fotosessioon mille käigus valmisid toodetest reklaampildid.The aim of this dissertation was to study the theoretical and practical part of the technologies and processes required for the development of the initial woven object and to create a technologically and aesthetically pleasing finished product for the end user based on the information obtained, resulting in a collection of Suzani-embroidered knitwear. In the framework of the dissertation, various possibilities of knitwear technology and production in Estonia were first studied, and based on the input, a unique knitting pattern was created and the first model was made of a knit cardigan called Fleur with different color combinations. The author of the work got thoroughly acquainted with the technology of knitwear production in the company Kirinord Lic. Based on the knowledge acquired in the company, suitable materials were selected and a knit suitable for production was created, and a knitting pattern was designed for the products, taking into account the knitting production technology. A blended yarn containing 50% fine merino wool and 50% acrylic was selected from the Meriglio factory to produce the first model of the knitwear collection. The main colors of the knitwear were pink and black. For the knitting pattern, white on a pink background and red and blue on a black background were chosen. In addition, a gray pattern was tested against a pink background. To plan production, product cards were prepared, which were created using the Scandinavian measurement system. The product card shows the dimensions on the finished product and a diagram of how to take the measurement. The thesis provides recommendations for home care. In the course of the work, the cost price of the models was calculated, which includes the cost of yarn, coupon weaving and sewing workmanship, and the cost of trim materials such as thread, handle, pocket bag. The cost price includes hidden costs, such as the costs of product development and, in addition, the cost of taking advertising photos. On the basis of the cost price, the wholesale price and the recommended retail price were calculated for the product. As a result of the dissertation, a beautiful cardigan model woven with different color combinations was completed, the production of which is planned for June 2020 and will go on sale in July this year. To support the sales campaign of the products on social media and to implement the marketing plan, a photo session was held, during which advertising pictures of the products were made.Clothing and Textiles--Design--Apparel CollectionsRõivad ja tekstiilid--Disain--Rõivakollektsioonide koostamineRõivaste tehniline disainTechnical Design of ApparelMustrilise kudumi kollektsiooni loomineCreating of a Patterned Knittwear Collectionthesis